Forum › NSFW discussion

joined Jul 20, 2014

theres so romantic

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

If I'm caught reading one of these in class at college what do you think are the chances I'll get in trouble?

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

If I'm caught reading one of these in class at college what do you think are the chances I'll get in trouble?

Are you a professor?
Are you in a state where sharia or hebrew law is in effect?
If not you'll probably just end up not talking to whoever sits next to you anymore.

joined Mar 6, 2014

If I'm caught reading one of these in class at college what do you think are the chances I'll get in trouble?

Only one way to find out

joined Jun 11, 2016

This just might be the second most popular tag on this site. As expected of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

joined Dec 30, 2018

No way does NSFW tag only have 5 comments...

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

People are probably too busy looking at the content instead of commenting on the tag itself.

joined Jun 13, 2016

Id like to see some more good NSFW on here tbh, for some reason I feel like alot of bad ones get posted. Sometimes I feel like taking some of that good stuff on nhentai and translating it but im too lazy ha

joined Jul 21, 2013

Id like to see some more good NSFW on here tbh, for some reason I feel like alot of bad ones get posted. Sometimes I feel like taking some of that good stuff on nhentai and translating it but im too lazy ha

then do it!

joined Mar 8, 2016

For some reason it disproportionately irks me how much this tag gets misused. Probably because it has such a clear stated definition: "*Regardless of what its literal meaning is,* the actual use of the tag indicates that there is nudity."

Emphasis mine. Do people not know what "nudity" means? I see this ALL the time tagged to things that would qualify for a PG-13 rating in a movie, at worst. This isn't supposed to be a tag that gets applied based on your personal feelings about the work, it has an empirical use.

IMO "implied" nudity, or naked characters where their various bits are concealed by strategically positioned limbs/hair etc., or censored nudity where the artist just omits drawing parts that should otherwise be visible (e.g. nipples) should not qualify for this tag either. But I'm not even talking about that kind of gray area. I mean stuff where everyone's fully clothed and no naked boobs, butts, or genitals are visible getting the NSFW tag.

A tag is only useful if it's applied consistently and correctly.

joined Feb 11, 2014

NSFW stands for Not Safe From Work, it doesn't necessarily include sex alone. Any content that who raises eyebrow if you're caught looking at it at work can technically qualify.
If anything, the tag has a tendency to have a more restricted use than intended with a growing focus on "this have sex/actual nudity".

In that way, even "censored" nudity is a valid use because most workplace might still frown at you looking at naked girls, whether you see the naughty parts or not :p

The tag is pretty much a way to tell people at work "careful, reading this at your workplace might not be a good idea."

last edited at Dec 3, 2022 6:34AM

joined Mar 19, 2022

The tag is pretty much a way to tell people at work "careful, reading this at your workplace might not be a good idea."

I agree wholeheartedly with this being the actual definition of this tag, but this site specifically states that it is for nudity. That is the issue here, I believe.

joined Jun 27, 2017

The tag is pretty much a way to tell people at work "careful, reading this at your workplace might not be a good idea."

But that's a nonsense usage. Any reading of a manga at work is potentially a problem, unless, I don't know, you're working for an anime studio checking out potential material to animate or something ridiculous like that ...

Makes more sense to give it some more specific definition that people can then use as they deem appropriate.

joined Aug 29, 2019

The tag is pretty much a way to tell people at work "careful, reading this at your workplace might not be a good idea."

But that's a nonsense usage. Any reading of a manga at work is potentially a problem, unless, I don't know, you're working for an anime studio checking out potential material to animate or something ridiculous like that ...

Makes more sense to give it some more specific definition that people can then use as they deem appropriate.

"In the workplace" and "at work" don't always mean "while working". While on break in the workplace I can look at (innocuous) manga as much as I want. I probably shouldn't be "looking at anime tiddies" or other inappropriate content, though.

Any "NSFW" tag or descriptor will always be subject to differences in definition and thus opinion, simply because something that is not safe for one workplace may very well be acceptable in another (though there will be things that are beyond the pale nearly everywhere). You can be pretty sure a manufacturing company, a construction site, a brothel, an office and a bank have different views in that regard, even down to different establishments within a category being markedly different.

As such, compromising for it to be equivalent to "nudity" (which might as well be a tag in itself) isn't too outrageous.

last edited at Dec 3, 2022 1:06PM

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