idk, look at anything by Fujieda Miyabi, none of their stories feature opposition to lesbian relationships, or even a need to keep them secret. Morishima Akiko's stuff is usually about girls in happy, functioning gay relationships and often has adult characters who don't have that "hiding from classmates" thing going on. Even her big series, Hanjuku Joshi, doesn't have much about keeping the relationship secret although there are a couple of brief nods to the idea. Pieta, noted earlier, doesn't have any of that and is a more serious series.
Love My Life (not on the reader) is about a somewhat older (college age?) couple and the MC coming to terms with both her parents being gay as well, although her girlfriend is keeping their relationship secret from her father that's about all there is of secrecy. The movie's not bad although it seems to portray the MC as slightly less mature.
As whatwhat noted, the whole question is kind of vague so it's hard to answer well.