Forum › Only Two Happy Endings discussion

joined Aug 16, 2014

I mean, at least it didn't follow other yuri tropes, like one of them leaving for no reason, or marrying/dating a guy for no reason or dying for no reason.

joined Jul 6, 2012

The fuck?

joined Jul 6, 2012

I mean, at least it didn't follow other yuri tropes, like one of them leaving for no reason, or marrying/dating a guy for no reason or dying for no reason.

I though we're way past this shit in 2018.

joined Jan 1, 2014



joined Feb 14, 2016

TFW it's both super rock and the imminent destruction of humanity

joined Nov 26, 2017

I am expecting that it will definitely be a happy ever after.

joined Sep 22, 2014

So are bears going to become part of yuri symbolism like flowers? 'cause I'd be down with that

I hope we get a lot more use out of the "Bears" tag.

joined Apr 23, 2015

Another awesome delinquent character lost by way of complete and utter annihilation of the human race you'd be surprised how often that happens!

joined Jan 21, 2016

I have so many questions. But I guess the tags do make sense.

joined Jul 6, 2013

You know we have people that look at the sky for a living? A rock big enough to cause a mass extinction event wouldn't go unnoticed.

joined Sep 4, 2017

The angle was a bit off for it to hit the earth. The comet tail was on the right side, meaning it would continue going left past earth, and not directly towards it.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The angle was a bit off for it to hit the earth. The comet tail was on the right side, meaning it would continue going left past earth, and not directly towards it.

A comet's tail does not indicate direction of travel.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

This is why in a proper Story S they always say "but we're both girls!" "It would be wrong!"

See what happens when you let yuri get out of control? The whole world gets destroyed by an asteroid. So leave it to notes in the shoe locker and occasional hand-holding, girls!

joined May 24, 2014

I mean, at least it didn't follow other yuri tropes, like one of them leaving for no reason, or marrying/dating a guy for no reason or dying for no reason.

Nope, instead they both die together. I'm... not sure that's such a great improvement actually.

joined Jan 30, 2018

Sheesh, do we need a Apocalyptic Meteor tag? Cause it seems to happen pretty often around here.

I think it's a tab that should be added.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Hmmmm, There is still some time for Moderate Amounts of Sex right?

last edited at Feb 14, 2018 11:51AM

joined Aug 22, 2016

I don't think this needs a 'What the fuck am I reading?' tag. Maybe fantasy though.

Kumahara-chan comes from a strict family, so the Kuma-personality is said to be a potential result of that. This represents a sort of split or forced personality used to distract or compensate from conflict. I'd guess that Kumahara's family life is at least ineffectual and psychologically harmful or even abusive. Meanwhile, Kasukabe is the sole supporter of the household; her father is absent or deceased, her mother doesn't work due to being blind, and while having to take care of her mom and work, she has to fit school in somewhere and is shown to care about her credits. I wouldn't call her a delinquent.

Given context of the story, we can assume that both girls wish, to a certain extent, that their lives were different, and to that end, their worlds were different for themselves and those they care for. Finding a mutual love in each other started a new world for them, no longer alone and trying to compensate on their own. In that way, the old world they used to live in had ended. And when one world ends, a new begins.

I guess we could see the meteor as literal or symbolic, I prefer symbolic, as Kusakabe's shock at the end is that she likely never expected relief from a difficult life to come from a romance with another girl, a girl that once annoyed her to no end. A whole new world is opening for her while the old, lonely one is in the middle of ending.

There's a lot going on in this story.

last edited at Feb 14, 2018 11:25PM

joined Nov 13, 2015

And so it goes.

joined Sep 7, 2016

I don't think this needs a 'What the fuck am I reading?' tag. Maybe fantasy though.

Kumahara-chan comes from a strict family, so the Kuma-personality is said to be a potential result of that. This represents a sort of split or forced personality used to distract or compensate from conflict. I'd guess that Kumahara's family life is at least ineffectual and psychologically harmful or even abusive. Meanwhile, Kasukabe is the sole supporter of the household; her father is absent or deceased, her mother doesn't work due to being blind, and while having to take care of her mom and work, she has to fit school in somewhere and is shown to care about her credits. I wouldn't call her a delinquent.

I do think it's literal, but we can always hope it's symbolic. That would help out my heart a bit.

joined Aug 13, 2017

devilman ending

joined Jan 23, 2017

saitama is not here? oww

joined Jun 30, 2017

Augh! :(

joined Apr 7, 2018

I was feeling bad and now this

joined Mar 27, 2015


joined Jun 1, 2017

I like the nonsense ending and story BUT these characters (especially Miss Teenage Delinquent-san!!!!!) were too good to be wasted in such a short story /siiiigh/

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