Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Apr 3, 2019

Yep, very long like infinity :)

A girl can dream.

I'm not discussing off topic anymore.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Looking forward to anim8tur's counterpoints. Just read the side story finally as i have been putting it off till it was finished. Was a bit underwhelming and the translation i read was kinda bad.

Feel free to read them and let me know what you think.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Looking forward to anim8tur's counterpoints. Just read the side story finally as i have been putting it off till it was finished. Was a bit underwhelming and the translation i read was kinda bad.

Already posted it. Let me know what you think.

Nothing i disagree with really. I was mainly looking forward to reading your counterpoints as you articulate them very well and don't get too emotive while getting accross similar points to what i generally have in my mind.

joined Mar 8, 2019

I agree with all your bunch of points above, very convincing (being non-ironic btw). I still do think she was too much on the mistreating/passive-aggressive side though, in the sense that she wasn't kind to Seju, obviously not during the 10 years and also not after she realized she still has feelings. I don't know, maybe I'm too sensitive about this but I can't talk to girls like that. There would be ways of being more direct and kind about the whole thing.

But she did bestow kindness to Seju though. She agreed to sleep with Seju one more time, to let Seju do what she wanted with her once more. She agreed to cheat, something I don’t think she ever did with any of her exes, yet she allowed herself to be equal to Seju by cheating on her beloved Sungji.

She also let Seju stay with her even though she knew Seju deliberately planned their tryst so they would get caught. She knew that would cause trouble with Sungji but she put Seju’s safety before her relationship.

And I know it was a matter of life and death but Sumin could have told Seju and Seju’s brother to go to hell.

Are you saying you think it was murder? Lol not impossible tbh

I don’t think it was murder. If anyone was going to get murdered, it would have been Sumin because it’s clear that Seju’s siblings hate her so much that they’d probably try to take Sumin’s life just to make sure their illegitimate sister would be in a perpetual state of unhappiness. I think maybe the Chairman had arranged a month long all expense paid trip for Sumin’s parents.

That would have been pretty awesome. I genuinely liked Sungji's childhood friend also. Pair the spares xD

I feel like Sungji’s character would have gone well with either Sumin or Seju. The fact that she was such a pure soul was something a damaged person would need to heal.

Also, imagine if it were Seju that Sungji’s sister in law and brother caught in bed with Sungji. That breakfast scene would have been more amusing because I don't picture Seju holding back like Sumin did.

Besides, I feel for Sunhwa’s character. It would have been nice if she ended up with her first love.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 4:41AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Nothing i disagree with really. I was mainly looking forward to reading your counterpoints as you articulate them very well and don't get too emotive while getting accross similar points to what i generally have in my mind.

Thank you. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade or sh+t on anyone's ships. I'm just baffled by the way important details are overlooked/forgotten/ignored and I want to know whether or not I read the manga wrong or something.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Nothing i disagree with really. I was mainly looking forward to reading your counterpoints as you articulate them very well and don't get too emotive while getting accross similar points to what i generally have in my mind.

Thank you. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade or sh+t on anyone's ships. I'm just baffled by the way important details are overlooked/forgotten/ignored and I want to know whether or not I read the manga wrong or something.

Don't worry, you don't come across that was to me. I think people have their favourites and it generally subconsciously changes how they read into the story. Happens on both sides of the fence really and i'll admit i can be guilty of it too.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 4:43AM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Don't worry, you don't come across that was to me. I think people have their favourites and it generally subconsciously changes how they read into the story. Happens on both sides of the fence really.

I try to be logical and analyze all the information that's given. I like to think I'm impartial. I know it seems like I'm a Sumin supporter but that's not the case. I can just see myself in everyone's shoes and understand why they do the things they do.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Don't worry, you don't come across that was to me. I think people have their favourites and it generally subconsciously changes how they read into the story. Happens on both sides of the fence really.

I try to be logical and analyze all the information that's given. I like to think I'm impartial. I know it seems like I'm a Sumin supporter but that's not the case. I can just see myself in everyone's shoes and understand why they do the things they do.

