Forum › I'm a Lesbian, She(?)'s a Demon Manga

joined Jun 17, 2015

I found this in mangapark.


It's marked as "yuri" but the sudden plot twist made me wanna flip the table. I kinda already predicted that it would go down that route but I still felt so....betrayed.

warning: gender bender, but it seems like there's still hope that the boy would really turn into a girl

joined Nov 29, 2014

As a rule of thumb, if a lesbian hates guys, she's gonna be straight in the end.

joined Jun 12, 2015

joined Jun 12, 2015

Nope, it's pretty obvious how it will end. Not worth it

joined May 11, 2012

Batoto didn't tag it as yuri, a simple rule guys, it's comedy? So it probably not a real lesbian.

I know another manga more or less like this except the guy is not turning in a girl, and like OriginalGengar said, if a girl is lesbian because she hates guys, then she's not a lesbian, but that don't mean the manga is not worth, it might be really funny, if this was a serious manga it would probably be horrible, but if it's comedy sometimes it worth to try.

Different if the story was serious, if it don't end out of nowhere it might have yuri ending, the guy is turning in a girl and need to do things with the main girl so his transformation don't finish, it's not impossible that in the end he becomes a girl anyway, because that would be totally funny...

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 9:41AM

joined Nov 29, 2014

Different if the story was serious, if it don't end out of nowhere it might have yuri ending, the guy is turning in a girl and need to do things with the main girl so his transformation don't finish, it's not impossible that in the end he becomes a girl anyway, because that would be totally funny...

Not as funny as turning a gay girl straight, though.
And you can totally stop defending stuff like this, It really doesn't matter if it's a serious story, comedy or hentai or whatever. People here are probably not gonna enjoy lesbians turning straight,

joined May 11, 2012

Except for the fact she's not a real lesbian, typical japanese plot that girl don't like guys because they did bad thing to her, normally when she was a child, they're not real lesbian because the only reason that characters like this are "lesbian" is because for some stupid reason they thought a guy won't work, until the right one shows up, you can't turn a lesbian straight if she was never a real lesbian, it matters the type of story because you guys need to learn to notice if the character is a real gay or not, like in this case that she's obvioulsy not a real lesbian.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 9:55AM

joined Nov 29, 2014

I don't see how it matters.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Except for the fact she's not a real lesbian, typical japanese plot that girl don't like guys because they did bad thing to her, normally when she was a child, they're not real lesbian because the only reason that characters like this are "lesbian" is because for some stupid reason they thought a guy won't work, until the right one shows up, you can't turn a lesbian straight if she was never a real lesbian, it matters the type of story because you guys need to learn to notice if the character is a real gay or not, like in this case that she's obvioulsy not a real lesbian.

Woah, there's a lot to unpack here. Suffice to say, you're talking out of your ass.

I know, I know. If I can't trust a dude to define what a REAL lesbian is, who can I trust?

joined May 11, 2012

It matters because if the character was not a real gay and have a het ending, how can we complain and get angry at something that never existed? Yuri google sometimes makes you blind to the truth, that almost all these characters that are called gay and turn straight are not gay at all.

I know, I know. If I can't trust a dude to define what a REAL lesbian is, who can I trust?

What I mean Nezchan is that almost all those characters are never made to be really lesbian, that's why I don't call them "real lesbians".

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 10:16AM

joined Nov 29, 2014

And I forgot to mention the name of the manga.

joined Nov 9, 2014

I read the first chapter, it looks interesting. I'm cool with gender bender stuff. :)

joined May 11, 2012

And I forgot to mention the name of the manga.

