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joined Feb 15, 2016

@BulgarianKinky Can't help the fact that your name can be manipulated with such ease.

Yay! Well, looks like I've finally built my powerbase to the little "operation" that we'll be conducting shortly.

In all seriousness, thank you for full support! It really does mean a world to me.

I can't help that, I'm embarrasingly easy to embarass V:

Well, I can give hugs, but receiving them is another story. Usually when I hug people I do it with full force, trying to lift them and then wonder why my back hurts so much >.>

Well, I always have my phone with Dynasty to amuse myself with, no book will replace a safety haven for me.

So it smells too much of a high percentage alcohol? Used to view it as bad thing, then had multiple instances when my friends rolled with very cheap vodka; now I just roll with it.

Well, guess I'm a pretty unlucky Gal..ich. I do like the rain as well, but I was completly unprepared and was carrying the precious books without any bags or anything to protect them with.

Forgetting things really is awful. Can't recall the number of times I take a powerbank with me only to discover that I didn't take a cable, which results in me having to use my phone very conservatively. Guess I could get myself another cable and carry it with me at all times.

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 1:13PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yay! Well, looks like I've finally built my powerbase to the little "operation" that we'll be conducting shortly.

In all seriousness, thank you for full support! It really does mean a world to me.

wtf are you actually out to get me? D:

joined Feb 15, 2016

Of course not, I'd have no one to talk with about Arumba. Stop thinking so selfishly v:

joined Feb 3, 2015

Hahaa, BulgarianKinky sounds like a movie title xD

Chocolate created his account here one day after I had created mine, and he still dares to have over 3x more posts... that begs for a bloody war xD

The irony is that the kinkiest person in here is probably the shiest one^^

Hah, I'm the same, I usually lift up my female friends, but they hate that xD

I wish we could receive notifications from the cafe.
You make me want to read more^^ the world isn't only wine and spirits xD

Haha, I understand you well!

Chocolate you fail at lurking.. I've had my avatar for 6 months :P

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 3:37PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Chocolate created his account here one day after I had created mine, and he still dares to have over 3x more posts... that begs for a bloody war xD

It's not my fault you squandered your lead and who said I'm a he? D:

Chocolate you fail at lurking.. I've had my avatar for 6 months :P

I meant, like, it felt like you always had it D:

Although I swear you had a similar one to it fairly early one or something <_<

You said you were done with Bleach earlier but your avi looks like Yoruichi D:

Who is also a Black kitty D:

I'm tired so imma ramble D:

joined Feb 15, 2016

@BadKitty so, we continue with the puns? I am okay with this.

But what kind of film (¬‿¬) Just noticed that this emoji looks different depanding on how you view it.

Math time!

Well, CCK is at the post ratio of 1,4 posts per day, while I'm sitting at 2,3. Anon still beats me, with her 5,4 posts per day >.>

I still wonder how one can manage to wreck up so many posts, I mean I don't even see enough popular threads for CCL to spam in.

So many kinky people.. wait a moment. You, Anon.. I'm the odd one here, I'll end up getting used and abused >.>

Oh, so many friends hate me doing that to them as well. Last time I've tried to lift someone it was my friend after he's accepted my coming out.. he is 195cm tall and has weight of 93kg.. I had no chance to begin with.

Usually tend to scream enthusiastically when doing it. Makes me look more crazy than I actually am.. okay, makes me look as crazy as I am.. FINE. Makes me look saner than I actually am.

Yup, wish there was an app for that or something to put on my phone's main page, something like Facebook had with recent posts by friends. Now that I think about it, there isn't an app for Dynasty's forums.

Everyone who has reading as their hobby will tell you it's a waste of time that kills your back, eyesight, social life and makes you much more dramatic, plus it's not really worth it.. just like the rest of my hobbies.

Well, reading manga is still reading in my book (oh, the pun!).

Oh, and owning many books takes your space up. I ended up having to put my new books inside of my drawer with my bedlinen. I swear, I'm a neat person, it's just that my shelves are full -.-

Actually, I do have a spare cable.. sounds like a plan.

Well, I don't remember any of your other avatars but this one and the previous one.

Thankfully, me changing my Dynasty avatar went under the radar, in spite of me changing it around 4 times (okay, 3 of which were small adjustments).

