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joined Apr 20, 2013

Rye posted:

I'm late, but man Flip Flappers is so fun! so much yuri symbolism lol.

Ping pong girls is so gay~ I didn't expect the ships to be this solid so fast, wow!

It had a lot of deformed faces and weirdly-drawn backgrounds and there's a scene towards the end where Ami and Aoi are walking next to their bikes and their bodies are kinda... floaty? Like they didn't have time to finish the animation? I can't make gifs, but this is pretty bad. It might be better to wait for BDs in hopes they polish it up a bit.

Yeah...the animation gets really bad sometimes, minimal detail/awkward cg jumpcuts, it makes me sad because I'm enjoying the show.

But it was mostly in episode 4, previous chapters were fine... Like, now I understand the delay and a friend told me that there's gonna be another week delay for the next! I really like it... dunno what happened.

Flip flappers... So yuri, so fun... It's hilarious that this was more scarier than corpse party for me, an anime that the main focus was to be scary.

starsaber123 posted:

Anyone watching Drifters? So brutal this week and next week promises to be just as awesome.

I do! I'm expecting loooooot of blood, justice and more blood in the next chapter

last edited at Nov 9, 2016 6:54PM

joined Sep 21, 2014

In Hibike, Shuichi got his second scene ever (with actual lines) and Reina cockblocked him so hard, it was wonderful
Reverse wingman from the dead

last edited at Nov 9, 2016 7:31PM

joined Jan 18, 2016

In Hibike, Shuichi got his second scene ever (with actual lines) and Reina cockblocked him so hard, it was wonderful
Reverse wingman from the dead

Damn that was a masterclass in analytical shipping. Your blog is saluted

last edited at Nov 10, 2016 5:13AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

So with MahouKei seemingly dedicated to being a complete bloodbath, I really hope it doesn't pull off a Madoka ending where nothing gets resolved and it still gets brushed off as "good", or a Yuuki Yuuna ending where a "happy end" was forced into the anime no matter how contrived it felt.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling for a tragic ending for the anime, I just want it to feel like the survivors earned their happy ending, and not for it to be either a complete deus ex machina or an ending that is hardly "good" but written off as such anyways. A "neutral" ending like the Danganronpa series where the survivors managed to earn back their lives but not ultimately stop the antagonist, would be fitting for a series like this.

Also, it seems like there're 2 more characters that have not been introduced yet, considering this image has 2 characters blurred out amongst those introduced so far

Edit: Nvm, I forgot about Ruler and Nemurin (lol)

last edited at Nov 10, 2016 7:28AM

joined Apr 27, 2013

Also, it seems like there're 2 more characters that have not been introduced yet, considering this image has 2 characters blurred out amongst those introduced so far.

That's Nemurin and Ruler. They're blurred because they're dead and it hasn't been updated for the latest episode

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Oh right, I forgot about them o - o

joined Dec 9, 2014

In Hibike, Shuichi got his second scene ever (with actual lines) and Reina cockblocked him so hard, it was wonderful
Reverse wingman from the dead

Just read the blog posts. I like it, you see the episode from the positive side here. I admit, I was a bit bothered by Shuichi's part this episode. Not that I mind he showed up, but Kumiko seemed not indifferent to him like she does usually. So kinda made me think if this means the het will finally start o.o

last edited at Nov 10, 2016 7:35AM

joined Oct 15, 2016

het will finally start o.o

Well, will it? I'm really liking season 1 so far, so please tell there won't be het in season 2

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ If the anime follows the LN no matter what, chances are, there will. If not, there's hope that it'll be an open end at the least.

last edited at Nov 10, 2016 11:17AM

joined Oct 15, 2016

^ Is KyoAni known for its faithfulness to the source material? I sincerely don't know.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Season 1 was pretty gay. There was only one mention of Reina liking Taki during the whole 12 episodes, and Kumiko was always bothered or completely indifferent towards Shuichi.
So far they seem to have followed the novels pretty close, changing some small details. There had been some scenes between Kumiko and Shuichi removed, but this could be because of time managing for episodes.

But in this episode, Kumiko seemed to even blush when she was grabbing Shuichi's shirt, which was the first time she showed something more than being idifferent towards him. Also Reina going super jealous over Taki again, is making S2 so far more het compared to season 1. Onnly good episode was episode 1. After that there is Taki and Reina everywhere. They could add Taki's past, but only focus on him instead of Reina liking him.