Wasn't trying to infer that you were a Sumin supporter, if i came across that way then i'm sorry. Was more trying to explain why people miss on certain details.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Wasn't trying to infer that you were a Sumin supporter, if i came across that way then i'm sorry. Was more trying to explain why people miss on certain details.

No I understood that you didn't infer in anyway that I'm a Sumin supporter. I merely put that out there for other people who might read this conversation.

And yes, people certainly have blinders on when reading stories.

joined May 6, 2018

lol what the hell is happening here? Why you all have to fight so hard against people who are literally not on the same boat with you?

By the way, no matter how much I like Seju and I have no shame to admit she's the only one I like in the entire story, I can never disagree that Seju and Sumin is horribly toxic or Seju is hella wrong at some points (I'm not blinded by love that easily like Seju tho lol) since they couldn't complement each other in a healthy/positive way like SuminSungji, in other words, they can't bring one another towards a bright future. We can notice these traits clearly from the start, it's not a proper relationship to begin with if what you're doing is just dragging your partner DOWN WITH YOU (Seju) or letting them drag you down while reassuring yourself it's okay, I only need her, I can handle this much blah blah (Sumin). Seju's world is full of NEGATIVITY. She should've confided in Sumin and let Sumin brighten it up for her, but guess what, Seju just kept everything to herself while Sumin didn't know exactly what she should do to get out of that toxic world or even what the hell is going on with her girlfriend's mental state, she let that negativity swallow her instead. It's seriously hell, not paradise lol. You shouldn't force yourself to live as if there's only this person in your world, pushing others out to satisfy them. I consider the cheating & accident as two small factors that help accelerating their break up, sooner or later this will happen because they miscommunicated for too long, they never realized the problems themselves, hence can never fix it.

Sejumin will never get back together, it's not like you can take back the water that you've accidentally spilled onto the floor. They're too broken to mend now. People still prefer Sungjimin more because they're cute and HEALTHY even though they're somehow a boring pair to many as they didn't have that strong bonds like Sejumin. They're also the author's OTP if you tried to search for all of alggumba's tweets. Seju is rarely mentioned in the same post with the other two, she's also the last character to be created while Sungjimin often made appearance together and even have their own twitter account recently as well.

Seju deserves someone better, by that I mean, someone that is able to see through her vulnerability, love her for herself and walk her out of negativity, which is a MUST, or else her partner will just end up like Sumin too lol. I'm so looking forward to the next chapter, well let's see how this Do Won help her out.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 5:18AM

joined Feb 18, 2018

lol what the hell is happening here? Why you all have to fight so hard against people who are literally not on the same boat with you?

Good question. Some people here are pretty controlling lol I mean god forbid you read the story in a different way or have different opinions about love or which character is important. I think that's what @Blastaar was talking about when they said the shipping war for this manga is toxic.

In my case, I just threw my opinions out there, I like to discuss to get a better understanding about stories I like and even change my opinion. But some folks seem to hold on to their ship for dear life.

By the way, no matter how much I like Seju and I have no shame to admit she's the only one I like in the entire story, I can never disagree that Seju and Sumin is horribly toxic or Seju is hella wrong at some points (I'm not blinded by love that easily like Seju tho lol) since they couldn't complement each other in a healthy/positive way like SuminSungji, in other words, they can't bring one another towards a bright future. We can notice these traits clearly from the start, it's not a proper relationship to begin with if what you're doing is just dragging your partner DOWN WITH YOU (Seju) or letting them drag you down while reassuring yourself it's okay, I only need her, I can handle this much blah blah (Sumin). Seju's world is full of NEGATIVITY. She should've confided in Sumin and let Sumin brighten it up for her, but guess what, Seju just kept everything to herself while Sumin didn't know exactly what she should do to get out of that toxic world or even what the hell is going on with her girlfriend's mental state, she let that negativity swallow her instead. It's seriously hell, not paradise lol. You shouldn't force yourself to live as if there's only this person in your world, pushing others out to satisfy them. I consider the cheating & accident as two small factors that help accelerating their break up, sooner or later this will happen because they miscommunicated for too long, they never realized the problems themselves, hence can never fix it.