Alright, maybe it's time to do something more radical.. more dangerous..moer edgy.. I propose we run with scissors! :v

@Anon and others since it's related to music. You know what is my unhealthiest hobby? Music. Every time I go smoking I put on music and if the track doesn't last till the end of my cigarette, I turn on another one.. and if it's not synched up, I take another one. It's gonna kill me one day.

Guess I should switch to listening to prog.

last edited at Aug 18, 2016 7:08AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@CCL I'll just say this since I'm in the position to.

Well obviously you're "him", since no gal would touch Paradox games.

There, that joke had to be made by someone.

Ramble ramble.

I don't take myself too seriously, now do I?

I don't remember who's recommended Always Human in this thread a few pages ago, but thanks to them! It's really up my alley.

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 4:43PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Math time!

Well, CCK is at the post ratio of 1,4 posts per day, while I'm sitting at 2,3. Anon still beats me, with her 5,4 posts per day >.>

I still wonder where he's managed to wreck up so many posts, I mean I don't even see enough popular threads for him to spam in.

Again where does he come from? =.= And I spammed a lot last summer when I got off school. I'm perma off now but there aren't as many general threads I don't think? Maybe there are, but I also don't read as much so I don't join many comment threads anymore and I was really bad at derailing back in the day. Wouldn't be surprised if my post rate a year ago blew anon out of the water D:

Thankfully, me changing my Dynasty avatar went under the radar, in spite of me changing it around 4 times (okay, 3 of which were small adjustments).

Good, you haven't noticed the retaliation bomb yet >:D

Tho tbf I did the unthinkable a while back and changed my avi of over a year D:

Mostly to annoy a guy on the irc tho.

@Anon and others since it's related to music. You know what is my unhealthiest hobby? Music. Every time I go smoking I put on music and if the track doesn't last till the end of my cigarette, I turn on another one.. and if it's not synched up, I take another one. It's gonna kill me one day.

No smoking pls, just reading about it makes me want to cough.

@CCL I'll just say this since I'm in the position to.

Well obviously you're "him", since no gal would touch Paradox games.

There, that joke had to be made by someone.

Ramble ramble.

I don't take myself too seriously, now do I?

Right =.=

joined Dec 15, 2015

Hi everyone !

You changed your pic blackkitty ? Wait ... name's blackkitty, has a yoruichi avatar. The combo is real.

I just watched Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, and I DO recommend it, fluffy and hilarious moment guaranteed.

joined Feb 15, 2016

@CCL Well, that was a dumb assumption on my part, regardless of your gender. I out of all people don't have an excuse. Sorry about that. Edited my post. I actually wanted to come back to it and rewrite it, but it was already too late. Totally forgot about that other post >.>

That was a bad streak of posts, apologies for that.

I don't even know the demographics of Paradox games' players. Well, a failed message is full of fail.

Well, true that, there are almost no general threads now.

Don't flatter yourself, I'll be voting Anon this year. Or BK. Or Galich. Anyone.

Well, I do remember now that you've commented, even I replied. Who's not noticed the retaliation bomb now?!

Maaaaybe it's just me coming from a Slavic country where everyone smokes, but I swear, the number of smokers to no smokers in this thread is really tipped in favour of those who don't smoke.

Also, does that mean my avatar makes you want to cough?

Rewrote this post to sound like less of an asshat.

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 5:25PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

It's fine I usually wouldn't bother but I'm tired so read slowly enough to notice stuff I don't usually (I speed read and am a terribad speed reader). Just messing I'm not really fussed what I'm called Dx No need for sorry D:

Wasn't failed, I got the joke, it wasn't an angry =.= it was a... sarcastic anger? playful scolding? idk what I'm saying I should go bed...

what about voting D:

Still you who hasn't noticed cos... no u =.= is my reasoning p much Dx

I never noticed the fag before D:

Oh God this is going to kill me...

Imma faint, good night

Edited what? You didn't sound like an asshat...

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 5:27PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

It's fine I usually wouldn't bother but I'm tired so read slowly enough to notice stuff I don't usually (I speed read and am a terribad speed reader). Just messing I'm not really fussed what I'm called Dx No need for sorry D:

Yay, turns out my sarcasm/anger/whatever detectors are still working to some extend.