So I wonder if that's a sign of how things wil be in the end too.
It's a good story still, but oh well. I was bothered by last episode, admitelly. Well maybe I was wrong defending Hiike's bait n the first place.
Ultimetely I believe it's KyoAni's loss if they chose this path. Because a lot of people watch this for the yuri undertones. It's not like the "het romance" is strong enough to attract boy x girl shippers ebough to give them money anyway.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I admit, that the "its not gonna happen" hurt me pretty bad, I'm not even watching the anime just seeing the clips of the next episode... Because if you bait, you gotta deliver! don't play with the feelings of the fans, even if the anime is good enough without romance, is just dirty to trick people like that.

joined Oct 15, 2016

@MacySan So no matter what this would turn into your average run of the mill het romance anime in the end if KyoAni doesn't diverge from the original source? That really, really sucks ╥﹏╥

last edited at Nov 10, 2016 1:23PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

@MacySan So no matter what this would turn into your average run of the mill het romance anime in the end if KyoAni doesn't diverge from the original source? That really, really sucks ╥﹏╥

Well, we can't say no matter what. I still think it's more possible of an open ending instead of het. Yuri ending is less than 5% of happening though.
I don't mind open ending, but not when there are a lot of het hints throughout the season though. And during last episodes, they are getting stronger.
There is still a big part in the novels that the anime hasn't touched yet. And that's because it's later in the novels. Its Shuichi giving Kumiko a hairpin and Asuka asking Kumiko is that was a gift from her boyfriend, with Kumiko answering yes.
Not sure how they will handle this scene in the anime in the future, but it surely will a deciding factor.

Because if you bait, you gotta deliver! don't play with the feelings of the fans, even if the anime is good enough without romance, is just dirty to trick people like that.

True. But if there wasn't any yuri hints at all, Hibike would be less popular and memorable imo. Which means less profit from it. As far as I can see from forums and discussions, this season seems to be less hyped compared to season 1. Just an observation.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Well, we can't say no matter what. I still think it's more possible of an open ending instead of het. Yuri ending is less than 5% of happening though.
I don't mind open ending, but not when there are a lot of het hints throughout the season though. And during last episodes, they are getting stronger.
There is still a big part in the novels that the anime hasn't touched yet. And that's because it's later in the novels. Its Shuichi giving Kumiko a hairpin and Asuka asking Kumiko is that was a gift from her boyfriend, with Kumiko answering yes.
Not sure how they will handle this scene in the anime in the future, but it surely will a deciding factor.

Less than 5% sounds awful either way, i mean i knew this wasn't going to have a yuri ending, but at least i was hoping for more than 5% chances of happening. I will watch the whole 1st season, but then stop and wait to see what kinda of ending KyoAni is going to give us. I would really hate if they end up giving us a het ending though.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Less than 5% sounds awful either way, i mean i knew this wasn't going to have a yuri ending, but at least i was hoping for more than 5% chances of happening. I will watch the whole 1st season, but then stop and wait to see what kinda of ending KyoAni is going to give us. I would really hate if they end up giving us a het ending though.

That's totally my assumptions, it's nothing official so don't take it as anything remotely like that xD
But yeah, it's obvious they don't aim for anything canon. They just try to be open to a broader audience. I just think that if it ends with het, or has more scenes like that, it will backfire to them

joined Sep 21, 2014

In Hibike, Shuichi got his second scene ever (with actual lines) and Reina cockblocked him so hard, it was wonderful
Reverse wingman from the dead

Damn that was a masterclass in analytical shipping. Your blog is saluted

Just read the blog posts. I like it, you see the episode from the positive side here. I admit, I was a bit bothered by Shuichi's part this episode. Not that I mind he showed up, but Kumiko seemed not indifferent to him like she does usually. So kinda made me think if this means the het will finally start o.o

50% aw yay thanks guys, and 50% this is pretty embarrassing, I pretty much forgot you could look up all the other things I shitposted
I took a fuckload of screenshots, I might as well spam about the episode, there were a lot of elements/stuff too, it was hella fun and time consuming fuck me
I don't hate Shuichi as a character per se, but he makes me so salty I can't, it's more like, the very existence of his character represents queerbaiting to me, so that's where I've directed my annoyance. Legit everything would be fine if he was just not there, he's legit super non essential to anything going on. He was legit the most NPC of characters like "hey do you know about the rumours at school?" And you'd select the dialogue option prompting him on and he'd spill it.
I hope it's an open ending (which is the most likely, not gonna break my heart option). I'll likely still watch it even if het is endgame, but man it's gonna hurt.
Kaleid, you're pretty lucky in a way. People who watched Hibike's first season AS it was airing.. ouf, it was pretty stressful tbh, I had no idea what would happen, it was such a relief.

joined Dec 10, 2015

i just fucking cried my eyes out after finishing the 6th episode of Flip Flappers, its so good. By far my favourite anime this season!

