Regarding kimiaetara, there's no need for a negotiation. Chaosteam put the series on the backburner, whereas chapter 3, 4, and 5 have already been translated. I see no reason they shouldn't be put on this site when they have already been finished.
I'm not sure what you mean by no need for negotiation, as we are currently planning on having Kimi Ni Aetara uploaded to the site, along with all the other Chaosteam releases. When those are uploaded, the /u/ translated chapters will be uploaded as soon as possible, but it would make a lot more sense to wait for the first chapters to be uploaded before uploading 3-5, seeing as we have permission to upload them now.
I thought it was pretty clear in my post I was acting defensively due to these comments by Alextasha, and Xevia, who is presumably with chaosteam:
Alextasha said:
Maybe before you start negotiating here you two will go to chaosteam thread to keep this manga thread away from it :P
Xevia said:
Well, its not really low prio but when u have limited time u just can't do every serie u want. Also i don't really get why u picked it since we didn't really said we don't do it anymore. We kinda wanted to put all our translations bit by bit on dynasty what also includes "Ashita"
I'm quite anxious to let other people see the other chapters translated you see, and some people exclusively use dynasty-scans. I wouldn't want chapters 1 and 2 to be held hostage, causing a split in the readers.
last edited at May 30, 2017 5:11AM