I like both Seju a lot and, to a lesser extent, Sungji. Sumin @anim8tur is convincing me to like her more and see things more according to her perspective but I still find the cruel 10 year treatment hard to digest. I think I can kind of tolerate her existence in the story but that's about it. Like, if she gets hit by Truck-kun I wouldn't blink.

Sejumin will never get back together, it's not like you can take back the water that you've accidentally spilled onto the floor. They're too broken to mend now. People still prefer Sungjimin more because they're cute and HEALTHY even though they're somehow a boring pair to many as they didn't have that strong bonds like Sejumin. They're also the author's OTP if you tried to search for all of alggumba's tweets. Seju is rarely mentioned in the same post with the other two, she's also the last character to be created while Sungjimin often made appearance together and even have their own twitter account recently as well.

That's where I don't agree. So I know that it's unlikely Team GJ will take that direction in the story, not only because it would maybe upset SungjixSumin fans (if it's true they are the favs) but because it would be a harder story to write. But in my opinion, it would also be a better, more complex story to write. People who shared the level of devotion, even with all the problems, that Seju and Sumin did will have a hard time forgetting because such a bond is not going to be broken pretty much ever. Sure you may choose to get away from them because at that moment you think it's for the best, and you are not brave enough to work through the issues. But they are basically the person you think of when everything is silent and you close your eyes, if that makes sense. At least that's how I view it. There's a depth to it that Sungji in another, more realistic story would have such a hard time fulfilling.

Seju deserves someone better, by that I mean, someone that is able to see through her vulnerability, love her for herself and walk her out of negativity, which is a MUST, or else her partner will just end up like Sumin too lol. I'm so looking forward to the next chapter, well let's see how this Do Won help her out.

There is no way Seju could be walked out of negativity because the negativity was ever-present in her life. It was not some kind of perception in her mind, it was a reality. If you are abused by your family, you can't brainwash yourself into being positive. The fact that Sumin took Seju as she was though, at the time was for the best. She should have been tougher on her sure, but realistically I guess that's too much to expect from a young person. So considering how young they were, and all the tragedy that happened, in my opinion that they still kept together one form or another shows a depth of love that, no matter its flaws, is too rare to be replaced. But hey that's just me, Team GJ will do whatever they like.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 8:00AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

matsuri_wins You and anim8tur have had some pretty civil discussions on here which is good.

But sometimes people from 4chan seem to worm there way into these threads and i'd just not engage with them if i were you.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 8:42AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

sunbaenim_90 is now permabanned, and the regular sunbaenim account's time out has been upped to 30 day for ban evasion.

matsuri_wins, you were also in the wrong for taking the bait when you knew full well it was a problem, you'd made it clear you were already disengaging, and while the user in question was in a time-out.

joined May 6, 2018

There is no way Seju could be walked out of negativity because the negativity was ever-present in her life. It was not some kind of perception in her mind, it was a reality. If you are abused by your family, you can't brainwash yourself into being positive. The fact that Sumin took Seju as she was though, at the time was for the best. She should have been tougher on her sure, but realistically I guess that's too much to expect from a young person. So considering how young they were, and all the tragedy that happened, in my opinion that they still kept together one form or another shows a depth of love that, no matter its flaws, is too rare to be replaced. But hey that's just me, Team GJ will do whatever they like.

Well, I have to disagree with you on this point then. It is like believing that nothing will change yet if we see it in a more optimistic way, Seju somehow can walk herself out of negativity too once she’s willing to open up her heart and see the world from a different angle, but it’d be more faster and easier if there’s someone enlighten her about the ups and downs in life. Frankly speaking, Seju is now required to receive life lessons like a beginner because nobody has taught her these before.

There’s also the certain saying written by a Japanese idol to encourage one of her depressed fan due to family abuse that I like very much, which is: “If you hate the world you live in then all you’ve got to do is go out to a different world, these types of people aren’t the only ones in the world so it’s possible for you to meet people with cool thoughts as well” or my friend sometimes told me this “Just because you haven’t been able to witness a certain thing, it doesn’t mean that it never exists”.

