Forum › Gakkou no Sensei discussion

joined Jan 30, 2013

Ok, I'll probably say something dumb since I've never done any scanlation work, but...
This manga has a pretty sharp and precise drawing style (feels like it was made digitally even) - wouldn't it be very easy to clean? Maybe someone would be interested in trying it out as training of sorts?
Either way, could probably post here

joined Sep 29, 2013

Ok, I'll probably say something dumb since I've never done any scanlation work, but...
This manga has a pretty sharp and precise drawing style (feels like it was made digitally even) - wouldn't it be very easy to clean? Maybe someone would be interested in trying it out as training of sorts?
Either way, could probably post here

We've posted various places recruiting and no one wants to help.

The drawing style makes no difference about cleaning. Look at text over background images, the redrawing takes a while. Yes you did preface it by saying "Ill probably say something dumb", but please don't assume. It does everyone a disservice when you don't know what you're talking about and try to claim something is easy. It's time consuming and this is done for free. Also, you don't seem to have tried recruiting anyone to do something like this for free before. Yes, I'm salty. I'm sick of people talking out of their ass about things they know nothing about and whining about this series in particular.

last edited at Nov 28, 2014 7:49AM

joined Mar 26, 2014

This series is so much fun ! Sakura is my favorite character and Yuriko a close second. "I could eat this 3 times a day". Lol Plus Sakura is so violent and is easy to get reactions out of.^^

joined Jul 13, 2015

Afther that April Fools joke the interested in the manga was kill

joined Jan 4, 2015

nenene... it's still ongoing right?! right?! no?

joined Oct 30, 2015

Nice! I've feel what they feel because I'm a teacher but It just it doesn't look I am one. hehehe...

joined Mar 16, 2013

It really doesn't feel like it's been almost 2 years, wow.
This happens to me a lot. xD

joined Jan 20, 2015

If this was already licensed

I would consider getting all the volumes
Sure would be nice to speak Japanese right now

joined Dec 15, 2016

I love this series and would hope it would be continued. I even tried to get the raws myself when I was in Japan. I looked in every store we visited and also asked an employee in a book off, but she couldn't find it anywhere. If anyone ever finds the raws please post them. Although I can't read any of it I would be statisfied if I for once saw the ending xD.

joined Jul 24, 2015

I love this series and would hope it would be continued. I even tried to get the raws myself when I was in Japan. I looked in every store we visited and also asked an employee in a book off, but she couldn't find it anywhere. If anyone ever finds the raws please post them. Although I can't read any of it I would be statisfied if I for once saw the ending xD.

Maybe they're not selling in physical stores anymore or it was an online only serialization I don't know, but there's all five volumes here to buy in a digital format. As for raws, I only found up to chapter 11.

Why the heck did I bloody read this without checking the last update date?!!!!
It’s wpqi already, I hope this’ll get picked up by a scan group soon.

joined Nov 12, 2017

Ive got some bad news for you guys... this manga is a trap. Its fucking horrible. It tricks you with cute comedy but you wont expect to see whats coming for you. Ive seen the ending of this manga (c35) and let me tell you.... this teacher have sex with his male student and get fired. She fail as a teacher. And thats it. They decide to not translate the rest of the chapter because of the bullshit ending. Fuck the author

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 11:48AM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Ive got some bad news for you guys... this manga is a trap. Its fucking horrible. It tricks you with cute comedy but you wont expect to see whats coming for you. Ive seen the ending of this manga (c35) and let me tell you.... this teacher have sex with his male student and get fired. She fail as a teacher. And thats it. They decide to not translate the rest of the chapter because of the bullshit ending. Fuck the author

Is this actually true...? If it is, then, well, I know what I'm not reading anymore (not that I can anyway, but, yeah, you know).

joined Nov 12, 2017

Is this actually true...? If it is, then, well, I know what I'm not reading anymore (not that I can anyway, but, yeah, you know).

Its true, you can find the final chapter on google. Feels like the creator of the manga is an asshole by giving fake hope to the reader. Not to mention they drag out the story to 35 chapter just for making the reader piss off.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:06PM

joined Jun 3, 2018

I decided to check out the ending and its all true. Its rather disgusting how easily she (the teacher) did it, not to mention she was already in a relationship with another woman (Misora). One of the most unbelievably bad endings I've ever witnessed.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 10:24AM

joined Jun 12, 2015

Wait what, what the fuck. Het and cheating at the same fucking time ? Like I don't understand how the author could end it like that, that make no fucking sense. Did they secretly hate all yuri fan and waited until the last volume to screw all their fan ? Did the editor make them do it ? Did they get axed to punish their fan for some reason ? And to think I wanted to buy all the japanese volume at some point, but never been able to find it at a reasonable price. I guess it's fortunate because I would have been really pissed of for wasting my money on this.

Seriously, I never been so disappointed in a manga like that. I know I will sound harsh, but I'm kinda glad it doesn't look like the author got any success for their later series (which was a fucking harem manga of all thing) and stopped making manga altogether because they don't deserves anything after pulling that type of thing

joined Jul 28, 2016

I decided to check out the ending and its all true. Its rather disgusting how easily she (the teacher) did it, not to mention she was already in a relationship with another woman (Misora). One of the most unbelievably bad endings I've ever witnessed.


Seriously, I never been so disappointed in a manga like that. I know I will sound harsh, but I'm kinda glad it doesn't look like the author got any success for their later series (which was a fucking harem manga of all thing) and stopped making manga altogether because they don't deserves anything after pulling that type of thing

I definitely agree with you there. If someone doesn't know their audience that badly or, worse, actively works to alienate them, well... things ain't gonna go well for them, as they apparently haven't for this dude.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sounds like the author for some reason got majorly pissed off and did the manga-artist equivalent of flipping the table (and setting it on fire for good measure). :/

joined Jul 19, 2018

Look at that, a four-year-old April fools' joke still getting bites. Before any of you send hate mail, I suggest reading this:

joined Nov 12, 2017

Look at that, a four-year-old April fools' joke still getting bites. Before any of you send hate mail, I suggest reading this:

Thanks. I feel dumb for not knowing this old joke. No one talk about it here though.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Jeez, the last comment on that link kind of sums it up. A shame, is funny stuff.

joined Jun 12, 2015

From awful ending to standard yuri bait het ending, I guess it's slightly 'better'. Still, I don't regret never being able to buy this and I wish one day people will stop pulling thing like that

joined Apr 27, 2013

Look at that, a four-year-old April fools' joke still getting bites. Before any of you send hate mail, I suggest reading this:

The actual ending is... marginally better? Not an aggressive slap in the face of the readers, but still pretty much the opposite of what I'd want to see

joined Jun 3, 2018

Eh, good to know it wasn't that bad in the end. So the real ending is pretty neutral (still leaning towards negative though).

joined Feb 15, 2013

Haha admittedly I fell to the same April Joke Fool a few years back. Recognised it shortly though considering how weird the dialogue was.

This manga feel like a case of want-it-to-be-gay-but-can't , which was quite popular back then. Feel like we turned the page in recent years though

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