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joined Oct 11, 2010

I think Amano is under some weed when she writes the endings of her manga. First the Feelings, now this... Someone should warn her about her mental health.

I see nothing wrong with how this turned out, the end being how it ended was pretty predictable...

joined Mar 9, 2014

I think Amano is under some weed when she writes the endings of her manga. First the Feelings, now this... Someone should warn her about her mental health.

I see nothing wrong with how this turned out, the end being how it ended was pretty predictable...

Haha predictable ? really ? Then you've got great deduction skills x)

joined Feb 23, 2014

This final chapter is such an incoherent mess it's not even funny. I WTFed at the whole pimp thing, rolled my eyes at her sudden offscreen death and outright facepalmed at the substitute sibling appearing years later.

What a complete train wreck.

Basically this, also i think i have been desensitized by all the shitty endings this past year, i didn't even bat an eye at any of that bullshit, though that might be the story's fault for breaking my suspension of disbelief and making me lose interest.

the offscreen death was particularly dumb, i will admit i laughed a little when "she never came back" showed up

Also sometimes i feel like im the only one who isn't blinded by fangirling over Amano because the last couple things put up here by them have been shit, just saying :/

last edited at May 24, 2015 9:10PM

joined Nov 16, 2013

Damn. Well I'm gutted...

I can see how it might seem ridiculous to most people, but I see a lot of my own life in Tomo. Only, I wasn't as smart or as cool, heh. I feel like the ending was a little rushed, though. Which is weird for how drawn out it was. I would have liked to see the idea of escaping her father's grasp explored a little more, as well as how Ai lived afterwards. And as much as I love age gaps, the sibling replacement thing is just too unsatisfying. Either play it straight and make her an actual character whose difference from her sister is explored, or have Tomo come back.

last edited at May 24, 2015 9:11PM

joined May 10, 2015

I see nothing wrong with how this turned out, the end being how it ended was pretty predictable...

Just no.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Figured some might be curious, but these are the listed release dates (I assume) for each chapter as listed in the the tankobon release (which is from Aug. 2014).

So this has been done for a while. "The Feelings We All Must Endure" started after she got out "philosophia III."

For reference, "Sweet Guilty Love Bites" is from 2010.

last edited at May 24, 2015 9:18PM

joined Feb 23, 2014

oh we got 2 more chapters and a postscript? this literally cannot go anywhere but repeat the exact same thing with new girl/guy, there is no point to this thing.

And if its set before the end of chapter 4 that doesnt exactly work either because we know where it goes now.

joined Jan 31, 2013

oh we got 2 more chapters and a postscript? this literally cannot go anywhere but repeat the exact same thing with new girl/guy, there is no point to this thing.

And if its set before the end of chapter 4 that doesnt exactly work either because we know where it goes now.

Nah, it is just the way the chapters are numbered. The Roman Numerals are her physical releases. For example: "philosophia IV" contained "Chapter 6."

Chapter 3 and 4 were in "philosophia III."

It's why in the afterword she talks about screwed up numbering.

last edited at May 24, 2015 9:22PM

joined Feb 23, 2014

Good, very good.
Seriously this would be the equiv of pulling a majin buu aka: continuing the plot far after it should have ended.

joined May 19, 2014

That was depressingly romantic.

The part where Tomo died had me like, Okay that's fine, that's just life people come and go... But the appearance of the sibling who just happened to conveniently look like Tomo, who was never hinted in the series whatsoever was nonsensical. It would've made more sense if Tomo decided to fake her death to "finalise" getting away from her father or to cut ties off with him permanently, admittedly too a drastic way. But y'know that would've been fine.

Unless, that really was Tomo and that was just some sort of "I'm the sibling" play or something. sighs

joined May 25, 2014

Well, I didnt see that coming.

Youu are nooooot alooooooooneeee

Me either... I wasn't expecting a happy ending, but I wasn't expecting that.

joined Dec 24, 2014

damn!! why? why? why did Tomo have to die? sobs

joined Jun 6, 2014

If it weren't for the whole thing about Tomo being a pimp, the abrupt end might even have worked. I can think a lot of different possibilities for "darken" Tomo's character without resorting to the underworld.

Moreover, in some way, I even expect the last pages (the "comeback" of Tomo). If it had been really her (like "hohoho! I had to fake my death but I'm back because, after all, I was only a damn tsundere who failed to be honest with herself" or something xD), the whole bit about her darkness would even have sense.

But ... um ... nope. As things just happen in the end don't fit for me. A pity, because there was no history of Shuninta disappointed me so far.

Gosh that very accurately puts thing in perspective.

The issue is that this story fell to the same trap I used to criticize Yui_7 for. It works brilliantly on paper: Tomo depressed about where her life has fallen to and couldn't care less anymore about it, but then in walks amazing Ai who sticks by her beyond all else with an amazing soliloquy about love, and she breaks from the guilt and can't handle it. But upon execution, we get this.