Well, it's more of a personal principle of sorts. I just hate people making dumb assumptions, and cannot stand it when I'm one of them >.>

Guess I can be a bit oversensitive over those matters. But hey, you probably saw the only time Galich has apologised for something.

Well, Anon's mentioned that she'd vote for you. I'll support any other candidate.

Wait, what? But I've even left it in colour for it to stand out.. Noooo D:

Well, if I had any photoshop skills, I'd photoshop into a lollipop or sth.

The only user I recall admitting to chopping cancer sticks (and only with friends) is SmokingKitty.

So you're off? Good night! Hope you won't dream of any cancer sticks V:

Had one post that I've removed swiftly, sounded a bit too serious for my taste. I can be pretty nasty to others too you know :P

Not to be read by CCL or anyone sensitive to smoking After smoking a few cigs in a row, I start to spew blood. Guess my organism is trying to tell me something?

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 5:46PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon I'm sorry, it took me a while to reply to you..

hah, well, you wanted a kinkykitty, so I pictured it as a sexy yoruichi^^ ... though the only common trait I have with her is the hair length xD

what to say, maybe the proper nickname for me would be "lostkitty" because that's how I feel about my life. And I have my own walls to break.. not an easy task.. I'm no gamer xD and playing the game of my life sounds challenging.

I was kind of pissed off yesterday because a distant relative offers me a job opportunity, but she has the inspirations to present me to her son who is "very good man, with a job and a house, and very single... "
well, lately everything seems to go wrong, so I felt down yesterday.

yes, those were funny^^ I might've been wrong actually.

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 7:27PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty Well, you can always try to make the best out of the situation and take the job, playing it time. I know it's pretty nasty to get a job under those circumstances (had a similar thing a few years ago, and I was yet to graduate highschool >.>)

There are periods like that, but the best thing to do in such situations is bearing with it and waiting for an occassion to bounce back.

Currently having a period of failing at life myself, but I'm trying to think positive.

Well, currently trying to look on the future in a positive way (refering to my story from a few pages ago); if my friend is willing to try and communicate with me, it's gonna be during this weekend or never. I know her this well to be aware of that.

I don't hold any expactions, so I guess in the worst case scenario there will be no disappointment. Still, it's just frustrating that I have no ways of trying to talk this situation through with her, since I have confidence we'd be able to patch things up ridiculously easy.

Well, I'm still of positive thought. You can root for me if ya want to, let the communication prevail!

In all seriousness tho., it just sucks when you have no way of trying to patch things up with someone and talk a quarrel through, especially when you want to apologize for/fix your wrongdoings, like in my case, when the reason for the entire quarrel doesn't exist anymore.

Judging by Miki's (sucks she's no longer with us :[ ) and Rina's posts, seems like those situations are pretty common.

Just noticed that your post was directed at @Anon, whoops. Guess I'll just piggyback on her then :P

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 8:13PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Judging by Miki's (sucks she's no longer with us :[ ) and Rina's posts, seems like those situations are pretty common.

Say my name and I shall appear, like Voldemort :p though...I've no idea what the topic is about XD I need to sleep more in the noon to keep up with staying awake at night (lol)

Still, just a small update, my break is going well so far lol; watching a few J-dramas (so much better than Ks), grinding to lvl 65 on TERA to get my girlfriend an in-game dress for her character and following up on some anime (re-watching Hidan no Aria AA now). Really helps to forget about everything that has transpired over these past few months ^ _ ^ though...I don't think I'll be looking forward to this break ending like previous times since the attachment program will probably be hell...

and since I'll likely have to start work next year...probably won't have time to come onto the thread unless on weekends for a while ^ ^" but that's entirely for next year anyways

Edit: I've the slowest post count rate ; ^ ;

last edited at Aug 18, 2016 12:04AM

joined Jan 14, 2015

Dont lose hope! Cheer up!! Conquer tomorrow to live for today!!! (phew thats enough inspirational words for tonight (=~=)/)

last edited at Aug 18, 2016 12:15AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Hey! Rika_Senpai! You could become our motivational speaker ;)
We've got a lot of unmotivated peeps around here ^^
You seem to have some serious talent and that profile pic also suits the job... I'd say: hired! (^_^)b

