Shou Stand by me h tank completely translated..
if anyone interested.
Thank you very much for letting us know, with this we can say that all volumes that this author has published have been completely translated into English and for me this is a very good thing.
Although all volumes have been translated, there is still material that has not been translated and is the following:
-Implicity: The most recent series that is publishing at Comic LO and that neither Chapter X or Chapter 1 have been translated into English. As a curious note, Chapter X was published in May 2013 (the same month that began Stretch) and Chapter 1 was published in June 2014 and Chapter 2 has not been published yet, so we can say that our dear Stretch is consuming all the time to this author.
-Deodorant: A oneshot 6 pages published in the Weekly Big Comic Spirits, where a character looks like Ran, but with the difference that the girl shows interest in a man, xd.
-A Oneshot 6 pages published in Yawaspi for the first anniversary and where it shows a bit of the author's life, but unfortunately it has been deleted from the site and have not copy. Interestingly this author tends to draw himself as a woman, in the case of this oneshot was represented as a female demon with horns and covered with bandages and a oneshot published in the Comic LO is represented as a loli and did the same with editors, xd.
-A Interview on the website Women Insight, very interesting indeed.
-A Interview in the magazine You, where the girl demon appears.
Bonus track 1: The avatar of the author, that is, the girl demon appears on the sign of free samples on the second page of chapter 39.
Bonus track 2: August calendar has been published in Yawaspi. Two chapters have been listed for this month, one for the August 6 and the other for August 27, although dates are subject to change.
Bonus track 3: A new series started by Toruneko in Yawaspi and the funny thing is that the author had previously dedicated exclusively to adult material, primarily in the publishing Akaneshinsha, which is the same where Higashiyama Shou has published much of their work. In the case of Toruneko, they recognize that the author comes from the world of adult material, but do not say his name, but the author confirmed his true identity on Twitter. So I wonder, when Higashiyama Shou will say is Akiri ?
last edited at Aug 3, 2015 6:45PM