After rereading this, I still couldn't figure out the fourth couple was implied to be Tamura x Mizuki, but I was highly amused that one of the couples was Tsuda x Ookubo. I love me my seiyuu jokes.

And goddamn, Himarako and Sakuwari have so much potential childhood backstory drama to mine.
I reread it as well and realized how badly I had typesetted (uh, let's pretend this is a word) that part. I don't have the raws now that I've changed computers, but I'm sure the original text simply said something like "村x水" (Mura x Mizu), so I put two and two together from there. I didn't really make that visible in the translation because I made the font for the rest of the pairings way too big. Good job, me.
I love seiyuu jokes as well. I hadn't even read through the raws before I started working on it too, so it came as a surprise to me.
On an unrelated note, having reread this a third time, I feel hugely embarrassed of many things in the editing process. For one, I had no idea how to operate with Photoshop other than erasing basic things and putting in text. I hate that the pages are slanted (oops) and that I didn't even bother to edit in the translation for the text in Himawari's book. Secondly, while I was immensely proud of myself in the past for my expanded variety of fonts, I think I made it confusing at times when it came to identifying the speaker. Finally, I'm kind of humiliated at my wording in some places. Despite being a native English speaker, some things came off as awkward to me and it makes me cringe to this day.
The doujin was an amazing read and I personally consider it canon to Sakurako and Himawari's back story, but it just feels so ruined by my poor editing, pfft. Oh well.