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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Some things are just really hard to tag...welcoming suggestions. Oh, and this is totally yuri, I just feel weird putting that without some other opinion(s).

last edited at Jun 12, 2014 2:33PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

I'd say both het and yuri are fine since gender bender is in there. Maybe bisexual tag too?

Anyway, I remember hearing about this one a long time ago, but just never got around to it. Now I'm really quite glad it's here so that I could read it, I like the ending and all the acceptance she has for herself. Also, office guy is a d-bag.

joined Jul 6, 2012

So, did the guy who fell off the bridge just vanish into thin air?

joined Oct 15, 2013

So, did the guy who fell off the bridge just vanish into thin air?

He got out
Asshole shouldve drowned for shoving a girl who was pretty much collapsing.
A bit radical of me? Maybe. Kinda pissed me off... -_-

joined Feb 28, 2013

OMG, I absolutely love this. It's a sweet little romp into exploring sex and gender roles and identities.

As an intersex person, I really enjoyed seeing a "hermaphrodite" portrayed in a way other than the general futanari porn I see splattered all over the internet (not that I don't enjoy that, I just like seeing representation in a non-porn way).

joined May 24, 2014

I like this very much :3 I loved the style of drawing :3

joined Nov 11, 2010

Hmm, I might not have read this if I hadn't looked at the comments. I think the yuri and bisexual tags should definitely go on there. I guess even the het tag can be borne with in the interests of accuracy. It's definitely preferable having the yuri tag up somehow than not having any of those tags up at all, in the interests of at least getting people to give it a look.

Incidentally, the first page of part B is pretty hilarious. I definitely had fun with this.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Oh, thanks for the bump. After looking through the comments I intended to add the tags, but couldn't at the time. Added all three of the suggested tags, which also seemed proper to me.

Thanks for the help everyone~

joined Apr 25, 2014

i had no idea how much i needed this until this very moment ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊ so good!

joined May 19, 2014

Getting two for the price of one. This was really cute! I

It felt like a combination of ranma 1/2 and fushigi yugi (in someway, the vibe was similar!).

joined Apr 14, 2013

this is definitely my type of manga lol. loved this

joined Apr 23, 2013

It's great how visual gags work so well in a usually serious story.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I remember reading this a while back. It's definitely enjoyable - I also just realized this is one of the few, if the only work on Dynasty that has the Bisexual tag without the Drama and/or Cheating tags.

joined Mar 28, 2015

At last, a story acknowledging bisexuality as a genuine thing.

I can totally relate to Minako's feeling of still being herself, either with Kitsuo or Wakame.

(And the coworker was a real sexist scumbag)

joined Dec 27, 2014

Interesting idea and lovely read :) funny as well huehue

joined Nov 3, 2018

felt this

joined Feb 29, 2020

really like this one
the guy who work with her is a jerk he push poor wakame out of the way

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