So should we negate one’s future based on their past? I believe there are going to be a lot of changes planned for Seju in the next side story since she left Seoul and is about to meet new people at another place, most of which will undoubtedly exert a huge impact on Seju's future life, also somewhere that she’d never see her hateful insane family or siblings ever again. Either she will be engaging herself in a hectic life or welcomed by happiness every single day, there’d be no space for her to think about the negativity she has gone through, of course someday it may pop up in her mind but she would no longer have heavy feelings for it by that time, considering that it’s over, nothing matters now, or simply put, she’s living in another world where no negativity remains now.

joined Dec 13, 2017

Team Gaji have made it pretty clear in the past that their OTP is Suminji. As Taisukeikun said, this couple also has their own twitter account now. So even if TG have the chance to try out the difficult but undoubtedly interesting storyline matsuri_wins is describing, they will never, I think. Also, the epilogue of Paradise was just released and Suminji look happier than ever, celebrating their anniversary.

Again, they have also said it multiple times that Seju is their favorite character in the story and they are pretty excited(?) to write about her and Dowon in One.

As someone who is pretty invested in toxic/complex relationships in fictional stories, Sejumin patching up would be a pretty interesting plot line to me. But at this point, it's just a "a girl can dream" thing and I want my dear Seju to run(fly?) away from this toxic mess as fast as possible, so kind of also don't want Sejumin to happen. I hope she finds her happiness with Dowon. Or she can do it as an independent woman too, whatever TG decides.

(I hope my rant doesn't come off as defensive shipping lol.)

joined Feb 18, 2018

Sungji, to me, is someone who was put into a wrong place and wrong comic = )))))). She is supposed to be the bright light for a dark story, however, she is not strong enough to stand out.

How is she not a stand out? She's the sole person to make Sumin's life brighter. The fact that she's like the light at the end of the tunnel makes her memorable.

Well, her light didnt shine enough, lol, or maybe a naive girl is shining enough for you? Your choice, lol.

Did you know what I expected from her? I want her to stick with what she said and did.
After giving a freaking announcement at the end of arc 2 abt everything will not be the same to Seju, later on she did absolutely nothing, lollll. Then bammmm, when she met Sumin again, they were back together, lollll.

Is she naive? She IS naive
Is she angel? Hell yeah she is, the talk with Seju, all the things with Sumin. Hell freaking yeah she is
Is she more than naive and angel? Hell yeah she is NOT. Tell me what she did to stand out?

Her statement at the end of arc 2? The next thing she did is totally the opposite
Her talks with Seju? That just made her more angel, not special

Please she is just another normal protagonist and should be in a normal story, not placing her beside two fucking messed-up girls and tell me that's a healing story, lol, that's just bullshit.

Her characteristic, naive, nice, all around good girl is supposed to be the reason why Sumin fell in love with her but somehow, in a lot of moments, I feel really out of place when reading about her, like everything is so dark, about Seju, about Sumin, then here I am, seeing a naive girl, all about living easy life and then later

So you just want WDTFS to be a depressing/hopeless story? You should've read tragic stories then.

Oh, yes, I like dark story, not tragic, lol. Dark and tragic are not the same. I've said multiple times, I dont like naive, angelic girls. Be bad, be human. I'm not a dream girl who lives in a dream and sees there is a good girl like Sungji. Life is not perfect and human has flaws,
I can be selfish like Seju when I'm in love, being possessive, being jealous like Seju. I can make mistake like Seju.
I can be angry at the world for taking everything from me like Sumin, blaming everyone for what I lost like Sumin.
Sungji is too perfect, girls being perfect like Sungji? She should be in school mangas where its all about first love and sacrificing herself for what is good, loll.

all she cares is love and sex.

LOL where are you getting this from? Are you really this mad about SejuMin not being endgame that your perception of the lovely girl that won Sumin's heart is this skewed?

LOL, have I ever said I'm a SejuxSumin shipper? LOLLLLLLLLLL Ohhhhhh, this is interesting.