Normally Shuninta is brilliant at endings and how to craft together some neat outlooks. I think the thought and the concept is there...just not put together quite right. Kinda like Frankenstein's monster. Calling it a trainwreck is too far since I think if Tomo had pulled that sneaky shit and ran away to be with Ai and leave her old life behind we wouldn't be complaining right now. We would be (mostly) celebrating it, assuming Shuninta put that together well. I think Amano knew that and wanted to switch things up with a more atypical tragic ending to emphasize the loneliness and pain dynamic with Ai and Tomo, but there was a bit too much of a foreign substance injected into it (the suicide kinda felt like the easy way out in terms of plot, but not the right way).

joined Jan 30, 2013

Where did chapter 5 and 6 go?

joined Aug 22, 2014

I don't know if I want to,cry cause Tomo died or be happy for the repeated plot twist....Amano you mest with my heart strings!!!!!!

joined Dec 18, 2013

The problem with the "sneaky shit" is that it doesn't makes a lick of sense in the context of the plot. I mean, can you honestly believe that the girl spends all her time alone is able to run a "escort" service for rich people?

For that to work she should've been depicted surrounded or talking with random girls every now and then.

And the worst thing is that you could fix that easily, instead of making Tomo a pimp make it so she is prosituting herself. That would also fit neatly in the idea of Tomo being depressed and utherly apathetic about her own being.

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

Where did chapter 5 and 6 go?

See below

Figured some might be curious, but these are the listed release dates (I assume) for each chapter as listed in the the tankobon release (which is from Aug. 2014).

So this has been done for a while. "The Feelings We All Must Endure" started after she got out "philosophia III."

For reference, "Sweet Guilty Love Bites" is from 2010.

joined Jan 13, 2014

death and resurrection

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I liked it. Admittedly, ya'll spoiled it - though I didn't take the warnings seriously - but I did genuinely like it. Much like Feelings, I enjoyed the twists and turns. Where one person sees "a lack of literary context," I see a first-person story. Much like real life (please don't laugh), what we see doesn't always reflect what really is, and what happens is neither fair nor predictable.

And if you consider that bad writing, well then...maybe consider giving up on Amano Shuninta's work. Between this and Feelings, her "recent" style very clearly does not conform to those expectations.

I would not say, for the record, that it was amazing or well-paced or any of those things. Now allow me to abruptly end this post, Shuninta-style.

Where did chapter 5 and 6 go?

Also, the numbering was changed here to reflect the "original" numbering ("0" doesn't really work as "0" in our context), and might be changed again soon.

joined May 11, 2012

I don't know what to think about this anymore, like Gale said if we assume Tomo was chronically depressed the story do makes a lot more sense, but the way it endend...

Can we really be sure that's not Tomo in the end? She being a pimp came out of nowhere, then she died and they never found the body, and years later a half-sister dressed like her, using the same type of glasses and that looks like a version a little older than her shows up, if they had the same mother it would be really unlikely but they could look the same, but is that even possible with half-siblings? Anyone who knows about genetics could give their opinion about this? At least I think she looks a little older than Tomo looked, japanese womans sometimes do age very well and Ai don't really look that much older either, can we really discard the possibility that she's really not Tomo? We don't know exactly how much years have passed, and did Amano ever made a story where the characters didn't get together? Did she ever made a bad end? I don't know but I find it really unlikely that Amano would really kill Tomo and Ai would stay single for years, and then she would meet Tomo half-sister and maybe start a relationship with her, and that "half-sister" in their first meet said Ai was beautiful, said she had a older sister that disappeared, not that she died, and ask if she didn't want to have some tea, after all the plot twists and the way the story progressed in this chapter, I'm the only one that find it all really suspicious? I'm the only one that think that she can really be Tomo?

There's also the fact that she did The Feelings We All Must Endure between chapters and the one year gap between chapter 5 and 6, since she tried to make a more philosophical story but stoped to make a more realistic story with The Feelings We All Must Endure, I think she didn't know how to continue Philosophia anymore, sure The Feelings We All Must Endure is not her best work, but would she write something like this if she really didn't want to make it like this? I'm not sure this was really bad writing, I think she didn't know how to continue the philosophical aspect of the story and just started to mock and taunt us with the way chapter 6 was, like with the plost twist of Tomo being a pimp and dying offscreen, It's just me or that was not really bad writing but just trolling? She wouldn't be the first creator to troll their fans....

Anyone have Amano twitter? Can't someone just ask her about the ending? Cause I don't have any fucking idea of what I should think about it anymore, I mean, did she really die? Did she fake her death? Was this really bad writring? Or she's just trolling us? Is it both? Is it none? I think something is breaking inside me...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Man... That was some intense feels! I had read about the ending, but I forgot about what happened to Tomo from when I read those spoilers... That was rough...

Nobody does painful quite like Amano. If you are looking for happy go lucky love stories, just run away when you see her name as the mangaka! But sometimes those are good too... Feelings was at least a semi-happy ending, though the why of it was hard to fathom... This one is pretty much pure pain. Not that it wasn't good.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Man... That was some intense feels! I had read about the ending, but I forgot about what happened to Tomo from when I read those spoilers... That was rough...

