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joined Oct 22, 2018

I tried to find your channel on yt by hint "unified Balkans", but it failed, so if you can tell me how to find your channel if you wish, if you have some shared content about your ideas.

Sorry to disappoint you, but my channel has little to nothing to do with either yuri or politics. The only parts where I either hint or mention my idea for a unified Balkans is my channel name, channel art and the second sentence if my "about" page. I mainly do mapping, to a lesser extent memes (though, I'm not proud of my first two meme videos, and am actually considering deleting them), and also plan to make history videos. I'm not sure you (or anyone here) would like such videos, but if you're interested or at least curious, here it is:

I'm interested about you, how long you are here, and interested in yuri manga? What pulled you in? (asking for, because I rarely can meet here people from our area sharing similar interests with me)

I think I've had an account here since late September or October 2018, but first discovered this site in like March or April 2018. My discovery of the yuri genre only precedes that by a few month, about December 2017 or January 2018. I must admit that the first yuri manga I've discovered and read... isn't one to be proud of having read it, which is why I'm unwilling to mention it. Actually, "not being proud of having read it" is also the case for the 2nd and 3rd manga I have read... Citrus (which I now love to call (and I think rightfully so) the dead middle of yuri manga) and NTR (crappy... not entirely, but still... crappy). I only really got to the idea of making an account and participating in the forums when I discovered the manga that still, to this day, remains my favourite, and I've discovered it the same way I earlier discovered things like countryballs, mapping, and the yuri genre itself: by accident. That manga was Bloom Into You. Since then, I've discovered many other manga, and I've been a commonly seen user in several forums. I'm kinda infamous for my off-topic posts. I also tend to be kinda mentally unstable, getting all masochistic for the smallest and most banal of errors (either IRL or in the forums here), as I have actually punished myself several times with self-imposed exiles from the forums (once even from the site as a whole), which, each time, I arbitrarily set at anywhere between 3 and 15 days. More often than not, the catalyst has something to do with school, so... that's why there's only one self-imposed exile I remember from this year's (ongoing) summer break.

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 5:57AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

isn't one to be proud of having read it, which is why I'm unwilling to mention

The fact you mention Citrus and NTR afterward make me curious about what yuri can be that bad to not be mentionning.

joined Jun 27, 2017

i want to watch a fire emblem 3 houses walkthrough but is there anyone doing the lesbian route though? any suggestion who to watch.

I actually got to play some 3DS Fire Emblem lately, but I can't say I'm too into it. Having a strategy game but (basically) no AI is kinda stupid; and the plot is "very shounen anime". "I don't trust you!" "Let's fight!" "You beat me. I have felt the purity of your motivations. Now I will join your cause." ^^

joined Oct 22, 2018

isn't one to be proud of having read it, which is why I'm unwilling to mention

The fact you mention Citrus and NTR afterward make me curious about what yuri can be that bad to not be mentionning.

Good. You won't be founding out unless you accidentally stumble upon the forum that manga where I admitted to that.

joined Jun 25, 2019

isn't one to be proud of having read it, which is why I'm unwilling to mention

The fact you mention Citrus and NTR afterward make me curious about what yuri can be that bad to not be mentionning.

Good. You won't be founding out unless you accidentally stumble upon the forum that manga where I admitted to that.

The only information i gather throught your historic of message is that manga had a threesome ending. Can't found anything other than that. Did the manga is even here ?

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 8:26AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

isn't one to be proud of having read it, which is why I'm unwilling to mention

The fact you mention Citrus and NTR afterward make me curious about what yuri can be that bad to not be mentionning.

Good. You won't be founding out unless you accidentally stumble upon the forum that manga where I admitted to that.

The only information i gather throught your historic of message is that manga had a threesome ending. Can't found anything other than that. Did the manga is even here ?

It is on this site, but I ain't telling, and I also deleted the comment I made in the forum there. ALL EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ERASED!
All that's left is the baggage of shame that still weighs heavily on my conscience.