joined Oct 15, 2016

@Faust I guess you could say that i'm lucky, but i wish i didn't picked up the anime if its going to crush my yuri loving heart ╥﹏╥

@Macy It would definitely hurt them in the long run. I think one of the main reasons people watch Hibike is due to the main characters relationship and if they just brushed aside that, many of their hardcore fans would end up hating and dropping the series entirely. At least thats what i think.

joined Jan 21, 2015

Stella no Mahou's Murakami is such a relatable character. And am I imagining things, or is Honda x Fujikawa a pairing we're supposed to notice? I thought the content this week was a bit out of left field, but I took another look at the previous episodes and I guess there were some shippy interactions? Maybe? Anyway, there will be more of that next episode. I hadn't thought about it before, but why not?
Yumine fantasizes about real life ships, but she seems more interested in shipping Tamaki with her clubmates than shipping herself with her best friend, and she needs to genderbend them to get her mind going. But I like the joke where she starts scolding one of the senpai for being too close to Tamaki or imagining something perverted, only to launch into a wildly inappropriate tirade of her own.

joined Sep 21, 2014

i just fucking cried my eyes out after finishing the 6th episode of Flip Flappers, its so good. By far my favourite anime this season!

I wish I hadn't saw your post, like, 15 minutes before I was about to watch the episode myself, likely cus it gave me expectations, which I find I shouldn't have when it comes to the "plot" in each new episode because the element of surprise is pretty neat
It was pretty emotional, but I wonder if I didn't react as much to it because I dread sob stories, and dread them whether they're actually good and heartfelt, or just cheap ways to move the watchers.
There were certainly parts I felt things, but I could also feel myself closing up within, and trying to not let it get to me, which is unfortunate because the feels was a big element in the episode.
I wonder if they played a direct impact on the character's memories/feelings in the real world. Iroha-senpai seemed sad about it, about the nail polish, and by the end, something seemed to have changed for the better, as if she broke free from the sadder parts of her memories
But then again, they did save Uexkull from the vacuum cleaner thanks to Pure Illusion
I wonder what this episode was meant to show us. Perhaps that Pure Illusion, vast in all of its possible forms, really does mold itself from their environment, and this time, even from characters/other people and memories, and that their actions have real consequences as well. (That time they were in a fucking vacuum cleaner was a pretty obvious indicator of real life merging with Pure Illusion lol)
I think that, when Cocona first asked what Pure Illusion was, if it was another world, Papika showed confusion iirc? Dun dun dun, inb4 the "worlds" are the same, you just become able to perceive and interact with it in ways you normally can't.

joined Apr 20, 2013

These worlds are somehow like black rock shooter...
Flip Flappers, the surprise of the season indeed! I don't even need kyoani baits anymore.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

i just fucking cried my eyes out after finishing the 6th episode of Flip Flappers, its so good. By far my favourite anime this season!

I wish I hadn't saw your post, like, 15 minutes before I was about to watch the episode myself, likely cus it gave me expectations, which I find I shouldn't have when it comes to the "plot" in each new episode because the element of surprise is pretty neat

This is why I shouldn't be reading this discussion before I actually watch the show. Thursday and Friday are a dangerous time for me.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Just got around to watching the latest Flip Flappers, and expectations aside it was a great ep. The use of colour was brilliant, and the shared identity concept.

What really grabbed me though, was the implication that each manifestation of Pure Illusion is connected to a real person. This is the first we've had even a hint of what Pure Illusion is or how it relates to the world. I think it connects to that image in the opening with the boss dude and a small boy curled up behind his chair, who I assume are both the same person.

The question in my mind is, does taking the jewel from Pure Illusion have an effect on the person? Or is that like a fruit of their PI and removing it doesn't affect them?

joined Sep 21, 2014

Just got around to watching the latest Flip Flappers, and expectations aside it was a great ep. The use of colour was brilliant, and the shared identity concept.

What really grabbed me though, was the implication that each manifestation of Pure Illusion is connected to a real person. This is the first we've had even a hint of what Pure Illusion is or how it relates to the world. I think it connects to that image in the opening with the boss dude and a small boy curled up behind his chair, who I assume are both the same person.

The question in my mind is, does taking the jewel from Pure Illusion have an effect on the person? Or is that like a fruit of their PI and removing it doesn't affect them?

Is ep 1 Cocona?
Ep 2 is Uexkull, but idk who ep 3 could be related to, nor ep 5 tho. Or do you just mean that it's implied, but we dont necessarily know of the specific person it manifests from

last edited at Nov 11, 2016 11:38PM

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