Nobody does painful quite like Amano. If you are looking for happy go lucky love stories, just run away when you see her name as the mangaka! But sometimes those are good too... Feelings was at least a semi-happy ending, though the why of it was hard to fathom... This one is pretty much pure pain. Not that it wasn't good.

I beg to disagree she has awesomely sweet works,it's clear you haven't read :
sweet guilty love bites
yukemuri sanctuary
not for sale
dream at dawn
sweet examination
sweet exercise


joined Apr 27, 2014

I don't know what to think about this anymore, like Gale said if we assume Tomo was chronically depressed the story do makes a lot more sense, but the way it endend...

Can we really be sure that's not Tomo in the end? She being a pimp came out of nowhere, then she died and they never found the body, and years later a half-sister dressed like her, using the same type of glasses and that looks like a version a little older than her shows up, if they had the same mother it would be really unlikely but they could look the same, but is that even possible with half-siblings? Anyone who knows about genetics could give their opinion about this? At least I think she looks a little older than Tomo looked, japanese womans sometimes do age very well and Ai don't really look that much older either, can we really discard the possibility that she's really not Tomo? We don't know exactly how much years have passed, and did Amano ever made a story where the characters didn't get together? Did she ever made a bad end? I don't know but I find it really unlikely that Amano would really kill Tomo and Ai would stay single for years, and then she would meet Tomo half-sister and maybe start a relationship with her, and that "half-sister" in their first meet said Ai was beautiful, said she had a older sister that disappeared, not that she died, and ask if she didn't want to have some tea, after all the plot twists and the way the story progressed in this chapter, I'm the only one that find it all really suspicious? I'm the only one that think that she can really be Tomo?

There's also the fact that she did The Feelings We All Must Endure between chapters and the one year gap between chapter 5 and 6, since she tried to make a more philosophical story but stoped to make a more realistic story with The Feelings We All Must Endure, I think she didn't know how to continue Philosophia anymore, sure The Feelings We All Must Endure is not her best work, but would she write something like this if she really didn't want to make it like this? I'm not sure this was really bad writing, I think she didn't know how to continue the philosophical aspect of the story and just started to mock and taunt us with the way chapter 6 was, like with the plost twist of Tomo being a pimp and dying offscreen, It's just me or that was not really bad writing but just trolling? She wouldn't be the first creator to troll their fans....

Anyone have Amano twitter? Can't someone just ask her about the ending? Cause I don't have any fucking idea of what I should think about it anymore, I mean, did she really die? Did she fake her death? Was this really bad writring? Or she's just trolling us? Is it both? Is it none? I think something is breaking inside me...

HEY you do think a lot....hummmm, I do agree I was like... "Hey maybe she faked her death" but...20 years? what kind of idiot is she to make Ai wait and be lonely for so long....if not well...the sister replacement...that's..I don't know..and yes no body was found? Well drowning in the sea makes it hard to be found I think.

I did consider she wanted to troll us all as well ,just cos she can.
The pimp thing...well...if she had depression she didn't wanna work right? so pimping is easy no?
I just can't think anymore

joined May 11, 2012

HEY you do think a lot....hummmm, I do agree I was like... "Hey maybe she faked her death" but...20 years? what kind of idiot is she to make Ai wait and be lonely for so long....if not well...the sister replacement...that's..I don't know..and yes no body was found? Well drowning in the sea makes it hard to be found I think.

I did consider she wanted to troll us all as well ,just cos she can.
The pimp thing...well...if she had depression she didn't wanna work right? so pimping is easy no?
I just can't think anymore

Did they ever say it was 20 years? it never say anything about how long have passed, the only thing we have to measure time is the supposedly half-sister, and even if Ai aged like wine, she looks what, 30 years old at best? Really I'm not buying this bullshit that Tomo died and Ai stayed single for more than 20 years... (-3-)

I say we should demand a explanation from Amano. \ ( `A´ ) /

last edited at May 24, 2015 11:34PM

joined Apr 27, 2014

HEY you do think a lot....hummmm, I do agree I was like... "Hey maybe she faked her death" but...20 years? what kind of idiot is she to make Ai wait and be lonely for so long....if not well...the sister replacement...that's..I don't know..and yes no body was found? Well drowning in the sea makes it hard to be found I think.

I did consider she wanted to troll us all as well ,just cos she can.
The pimp thing...well...if she had depression she didn't wanna work right? so pimping is easy no?
I just can't think anymore

Did they ever say it was 20 years? it never say anything about how long have passed, the only thing we have to measure time is the supposedly half-sister, and even if Ai aged like wine, she looks what, 30 years old at best? Really I'm not buying this bullshit that Tomo died and Ai stayed single for more than 20 years... (-3-)

I say we should demand a explanation from Amano. \ ( `A´ ) /

-Thinks hard- Well yes...I don't know why I'm using the 20 years number...then again... if she was depressed and shit wouldn't it be normal she just went and killed herself..but that sister...she has to be around 20 to be in yes it was a damn long time,maybe ai is like 40 xD

We should ask her..ahhh I'm tempted to look for her twitter

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