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 8:44AM

joined Apr 23, 2019

Citrus (which I now love to call (and I think rightfully so) the dead middle of yuri manga) and NTR (crappy... not entirely, but still... crappy).

I understand very well what you wanna say...
I think Citrus was very good at the beginning, until Mei was transformed into completely another person. She simply wasn't same anymore, and whole setting of the story failed.
NTR is heavy stuff, but I like to read heavy stuff...So I won't complain.

My first were Girlfriends. One of "awful" favorites Hen (can't call it entirely yuri, but plot was interesting touching so many various and sensitive themes in a good way, and, it's yuri ending- maybe surprising for such type of manga?) I think I was reading it in 48 hours without sleeping or pauses, that's why it's one of my well remembered favorites.

You are also very mysterious, avoiding to mention names of some your first reads :)
But I will not insist, or push you...

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 9:07AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

One of "awful" favorites Hen (can't call it entirely yuri, but plot was interesting touching so many various and sensitive themes in a good way, and, it's yuri ending- maybe surprising for such type of manga?) I think I was reading it in 48 hours without sleeping or pauses, that's why it's one of my well remembered favorites.

I'm sorry we are not agree on something again but Hen is my least favorite yuri. From the moment the tall one thought she gonna die, it's started to going from bad to worse for me with the breaking point being the introduction the other Hen protagonists. The final chapter feel made up to give a "good" yuri ending but it way too forced.

joined Apr 23, 2019

From the moment the tall one thought she gonna die

Can you be precise, about what what moment you are talking? I can't remember anything else except the earthquake as her being in life danger (but I don't remember her having an inner monologue about dying, it was reading many years ago)

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 9:47AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

From the moment the tall one thought she gonna die

Can you be precise, about what what moment you are talking? I can't remember anything else except the earthquake as her being in life danger (but I don't remember her having an inner monologue about dying, it was reading many years ago)

Iirc she start to have a big fever, she heard from the TV the death of someone from a MST and start to think she had one too and thought she gonna die so she end up pushing over the other girl to go out with the boy (Kobayashi iirc). After that Kobayashi had to go overseas but promise with the other girl to comeback and marry her (?). Meanwhile it turn out that the tall girl is fine and she still try to flirt even if shetold the other girl to go out with the boy.

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 10:03AM

joined Apr 23, 2019

Obviously we have a different kind of focuses, what is important detail for you is unimportant for me. I still think there are so many hilarious and cult-moments in HEN, it's not important having a personal like or dislike about those moments. Preferences are personal thing. I could say it in Latin, if you know what I mean.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Varangian Guard: caries loyalty and honour as their highest values
One Varangian: becomes dishonourable
That same Varanganian: tries to abduct and rape a Thracian peasant woman
Thracian peasant woman: kills the dishonourable Varanganian
Other Varanganians:

Cheers, I'll drink to that.
give all the dishonourable Varanganian's treasures to the woman and her family
burry their dishonourable former member in a simple unmarked grave, as befitting a common criminal

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 10:23AM

joined Jun 5, 2016

/rant start

Super annoyed right now. My pharmacy is now putting a comically huge red warning sticker on the cap of my painkillers that states that opioids are addictive and can be overdosed with.

I mean, no shit Sherlock. Pretty sure anyone who takes the things is aware of that because it's constantly forced down our throats by doctors and society in general.

Newsflash: most people who are "victims of the opioid crisis" are NOT chronic pain patients like me that have been on this crap under a doctor's supervision for years. RAWR.

