This was a great story, I'm glad the author's being getting more recognition for it. It was fun how it bends all the LN tropes but also heartwarming in the end just how much Rei goes through for Clare. Reading her translation site comment though I feel bad, she makes less than 1/3 of Japan's annual income? How strapped for cash are mangaka/writers usually anyway.
I'm so glad to see this here. I've been secretly hoping that some one would request this.
Bless the soul of the one who requested this and the uploader who approved it. ( ;´꒳`;)
P.S. For those who might be interested, you can see more fanarts by searching #私の推しは悪役令嬢 on Twitter.There are some great artists who make WataOshi art. (´ ˘ `)
In case anyone's curious, the official translation's title is "I'm In Love With The Villainess". If I remember correctly, Sevenseas will be releasing it some time early November.