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machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

I jacked Kouhai's account to tell you all that this peach I am eating is sweet and juicy and oh my god it's so delicious

Also buy this doujin from tima pls

joined Apr 5, 2015

What's with those pictures lol, as soon as i saw them i started laughing and favorited this

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

Also shadow oneesama from divulge has taught both of us a great lesson on how to kiss girls and now we got 10/10 scores from the wikiHow kissing a girl quiz!

Yes happy birthday, we're still very much shit babies.

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 3:06PM

Divulge Scans
joined Dec 29, 2010

Also shadow oneesama from divulge has taught both of us a great lesson on how to kiss girls and now we got 10/10 scores from the wikiHow kissing a girl quiz!

Happy anniversary you two! I hope your kissing advice gets good use. Remember: tight seal.

joined Mar 28, 2015

What's with the pics used for censorship? xD

joined Oct 15, 2014

What's with the pics used for censorship? xD

I'm guessing they're either really fucking with us, or they really want us to buy the uncensored version from Tima.

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

What's with the pics used for censorship? xD

I'm guessing they're either really fucking with us, or they really want us to buy the uncensored version from Tima.

Why can't it be both? 8D

(I will continue to jack Kouhai's account while I am giddy from my sugar high)

joined Aug 20, 2014


joined May 15, 2015

NHFH please. Only you guys can put silly censors on a doujin I want and still get away with it. You silly gooses.

joined Jul 28, 2014


OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I...didn't actually read it >_>

But happy anniversary guys!

joined Jan 13, 2015

Joke or not I don´t really care but this ridiculous Censorship is ruining the whole thing.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I jacked Kouhai's account to tell you all that this peach I am eating is sweet and juicy and oh my god it's so delicious

Also buy this doujin from tima pls

Cool! They sell an English version too?

joined Oct 15, 2014

I jacked Kouhai's account to tell you all that this peach I am eating is sweet and juicy and oh my god it's so delicious

Also buy this doujin from tima pls

Cool! They sell an English version too?

Looks like they only have the JP version, which is already on Sadpanda.

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 4:05PM

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

The website itself has an English version of it. The doujin itself is only in JP. And yes it is available on sad panda but Booth is affiliated with Pixiv and does accept foreigner credit cards. Even if you can't read it, please consider supporting the artist by buying the digital releases. They're most often extremely cheap, under 500yen most of the time, and it encourages artists to put more stuff on there thus boosting availability of doujins.

As for the people that are being extremely salty about the mimorin faces, yes we will release a proper version, so keep your diapers on tight.

joined Nov 23, 2013

Next time use pictures of Heavy eating Sandvich pls.

joined Oct 15, 2013

guess I'll keep the non-translated version I already had until a proper release... I just stopped a few pages into this one.

joined May 11, 2012

Next time use pictures of Heavy eating Sandvich pls.

No, picture of cats in lewd poses and licking each other. because they're pussies, get it?

joined Feb 21, 2015

stupid censorship is stupid (but also hilarious)

joined Jan 27, 2015

this manga supposed to be romantic right? but why i laugh so hard right nao

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Even if you can't read it, please consider supporting the artist by buying the digital releases. They're most often extremely cheap, under 500yen most of the time, and it encourages artists to put more stuff on there thus boosting availability of doujins.

Is there somewhere people can read instructions?

joined Apr 1, 2014

That was stupid.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

As a preliminary, if you go there, and assuming you're clicking on a doujin, many of them are over 18 so that's the next screen, just pick [はい] ("hai," yes) on the left. It sets a cookie. Then you get a few pages sample. If I get time, I'll buy one and put the instructions on the forums somewhere.

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

Even if you can't read it, please consider supporting the artist by buying the digital releases. They're most often extremely cheap, under 500yen most of the time, and it encourages artists to put more stuff on there thus boosting availability of doujins.

Is there somewhere people can read instructions?

When you first get to the doujin page, you'll see a warning pop up. It's basically just asking you if you're 18, since this is an R18 release. Your options are はい and いいえ、and you wanna click the はい. Then you'll get to the doujin page. Click that nice "Add to cart" button on the right side. If you wanna tip the artist, enter an amount and then click the grey "Update" button. If not, hit the "Checkout" button on the right. From there, you wanna hit the "Checkout after Sign in with pixiv" on the top left. If not, make a pixiv account. The next page is entering your credit card info, and everything should be straight forward from there.

If you still have any questions, though, please ask.

(Still Anon jacking the account)

joined Sep 22, 2013

Omg I couldn't concentrate with those censures °O°

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