The name uses yuri not lesbian, I read it and the character never call herself a lesbian, let's see, fear mans and think they're demons because they bullied her, falls in love with a girl because she saved her from said demons, only girl she ever loved was that girl from her childhood who she never forgot, don't say anything about ever feeling atracted to other girls, unless next chapters it says outright that she's indeed a lesbian, she's just a het girl that ended up falling in love with a person that happens to be a girl, sorry but if they don't say or show she felt anything for other girls, I can't see her as a lesbian, just a girl with one exception or bi at best.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 10:31AM

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

The name of the manga "Yuri" spelled as 百合 which is how you define the genre, not only that, it attaches it to 私 as an adjective which implies the protagonist is a lesbian.

Very literal translation of the title would be "The 'yuri' me and the evil she/girl"

Sounds like a very stockholm trope based story indeed, but that doesn't discredit the protagonist as a "real lesbian". What's a real lesbian in the first place anyway? Sounds pretty silly to push such arbitrary contitions like "she only liked this one girl because this therefore she's not a lesbian".

What it does say is that the narrative is pretty poor, but that's a whole different issue from the character being a "real lesbian".

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 10:34AM

joined Jun 30, 2015

'Real lesbian' or not, I find the trope annoying for how it trivializes the romantic feelings in yuri.

"I'm only a lesbian because I had a misunderstanding about men" is naturally going to receive flak here.

joined Dec 16, 2013

Batoto didn't tag it as yuri, a simple rule guys, it's comedy? So it probably not a real lesbian.

becoz i changed it!!

joined Dec 16, 2013

The name of the manga "Yuri" spelled as 百合 which is how you define the genre, not only that, it attaches it to 私 as an adjective which implies the protagonist is a lesbian.

Very literal translation of the title would be "The 'yuri' me and the evil she/girl"

Sounds like a very stockholm trope based story indeed, but that doesn't discredit the protagonist as a "real lesbian". What's a real lesbian in the first place anyway? Sounds pretty silly to push such arbitrary contitions like "she only liked this one girl because this therefore she's not a lesbian".

What it does say is that the narrative is pretty poor, but that's a whole different issue from the character being a "real lesbian".

yuri or not matter more than lesbian or bi or pan ..........

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

I'm more interested in enjoying the story rather than trying to fit the character in an arbitrary over generalizing definition of "lesbian".
I don't care what sexuality she identifies with in the slightest because it's not relevant to this story. She can like whoever she likes without having to attach a sexuality tag to herself no? It's pretty shallow to say the characters need to state their sexuality for the relationship to be valid.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 10:40AM

joined Dec 16, 2013

irrelevant! mistagging sh*t as yuri when it's clearly het get my attention more.

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

That's mangapark's fault for not understanding gender bender is not the same as yuri, I agree that's pretty stupid.
But I'm just arguing how it's silly to say a character is not a real lesbian if they suddenly "change" sexuality.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 11:00AM

joined May 11, 2012

That's mangapark's fault for not understanding gender bender is not the same as yuri, I agree that's pretty stupid.
But I'm just arguing how it's silly to say a character is not a real lesbian if they suddenly "change" sexuality.

I know that it's kind silly Nosebleed, I have to go to my job now, when I get there I'll edit this post to explain my logic behind the "real lesbian or not" that I say, or make a new post if someone says anything.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 11:06AM

joined Nov 29, 2014

I think we're getting what you're saying, we're just not agreeing. Sure, if the author decides to make a girl notreallygay then she is actually notreallygay but that doesn't make it any less stupid.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 11:09AM

joined May 19, 2014

I enjoyed the first chapter but it was disappointing that she was indeed a he. I was hoping the squishy was a third boob instead but nah

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

I enjoyed the first chapter but it was disappointing that she was indeed a he. I was hoping the squishy was a third boob instead but nah

That would have made for a much better plot than this.
I can't count how many gender bender manga I've read that started the same way this one did. sigh

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 11:15AM

joined Dec 16, 2013

I think we're getting what you're saying, we're just not agreeing. Sure, if the author decides to make a girl notreallygay then she is actually notreallygay but that doesn't make it any less stupid.

agreed questioning the author make more sense than the character.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 11:24AM

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