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joined Mar 28, 2015

Looks like her power is fading in latest chapter.

joined Mar 6, 2014

That's not gonna end well is it

joined Mar 13, 2014

A somewhat similar situation to this one has appeared in another manga which I'm sure everyone knows about.

please let this one end in sexy time after making up pls

joined May 11, 2012

A somewhat similar situation to this one has appeared in another manga which I'm sure everyone knows about.

please let this one end in sexy time after making up pls

I don't remember that manga, name please.

joined Mar 25, 2013

Woo, it's been such a long time since the last one. A little more exposition on Murakami huh? That's always welcomed. So at max 4 more chapters.

I wonder if Murakami truly likes Moritani. I should re-read earlier chapters but I don't recall Murakami shown to have feelings for her, just as Moritani thinks, she does whatever it's expected of her. It's doubtful but it could end badly.

last edited at Jul 26, 2015 3:37PM

joined Jan 8, 2014

I dunno...maybe the rest will be her actually learning what she wants ? I hope anyway

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

I actually think Moritani will teach Murakami to do what she wants and she will really fall for her.

joined Nov 18, 2014

Oh kami-sama please let this end in a happy end

joined Jan 31, 2013

It's already chapter 14 of what said to be 18 chapter, and Murakami is still a freaking enigma.

By the way, the pictures in the credit are lovely.

joined Mar 6, 2014

Oh kami-sama please let this end in a happy end


joined Mar 6, 2012

Oh yeah ..There is this one :p ..forgot all about it

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

Murakami's face at the bottom of page 11, she seriously thinks that Moritani is just asking to know her body better (which isn't what Moritani means at all). I'd say that Murakami truly believes that the only reason someone would want her is for her body. That is she believes nobody would want her for herself, not even as a friend. I'd also guess that she has a lot of experience backing up that belief.

The way the two became acquainted back in chapter one fit that preconceived notion. Moritani is going to have to do something drastic to start shaking that belief loose. The stage was set in this chapter, but can Moritani do what has to be done? Moritani is like I used to be when I was young; I know what it's like to be a person who fades into the background, who doesn't make waves, who never does anything drastic. It took me decades to somewhat break out of that mold.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Murakami's face at the bottom of page 11, she seriously thinks that Moritani is just asking to know her body better (which isn't what Moritani means at all). I'd say that Murakami truly believes that the only reason someone would want her is for her body. That is she believes nobody would want her for herself, not even as a friend. I'd also guess that she has a lot of experience backing up that belief.

The way the two became acquainted back in chapter one fit that preconceived notion. Moritani is going to have to do something drastic to start shaking that belief loose. The stage was set in this chapter, but can Moritani do what has to be done? Moritani is like I used to be when I was young; I know what it's like to be a person who fades into the background, who doesn't make waves, who never does anything drastic. It took me decades to somewhat break out of that mold.

That is exactly what I hope will happen now. Moritani teaches Murakami how to enjoy herself and after Moritani's power disappear they will live happily ever after as a real couple.

joined Aug 30, 2013

this is such a good series.

joined Sep 25, 2013

Chapters feel so short in the time it takes to get updates. I always get so hyped and forget how short they are, kind of like with Life is Strange episodes. :(

Still, I'm glad it's at least maintaining an interesting pace. Will be glad to see how it ends.

joined Feb 23, 2015

I forgot about this because the last update was long time ago, but dude I need to see how their relationship ends!

Chapters feel so short in the time it takes to get updates. I always get so hyped and forget how short they are, kind of like with Life is Strange episodes. :(

Omg a LiS player! The hype is real, only 2 more days... hang in there!

joined Feb 7, 2013

OMG!! Flagtime! Today my life have been fulfilled. TT TT

last edited at Jul 26, 2015 6:38PM

joined Sep 25, 2013

Omg a LiS player! The hype is real, only 2 more days... hang in there!

New chapter comes out on my birthday. Chloe baby come to me.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Yaaaay another update!!!

joined Jun 6, 2014

Murakami's face at the bottom of page 11, she seriously thinks that Moritani is just asking to know her body better (which isn't what Moritani means at all). I'd say that Murakami truly believes that the only reason someone would want her is for her body. That is she believes nobody would want her for herself, not even as a friend. I'd also guess that she has a lot of experience backing up that belief.

The way the two became acquainted back in chapter one fit that preconceived notion. Moritani is going to have to do something drastic to start shaking that belief loose. The stage was set in this chapter, but can Moritani do what has to be done? Moritani is like I used to be when I was young; I know what it's like to be a person who fades into the background, who doesn't make waves, who never does anything drastic. It took me decades to somewhat break out of that mold.

I've been iterating from the beginning that I think Murakami just has low self-worth and self-awareness. She's been chewed up and spit out by too many...not necessarily abusive, but rather short-sighted and unkind partners in her past, that she's let it get to her head that her worth is only as much as what others project on her, and she's gotten unlucky (until now) in finding a proper significant other.

Murakami I think does legitimately like Moritani, and Moritani is putting a lot of effort toward the relationship. It's finally Murakami's turn for a wake-up slap.

joined May 13, 2015

it's been more than half a year

joined May 13, 2015

this chapter reminded of that one time in citrus where Mei was doing what Murakami and Yuzu slapped her.
oh murakami

joined Dec 18, 2013

Is amazing to see more of this series after so long. I still can't fully understand Murakami's behavior but I like to think eveyrthing will sorted out and we'll have a happy ending.

joined Jun 12, 2015

A somewhat similar situation to this one has appeared in another manga which I'm sure everyone knows about.

please let this one end in sexy time after making up pls

Do you mean The Feelings We All Must Endure''?

joined Jul 26, 2013

7 months of waiting for such a short chapter...I crei

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