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joined May 11, 2012

Thanks Maus, but what mistakes you mean?

joined Oct 15, 2013

The only Sono Hanabira knowledge that i possess is that they wear red, would i need to know anything before going for that one?

Not much actually, theres many VNs in the Sono Hanabira series but each usually focus on 1 couple, most couples having 1-2 games in which they appear.

The one the getting to Steam seems to be the story of how the couple met... hence the "Remembering How We Met". Unfortunately the couple's VNs have not been translated yet. I think it will be easy to get into.


Only translated content where the couple appears on are some side-stories:

Yuricycle(many chapters out now, they are one of the 3 couples in this, lengthy read)

St. Michael's Trouble Councelling Center Web Novel(Ch3 of this one, is probably the best if you just want the basic gist of the characters)

or the Miya x Risa tagged stuff here on dynasty(tho theres just 2 and they are both comedic)

last edited at Jul 7, 2015 12:02AM

joined Jan 17, 2014

Thanks Maus, but what mistakes you mean?

technical shit, when you scroll up to read previous text it sometimes glitches out, like there is a part where the game lists all but one rule of the Knox's Decalogue but the way the game presented the text was more flashy/different than the usual ''text scrollinng down until you can play hide & seek with the sprites''

If there were spelling mistakes then they were bare to none, atleast none I could think of.
It's a far cry from what Mangagamer sold as an translation in Higurashis 7th arc or all the others, honoriffics are kept and it keeps very true to the original

last edited at Jul 7, 2015 10:38AM

joined May 11, 2012

Hum, their previous translations are not good? Have errors and remove honorifics for example?

joined Jan 17, 2014

multiple missing letters in one text box, honorifics thrown out the windows,, all around a feeling of sloppyness, honestly, just try to read through the arcs, it really starts to get on your nerves around the 3th or 4th arc, that's why they are re-relasing Higurashi right now to (hopefully) fix this mess

mind you, that's mangagamers Higurashi

witch-hunts umineko is an prime example of an great translation

last edited at Jul 7, 2015 10:37AM

joined May 11, 2012

I'm not asking specifically about Higurashi, but if all their previous VNs have problems with translation quality, honorifics, bugs, things like that.

joined Jan 17, 2014

right now? I dunno, MG is changing, see the team up? it can mean a lot of things, either they still suck and wanna team up with them, are lazy and wanna team up with them because, hey, half the workload if we take something that is already finished or they know that people would keep bugging them about that they should just team up with witch-hunt

joined May 11, 2012

Hum, I'm asking because of one VN I remember on Steam, I don't remember if it had romance, just that it was in a school and had some miniganes, and the translation was horrible, like no honorifics and changed the japanese names for american names...

last edited at Jul 7, 2015 10:52AM

joined May 10, 2014

I'm back! stronger, faster, smarter and most important-Oh hey! the dogs won the splatfest? The world is not yet lost to those fur balls!...too bad I couldn't play >_< maybe next time.

So how about that Red Ash? lol @Capcom. ZX3 WHEN?!

Game: LoL Pairing: Irelia x Syndra Link: pixiv

joined May 11, 2012

Welcome back Rye. o7

last edited at Jul 7, 2015 10:50PM

joined May 10, 2014

\o hello Thiaguinho-sama.

Looking at the Gamefaqs forums for Super mario maker makes me exited for the release XD, there's a lot of creative ppl I love it...now I'll wait for the release to see how sadistic creative I can truly be!

OH SHIT! WE aRe gEttiNg Cyber Sleuth?! IN ENGLISH!? dies - auto-life cough err...this game needs to sell well! that way we might get re:digitize decode on the 3ds. I am so happy right now ;_; Edit: WHOAA! all the digimon yurifans fantasies are real! spoilers? close enough

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 3:03AM

joined May 10, 2014

Holy Ashera! Ike is actually fun to play now...like in 1v1! now if only aether worked right(sol+luna) and ragnell shot lazors he'd be perfect. Buff Marth+Robin+Megaman Sakurai!

Series: SonoHana Pairing: Ai x Aya Link: pixiv

joined Mar 6, 2014

Man, must say once again that finding good people in Team For Glory is the greatest shit ever, through the short time we played we had:
Marth/Roy vs Lucina/Ike
Ike/Ike vs Ike/Ike
Link/Ganondorf vs Link/Ganondorf
Ganondorf/Ganondorf vs Ganondorf/Ganondorf
White Captain Falcon/White Captain Falcon vs Yellow Captain Falcon/Yellow Captain Falcon

It's shit like this that makes me barely touch 1v1 anymore

joined Oct 15, 2013

Anyone aware of the Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden game? (basically the best shit ever)

Sequel incoming

joined May 10, 2014

@flips: I know Barkley but I wasn't aware of the sequel. What about Shaq fu 2?!

@Kyonne: the problem with teams is the possible long wait time in the rooms but yes I agree team for glory can be very fun.

joined Jan 17, 2014

Barkley was a rollercoaster of emotions on AGDQ 2014 https://youtu.be/kby8cyRoDec?t=1h19m1s

when the Pizza arrived lol

joined May 10, 2014

Roller coasters vs Water slides? Splatfests are weird.......................... HEIL THE ALMIGHTY WATER SLIDES!

Game: Devil Survivor 2 Pairing: Airi x Hinako Links: pixiv deviantart

joined Oct 15, 2013

Got another game on my sights

Hopefully not another dissapointment... Being made by 10 ppl sooooo.... it will probably take a while to get properly developed even after an Early Access release.

joined May 10, 2014

Series: Tekken Pairing: Asuka x Lili Links: pixiv1 pixiv comic

joined Mar 6, 2014


Pretty tame grand finals, but this tourney was great holy shit

joined Oct 15, 2013

Series: Tekken Pairing: Asuka x Lili Links: pixiv1 pixiv comic

That 2nd one is so HNNNNNG!

joined May 10, 2014


Leffen and Shroomed are OP...oh and Mang0 too sorta. I want to be able to land as many Rests as Hbox

Series: Pokemon(ORAS) Pairing: Teammates Links: deviantart(safe) pixiv1(safe) pixiv2(lewd)
read description on the 1st one for details.

joined Mar 6, 2014

So... Uh... Why the hell are they adding two shotas and not freaking Jubei?

joined Jan 17, 2014

Comes with the obligatory expansion

Also, the HUD looks so ugly

Makoto looking fine, you were always the true hero of BlazBlue

last edited at Jul 12, 2015 11:55AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

Didn't notice Nine at the end, that's actually pretty neat
But they're still gonna release a character DLC when the console version arrives so yeah, i'll steadily wait for the extend version

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