Home-made yogurt is awesome, even plain. Your argument is invalid.
Nonono not homemade yogurt. Cooking yogurt. If you've ever eaten it and can legitimately tell me you like it by itself then you craaaaaazy girl.
I have never in my life heard of a substance called "cooking yogurt". Even Google seems to draw a blank, so I'm really not sure what you mean.
So I went back and used these gifts from mother genetics called eyes and saw that you used the qualifier "EVEN PLAIN". Cooking yogurt is just a chef's name for plain yogurt. But I still stand by the fact you're crazy if you think plain yogurt by itself tasted anything remotely close to the word 'good'.
Long extended metaphor over now. My point was that this felt very skeletal and bland without much emotion. Not that it's cliche (because at least some of you know how much that word bugs me), it literally just felt like it was trying to be cookie-cutter cute and failed to give any character to the people involved.