And what else did she care? Except for love and sex? That's her, lollll. She loves Sumin = > love
She has sex with Sumin = > sex

What else about her? Please tell me. Dont tell me about her talks or things she said, that's not the stuff she "cares", lollll

It gives me the feels of leaving her scenes behind and having the urge of knowing more about the darker side of the story, the mysterious and all the fight about Seju's family. These things get me more interested than seeing a bright girl in love. After all, the whole story is pretty dark

Just because a story has darkness in it doesn't mean there can't be a lighter side.

Well, lighter doesnt mean skipping the interesting parts to portrays two girls have sex, lolll

If Sungji is in another story, lighter and brighter, she will definitely stand out.

Nah, whatever Sungji does, she's always going to be not good enough for YOU. It's a typical behaviour of a bitter shipper to be like that lol.

Since when did I become a shipper? LOL
I didnt ship anything to your house. Bad joke, I know.

I said this once and for all, I only like Seju and the way they portrayed her at the beginning of the story. Dark, mysterious and all. Later on, I like the concept of loving one person through good or bad for all those years. I dont like anything else, anyone else. AND I DONT SHIP, LOL.

Story wise, this story has bunch of plot holes that I dont even have energy to list on, lol.

List them.

  • Sungji did nothing after her statement at the end of arc 2, for what she said, she should've talked to Sumin or sth, just to fight with Seju, to prove her wrong. Where did she get that freaking confidence thinking Seju is wrong when right the previous chaps, she was proven to be scared of losing Sumin and didnt quite believe Sumin loves her?
  • Seju did nothing after strongly saying "I will get you back". What did she do? Disappearing for chapters to give rooms for SuminxSungji to come back together then wandering around them, then almost got killed? That's what a girl did to take back her ex love? LOLLLL. If she is already a third party, then be a goddamn proper third party. Fire Sungji, make Sumin go on business trip for months with her, do sth, anything. Not being a halfass third party like that

    Or maybe the author didnt want her to be the fulltime bad guy so they leave her like that, so she wont turn worse. Seju is loved by alot of people after all.

    The biggest plot hole of the universe is this

  • Sungji's angelic actions. She didnt believe Sumin loves her but they were back together. She told Seju that she is wrong, then later on she left Sumin at the near end of story because she thinks Sumin still loves Seju and she is a burden to Sumin. Did you see the consistence in Sungji's actions and words?

Sorry, I DONT.

Do you want me to list more? I have a bunch.

So I finally went back and saw a few posts from the famous yoonie. I am not her but I give my blessings to her opinions lol

joined Oct 28, 2018

Blimey, seems like only a few of us are willing to welcome the idea of a new love interest for Seju.

I mean, I honestly think people should give the new girl a chance. Who knows, she could turn out to be an even greater person than Sumin. Someone who can teach Seju to be more positive than negative. Someone who can open up her world, and make her see the beauty of life. And after all the crap Seju has gone through, she deserves her happiness rather than just be forever alone and reminiscing her past memories of her time with Sumin.

My disappointment. I felt the author should have done this during the main story, giving the proper closure that sets Seju on the healing path. But I guess, it's better late than never.

joined Mar 8, 2019

In my case, I just threw my opinions out there, I like to discuss to get a better understanding about stories I like and even change my opinion. But some folks seem to hold on to their ship for dear life.

My current ship are Sunhwa x Sumin and Seju x Sungji. I know it's never going to happen but I can dream.

I have no problem with current canon ships and I am curious to see how Dowon and Seju's relationship will differ from Sumin and Sungji's. I wonder how Dowon will help Seju heal, if Dowon herself also has wounds Seju would need to help her with, and what flashbacks we're going to be given about Seju's and Dowon's pasts.

I like both Seju a lot and, to a lesser extent, Sungji. Sumin @anim8tur is convincing me to like her more and see things more according to her perspective but I still find the cruel 10 year treatment hard to digest. I think I can kind of tolerate her existence in the story but that's about it. Like, if she gets hit by Truck-kun I wouldn't blink.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. People have their own opinions and I respect that. Like I told Es0teric I was merely wondering if I read the story wrong seeing as a majority of current replies (I say current because I don't have time to read 400+ pages of the forum) have stated their dislike for Sumin because of things she did to Seju.