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rina

Screw post count rates!
Don't let yourself be fooled!
It's quality over quantity! Never forget that!
Numbers are just made up by human beings to rate things... don't let yourself be rated... o_O

joined Aug 18, 2016

Hey guys. Another long time lurker here, who decided to de-lurk and join the most interesting thread! Being feverish right now may also have something to do with it ^^;

I’m a genderqueer ex-student person, 'musician' and DJ, and typically aimless soul. Yuri-wise, I love reading the likes of Amano Shuninta, Yotsuhara Furiko, Fujieda Miyabi, and Nishio Yuhta. Though my favorite manga (Battle Angel Alita) is about as far from yuri as it gets… though even there I have my ships... ^^;

My biggest love is music. I listen to all kinds of rock, pop, and electronic music (some of which has been mentioned itt), but my all-time favorite band is Ozric Tentacles. (warning: all the flashing lights)

I’m a USian. So far I’ve only been to Canada and the UK… I’m saving up to visit Japan, and I want to see Finland someday too.

I’m probably not too coherent rn, but there you go. ^^

joined Jan 14, 2015

I've got it!! >¬</ motivative speaker is what ill become! Be prepare chatboxes for i have become the motive speaker! Aaaa and there goes the motivation =~= ... Upppopp!! Just kidding! Hahaha you guys wont be able to get rid of me easily!!

Forgive my ignorance but can you explain what a genderqueer is? I'm not very educated about stuff like that haha i blame the corrupt school system XD

You travel!! That so cool!! I havent traveled much but im hoping to visit China. Though a lot of people say Japan is the way to go hmmm i feel indecisive... No!! My spirit will not waver!! China it is!!! Ill start right away!!!!!!!

joined Aug 18, 2016

Forgive my ignorance but can you explain what a genderqueer is? I'm not very educated about stuff like that haha i blame the corrupt school system XD

Nah, that's cool. Genderqueer is kind of an all-encompassing term for people who don't ID as totally male or female.

You travel!! That so cool!! I havent traveled much but im hoping to visit China. Though a lot of people say Japan is the way to go hmmm i feel indecisive... No!! My spirit will not waver!! China it is!!! Ill start right away!!!!!!!

I wish I could travel more! The Canada trip was when I was little... UK, more recently, but that's still several years ago.

You could always hedge your bets and go to Taiwan. ^^

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Rika_Senpai Hello! Didn't see you here before! Hope you'll enjoy time spent in our cafe.

Will highjack the question and say that IIRC genderqueer is a very broad term and can be applied in a few different ways, but the easiest way of explaining it is not identifying in the normal cis scale of "guy/gal", so it covers cases like being bigender, genderfluid etc.

Actually, it's so broad that only Suosiki will be able to fully explain what they are.

@Suosiki Hello and welcome! Another person from the US? Looks like our European influence is slowly in decline..

In all seriousness tho., a DJ? That sounds really nifty actually. Do you do it for living?

joined Feb 15, 2016

The great Rina appears, and once she's summoned it is already too late!

Sounds like a pretty cool break! I can relate, the last months of my school were godawful, but I'm scared of what's to come at uni.

Darn, less posts by you? Sucks to hear that. Well, I'll be of good hope anyway and wish for a liberal yuri-loving boss that lets you use Dynasty at work :P

joined Aug 18, 2016

I've DJed at a few parties, but no, I don't do it for a living. Especially these days, it mostly takes place in my bedroom. :p But the love is there!

To be a little more specific: I'm probably more agender, or genderless, than anything else. They/theirs pronouns are nice, but I'm not too bothered if people forget them. IIRC there was one other agender poster in the forums, but I don't know if they're still active.

I really hope this place can keep its European charm!

I should go to bed... reading yuri helps, but won't cure my fever, as much as I would like it to have that power. :P

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Suosiki That's still a very cool hobby! Music is a love you have your entire life!

Will try to remember the pronouns, sorry if I screw up.

Well, while the Cafe's regulars are all European, it's more of a multicultured flavour where we accept everyone. I guess you can see a bit of a European outlook from some posters like Anon.

Agreed on the fact that reading yuri before sleeping is the way to go.

Alright, have a good night and I hope that your fever will go away!

Well, since it's only 11 o'clock here, hello everyone! How's your day going today?

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