Forum › REAL Lesbian Manga

joined Dec 18, 2014

The whole "it feels so dirty/weird/wrong/unnatural to like another girl" is getting old.

Correction, it was old before it even started.

Supposedly Japan is fairly unopposed to (but not fully supportive of) LGBT rights, with little influence from fundamentalist religion, though if one were to read yuri, you'd think it was as bad as Russia or something.

Any suggestions for REAL yuri that isn't obsessively preoccupied with keeping up the pretence of the "sinful nature" of gay relationships while somehow still trying to make the reader sympathise with the genuine nature of the romance?

joined Sep 15, 2013

This question slightly confuses me, would pieta be something to your liking? Or are you searching for ones like honey honey as posted by the person above, realistically portrayed romance is difficult to find in mangas and art in general because so many of us read or consume it as an exercise of fantasy.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

idk, look at anything by Fujieda Miyabi, none of their stories feature opposition to lesbian relationships, or even a need to keep them secret. Morishima Akiko's stuff is usually about girls in happy, functioning gay relationships and often has adult characters who don't have that "hiding from classmates" thing going on. Even her big series, Hanjuku Joshi, doesn't have much about keeping the relationship secret although there are a couple of brief nods to the idea. Pieta, noted earlier, doesn't have any of that and is a more serious series.

Love My Life (not on the reader) is about a somewhat older (college age?) couple and the MC coming to terms with both her parents being gay as well, although her girlfriend is keeping their relationship secret from her father that's about all there is of secrecy. The movie's not bad although it seems to portray the MC as slightly less mature.

As whatwhat noted, the whole question is kind of vague so it's hard to answer well.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I think Ashley is wanting more yuri without the closet ever being mentioned... And Japan didn't have Christianity beating them over the head with anti-gay stuff, they were just sexually repressed.
To let people you know you're gay is to let them know what sort of sex you like, and sex isn't something they talk about in public.

Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

Surprised it didn't come up yet, but what about ?

Tbh I can't recall if the closet thing was never mentioned, but the series is in general about a more realistic relationship. And, depending on what time frame is depicted, they're definitely open about it (but not necessarily "in your face").

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Surprised it didn't come up yet, but what about ?

Tbh I can't recall if the closet thing was never mentioned, but the series is in general about a more realistic relationship. And, depending on what time frame is depicted, they're definitely open about it (but not necessarily "in your face").

Nishi Uko's stuff has had subtle references to the closet though, most notably Mannequin. Collectors is realistic in its way, but it's also a bit of a comedy so the darker parts of the real world don't tend to intrude. They still do sometimes, but she tries to keep it light.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Would this count?

joined Sep 15, 2013

So I think I confused myself over ashleys post, I read sympathises and thought that she meant situations where you would feel pity or sorrow for the characters, where as she just wanted as people said mangas which showed a Yuri pairing being treated the same way as one would treat a straight pairing, that was my bad I generally don't make such obvious mistakes sorry.
You can read the anthology titled Resounding Echos, filled with angst sure but none of it is because of their orientation(iirc that is.), pretty good read.

last edited at Jun 17, 2015 2:12PM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

The Emperor hasn't recognized lesbianism as a proper shogunate yet, of course the Japanese won't go along with it whole hog.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The first chapter is about them having a secret relationship, though.

joined Nov 10, 2013

The first chapter is about them having a secret relationship, though.

It's good, though.

joined Dec 18, 2014

Wow, thanks everyone! I'll have to check em all out.

And yes, to be blunt, I'm looking for realistic lesbian romances. As I said, guilt over one's homosexuality (usually felt by the MC) is a very much in-your-face theme of so many yuri, I'm looking for manga that doesn't feature that, manga that treats homosexuality/homoromanticism no different than heterosexuality.

last edited at Jun 17, 2015 4:51PM

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