The cheating/parents death are addressed but there seemed to be a failure to point out/recognize Sumin's first attempt at moving on had been rewarded with a reason for her to get that tattoo.

Her subsequent attempt at saving Seju after Seju confessed to ruining her relationship with Sumin is also easily glossed over.

If I came off combative or anything of the sort that was never my intention. I was presenting my interpretations based off of content present in the story in hopes of discovering where Team Gaji went wrong with their depictions of the characters and their relationships because character intentions/motivations read pretty clear. They were all relatable and it was easy to sympathize with all the mains plus Sunhwa.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 3:47PM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Blimey, seems like only a few of us are willing to welcome the idea of a new love interest for Seju.

I mean, I honestly think people should give the new girl a chance. Who knows, she could turn out to be an even greater person than Sumin. Someone who can teach Seju to be more positive than negative. Someone who can open up her world, and make her see the beauty of life. And after all the crap Seju has gone through, she deserves her happiness rather than just be forever alone and reminiscing her past memories of her time with Sumin.

My disappointment. I felt the author should have done this during the main story, giving the proper closure that sets Seju on the healing path. But I guess, it's better late than never.

So the reason I am unsatisfied with this whole thing of producing a new character just to be with Seju is precisely because it feels artificial. As in, rather than that being part of the main plot it’s kind of a weird afterthought, like a poor man’s compensation. Maybe the story will be great and I will eat my words, which is exactly what I want since I like great stories lol Still that’s my feeling about it right now.

Fundamentally my main point of surprise is that I feel bait and switched by this story. I started it out thinking it was a love triangle with Sungji as the main character. Rather than writing Sungji well, Team GJ focuses on Seju and her backstory. Then obviously I start focusing and cheering for Seju, only to see her fail miserably and lose everything (dad, family, lover, even inheritance!). I mean wtf, I expected romance but got a depressing dark drama instead. Yes there is romance between Sumin and Sungji, but by this point I couldn’t care less and in my opinion, it was the writing that made me not care.

joined Mar 21, 2017

anim8tur i'm curious what your opinion on the whole assassin plot? I felt like it raised more questions than it answered.

Also in terms of the latest discussion I think Sungji only feels out of place because her background was underdeveloped compared to Seju and Sumin. Buuuuut her actions arent in her past like a lot of Seju and Sumins, they're more in the now in the context of the main story which is where you really need to read into her character and her main role in the story.

But then that's just how i read into the story and whether you interpret it the same way i did or not, it's why i don't discount the end relationship of Sungji and Sumin.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 5:46PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

anim8tur i'm curious what your opinion on the whole assassin plot? I felt like it raised more questions than it answered.

The assassin story line was clearly a plot device meant to push Seju into Sumin’s life and for Sungji to be unable to protest.

It honestly felt contrived, like it pushed the drama to a place where it didn’t belong. We already had emotional and physical abuse then they added homicide and I feel like it created a sort of plot hole in the story because it raises the question that if the siblings wanted to be rid of Seju, why only after their father died did they attempt to do it?

Seju’s psycho brother suspected that Seju’s mom had been murdered yet a man with power like the Chairman was unable to prove any sort of foul play so the assassin was adept at their job.

And if Seju's mom really did commit suicide, I feel like one of her siblings could have gotten inspired from it. Any one of the siblings could have put a hit out on Seju some time after her mother died. It would have been believable that she’d take her own life prior to the Chairman’s death because even the Chairman believed this was a possibility. They could have killed her before there could be any question as to what her shares in the will would be or simply because they hated her.

Her sister coming from the family meeting and rushing into her room to slap her displays a level of hatred that doesn’t make plotting murder unbelievable. That and the fact that she lives with the person she hates is enough motive for murder.

I'm surprised none of the siblings pushed her down the stairs with how much they hate Seju.

Also, Chairman doted on Seju so she was showered with material wealth. I feel like seeing this should have angered her greedy siblings enough to try to do more than slap/berate/neglect/belittle Seju. And letting Seju become close to their father would only ensure a large share in the will.

Judging from the fact Seju only had a driver when she went out security had never been an issue. She didn't have bodyguards. It's something the siblings would have known all about.

