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joined Nov 2, 2013

I've been out of school for awhile so all this math is hurting my brain Z_Z

I say we introduce a third girl so that Yuzu get's her own Harem! Who is with me??

joined Mar 6, 2014

I say we introduce a third girl so that Yuzu get's her own Harem! Who is with me??


joined Nov 2, 2013

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS and she will not be a b*tch because Yuzu deserves better!

joined Apr 9, 2014

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS and she will not be a b*tch because Yuzu deserves better!

I have to say I agree. Mei needs to stop fucking with yuzu's emotions. >.<

joined Nov 2, 2013

Mei needs to stop fucking with yuzu's emotions. >.<


joined Mar 22, 2014

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS and she will not be a b*tch because Yuzu deserves better!

Not like Matsuri is any less of a bitch though, and I feel like any character introduced after Matsuri will be a bitch as well. It seems to be a pattern.

joined May 18, 2013

I don't understand why there are so many haters in this manga. Though the more popular the manga is , there more haters it gets and they are always very vocal. Just like Naruto, lots like it and yet lots despise it.

I seriously love this manga. The plot is cliche but still exciting. It's like Disney movies; all end with happy endings but people still watch and enjoy it. Thank you for scanlating! Please never stop.

Plus Harumi must have some bad feelings about Matsuri. She was giving her suspicious look.

last edited at Apr 9, 2014 8:09PM

joined Feb 23, 2014

I don't understand why there are so many haters in this manga. Though the more popular the manga is , there more haters it gets and they are always very vocal. Just like Naruto, lots like it and yet lots despise it.

I seriously love this manga. The plot is cliche but still exciting. It's like Disney movies; all end with happy endings but people still watch and enjoy it. Thank you for scanlating! Please never stop.

No dragonball is immensely popular and most love it, people hate naruto because it sucks, i don't hate this, i just hate some elements and think it is kind of bland and generic with forced drama

joined Mar 6, 2014

I don't understand why there are so many haters in this manga. Though the more popular the manga is , there more haters it gets and they are always very vocal. Just like Naruto, lots like it and yet lots despise it.

I seriously love this manga. The plot is cliche but still exciting. It's like Disney movies; all end with happy endings but people still watch and enjoy it. Thank you for scanlating! Please never stop.

Well i don't hate it but i don't like it either, i was just reading for the sake of reading and also because the number of yuri contents are limited, plus the art is nice
But this last chapter rubbed me the wrong way with great might and i fear it may set the standard for a new arc unless the protag indeed challenges the laws of mathematics to get her love, then it'll be up there with Build Fighters as the best thing ever

last edited at Apr 9, 2014 8:15PM

joined Apr 10, 2013

Oh god! Hahah! I am so pissed with that girl but entertaining at the same time! Casually mentioning such inappropriate things~

Ah, I could like this character!

joined Apr 9, 2013

oh my gosh whyyyyyy
why must matsuri be there, you little twerp!!!
matsuri seems like a cute, cool chic but... damn if she's really going to be up straight rude...

joined Mar 13, 2014

MATSURI DOES WHAT FOR A JOB!? lol I do like the headphones though...

Mei, pls stahp ;_; I'm getting a bad vibe from Matsuri, but I like to believe she'll turn out to be a good character like that guy from Koe no Katachi, lmao. Maybe it was a ploy to get Mei to confess or something. Yeah, that has to be it... I must have my happy ending, even if it means being in denial!

last edited at Apr 9, 2014 8:23PM

joined Jan 5, 2014

Hun?? Masturbate infront of the camera........'_'.........'_'...........

joined Mar 6, 2014

Maybe it was a ploy to get Mei to confess or something. Yeah, that has to be it... I must have my happy ending, even if it means being in denial!

She doesn't have to be a good girl for the series to have a happy ending
For example: Imagine if, you following me? So, imagine if, like, a meteor smashes her to pieces

joined Feb 9, 2014

I like Matsuri, at lot. She reminds me of Nezumi from Majisuka Gakuen a lot, for some reason. Still love her even though her job is ehh.

joined Apr 9, 2014

I agree, the Nezumi vibe is indeed there in matsuri.

Anyway, she doesn't records herself masturbating and shows it to people. She sends other's videos masturbating and pretends that it's her and makes some excuses on why she cant do a specific order from the client.

joined Dec 18, 2013

All of you complaining about Matsuri's bitchiness just wait until we met Haru-chin's Sis and it turns out she will be the raddest Sister this side of the Yuri :P

last edited at Apr 9, 2014 9:37PM

joined Sep 23, 2013

if Mei is going to continue being a beitch on some times then she would loose her... I mean common.. would you rather chase a girl that acts like she doesn't have interest in you and treats you like you're shet, OR go for a girl that treats you nicer and better than you expected?
then again..... Matsuri.... she's plotting something alright. I dont want to judge Matsuri without knowing in depth. (Although do prostitution)

last edited at Apr 9, 2014 10:57PM

joined Feb 14, 2014

On a side note, so Harumin has a sister, one who makes her shiver!! humuhumu...I'm waiting for you Onee-sama ←~∋(。Ψ▼ー▼)∈

Didn't even think about that. Now I can't wait

joined Mar 14, 2014

NOOO it's getting intense and now we have to wait again!

joined Apr 9, 2014

Man, I just had to create an account here after reading chapter 9 to say that I can't bring myself to like Matsuri. Seriously, this girl and this kind of development are just... too cliche. I agree with those who said that adding her was unnecessary drama. I mean, Matsuri says she likes Yuzu but she's just bored. Mei had already screwed things up (again) by rejecting Yuzu and Matsuri only made it worse.

Anyway... I also agree that Matsuri's actions may help Mei to realize her feelings, but knowing her I'm pretty sure she'll just ignore Yuzu and pretend she doesn't care at all. I actually think Mei is already aware of her feelings but she doesn't want to admit it (probably because she has been thinking about their future even though what she said sounded like an excuse to me). I don't think she's okay with rejecting Yuzu either (at least her expressions don't say so), but it's hard to tell what's on her mind. I just hope she makes the right decision and fights for Yuzu when the time comes instead of being stubborn if she doesn't want to lose her. I guess Yuzu wouldn't stop loving Mei even if she wanted to but oh well... who knows what'll happen if Mei keeps on rejecting her. Matsuri has something in mind after all, and just like Harumin I also had a bad feeling about it. lol

last edited at Apr 9, 2014 11:58PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

and just like Harumin I also had a bad feeling about it. lol

speaking of Harumin, never mind that she got bad vibes from Matsuri, I think she knows something is up between Yuzu and Mei and is basically playing the role of Yuzu's guardian angel.

as for Matsuri, now that her character has introduced the forced misunderstanding between Yuzu and Mei, how many chapters must we endure the angst? and how will Mei react? more coldly towards Yuzu or does it cause her (Mei) to go all caveman (forcible kiss) on Yuzu when they are at home? I'm guessing here, but I think we get 2 more chapters of this madness before Mei goes from ice queen to club wielding caveman (eeeeerrrrm... cave woman).

thoughts anyone?

joined Jan 13, 2014

That delinquent is messing with my OTP. She's so possessive!

joined Dec 10, 2013

Lotsa people sayin chapter 9 is just forced drama but, imo it made the story a lot more interesting :)

joined Dec 18, 2013

Did people react the same way when the vice president was introduced? That mini arc was well written and moved forward Mei and Yuzu's characters, it was also short to boost (2 chapters IIRC)

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