And if they were worried about possibly getting caught, it's clear that Chairman prioritized his business even more so than his love for Seju. I mean, they were already stinking rich. He could have retired and devoted his life to his beloved daughter yet he allowed her abuse to take place and tried to placate her with material wealth, despite knowing how miserable she was.

As psycho brother stated, Chairman was powerless against his legitimate children’s treatment of Seju and her mother. (If you ask me doesn’t make any sense because from the way Seju talks about their failed business ventures, it seems like they’re dependent on their father’s financial support, which means he could always threaten to write them out of the will/cut off his support if they misbehaved towards Seju and her mother in anyway. You don’t get to be such a wealthy businessman, or maybe in Chairman’s case remain an exceedingly wealthy businessman, without a backbone.) Anyway, the revelation of one of his children murdering his beloved daughter would have been too much for the company so I don't think he, and board members for that matter, would have allowed a scandal like that to be known to the public.

joined Mar 21, 2017

That was quite the write up haha. Not much i don't disagree with, it was definitely shoved in to extend the plot and add in more drama. (Did you know, the story was never meant to be that long. Pretty sure it was only meant to be 50 or so chapters)

Was the whole "i know your secret" thing a red herring or just misunderstood you reckon?

joined Oct 28, 2018

Blimey, seems like only a few of us are willing to welcome the idea of a new love interest for Seju.

I mean, I honestly think people should give the new girl a chance. Who knows, she could turn out to be an even greater person than Sumin. Someone who can teach Seju to be more positive than negative. Someone who can open up her world, and make her see the beauty of life. And after all the crap Seju has gone through, she deserves her happiness rather than just be forever alone and reminiscing her past memories of her time with Sumin.

My disappointment. I felt the author should have done this during the main story, giving the proper closure that sets Seju on the healing path. But I guess, it's better late than never.

So the reason I am unsatisfied with this whole thing of producing a new character just to be with Seju is precisely because it feels artificial. As in, rather than that being part of the main plot it’s kind of a weird afterthought, like a poor man’s compensation. Maybe the story will be great and I will eat my words, which is exactly what I want since I like great stories lol Still that’s my feeling about it right now.

Fundamentally my main point of surprise is that I feel bait and switched by this story. I started it out thinking it was a love triangle with Sungji as the main character. Rather than writing Sungji well, Team GJ focuses on Seju and her backstory. Then obviously I start focusing and cheering for Seju, only to see her fail miserably and lose everything (dad, family, lover, even inheritance!). I mean wtf, I expected romance but got a depressing dark drama instead. Yes there is romance between Sumin and Sungji, but by this point I couldn’t care less and in my opinion, it was the writing that made me not care.

Yeah, like I was saying, I'm disappointed that the author didn't include this element of a new love interest for Seju into the main story. It would have certainly given Seju a happier ending then, rather than the depressing one seen at the end, where's she now alone. At least Team Pink wouldn't have had to wait for an agonizing two years to finally see this closure.

At one point, I thought Nami and Seju were going to be a thing. They do say, opposites attract. But to my disappointment, Nami was just a plot device serving to help Sumin realize she still loves Seju and need to break off with her cleanly. The same with Dawoon. She was another plot device for Sungji. It's such a shame though, I felt either one of those two characters could have had a bigger role in the story.

I'd like the idea of Dawoon being together with Seju. It would be ironic, two girls who failed in their endeavor to get the one they wanted, decided to find comfort in one another. Just like Ploy and Ice in Lily Love.

joined Feb 18, 2018

Yeah I hate when characters are used as mere plot devices. I kept waiting for Nami to matter, then for Dawon to matter. Then for Sungji to matter LOL

People complain about stories like Shitrus but I see no difference, always the next fake love rival around the corner. At least Shitrus never took itself seriously!

WDTFS could do with half the sex scenes and double the mysterious plot. I actually started skimming through the Sungji sex scenes after a while.

last edited at Apr 10, 2019 8:48PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

As i was saying to anim8tur the story was never meant to be that long which i think is where TG went wrong. They tried to pad it out and make it longer which is why the writing and plot started to suffer.

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