/rant end

I need to go find some yuri fluff to read to make myself feel better.

joined Oct 22, 2018

For 3 centuries, the Roman Empire had been on a seemingly endless defensive campaign against its Arab neighbours. First the Rashidun, then the Umayyad, and then, finally the Abassid caliphates. In general, in what the Muslims called "the house of war", the Romans were on the back foot, only managing to retain Anatolia by resorting to ambushing the enemy. Yet, in the 10th century, after a peace treaty pacified the Bulgarian border, and after the Abassid Caliphate fragmented into various smaller states, the tables finally turned. The empire launched a devastating attack on the Emirate of Crete, besieging Chandax, the capital, for about a year, waging a campaign of psychological warfare against the local mixed Muslim and Christian population, the latter still being the majority on the island. Meanwhile, another, smaller Roman force retook Melitene, marking the beginning of the end of the Arab emirates and tribal states of easternmost Anatolia. Not even the mighty Hamdanid emirate of Syria, the Jazira and Cilicia could stop the recovery of the once ailing empire. With Crete reclaimed, the empire would turn its gaze to Cilicia, the easternmost edges of Anatolia, Cyprus and, after all those, even the Hamdanid heartlands around Aleppo. But who was responsible for this remarkable recovery of imperial power? There were many people, especially generals, that were responsible, but one man soars above the rest, as the greatest of the bunch. Nikephoros Phokas. He was known for a strategy of attacking deep into enemy territory at strongholds he couldn't realistically hold if he captured them, with the goal of striking terror into the hearts of his Muslim and Bulgar enemies. That strategy got him a unique monicker, earned not because of the colour of his skin, but of the terrified faces of his enemies. Nikephoros was known as the Pale Death of the Saracens.

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 5:32PM

joined May 8, 2017

BV posted:

isn't one to be proud of having read it, which is why I'm unwilling to mention

The fact you mention Citrus and NTR afterward make me curious about what yuri can be that bad to not be mentionning.

Good. You won't be founding out unless you accidentally stumble upon the forum that manga where I admitted to that.

The only information i gather throught your historic of message is that manga had a threesome ending. Can't found anything other than that. Did the manga is even here ?

It is on this site, but I ain't telling, and I also deleted the comment I made in the forum there. ALL EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ERASED!
All that's left is the baggage of shame that still weighs heavily on my conscience.

I wonder: was it Happy End?

joined Oct 22, 2018

BV posted:

isn't one to be proud of having read it, which is why I'm unwilling to mention

The fact you mention Citrus and NTR afterward make me curious about what yuri can be that bad to not be mentionning.

Good. You won't be founding out unless you accidentally stumble upon the forum that manga where I admitted to that.

The only information i gather throught your historic of message is that manga had a threesome ending. Can't found anything other than that. Did the manga is even here ?

It is on this site, but I ain't telling, and I also deleted the comment I made in the forum there. ALL EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ERASED!
All that's left is the baggage of shame that still weighs heavily on my conscience.

I wonder: was it Happy End?

Nah. Actually, you mentioning it is probably like the 3rd time I hear of it, and I don't intend on reading it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

got me paranoid of any of the people I kinda care about getting banned...

That's some bad luck you have BV.

joined May 24, 2014


Aaaaaaaand one more thing: Sadpanda IS BACK

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

drhelsing posted:


Aaaaaaaand one more thing: Sadpanda IS BACK

Rotfl xD

joined May 24, 2014

So if you have a favorite hentai there that you don't want to lose... maybe check it out... The news are all over 4chan but the gist of it seems to be:

They're based on the Netherlands and that government just got informed about Ex hosting loli and shota, which according to their laws is CP.

Sweat nervously thinking at nhentai.

No worries, sadpanda IS BACK!

joined May 8, 2017

BV posted:

I wonder: was it Happy End?

Nah. Actually, you mentioning it is probably like the 3rd time I hear of it, and I don't intend on reading it.

Final guess:

Nanashi no Asterism?

joined Oct 22, 2018

BV posted:

I wonder: was it Happy End?

Nah. Actually, you mentioning it is probably like the 3rd time I hear of it, and I don't intend on reading it.

Final guess:

Nanashi no Asterism?

No. When it comes to how recently I've read it, Nanashi no Asterism is one of the most recent ones, actually.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Two mass shootings in less than 24 hours. It makes me sick. What is wrong with this country.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Two mass shootings in less than 24 hours. It makes me sick. What is wrong with this country.


joined Jun 5, 2016

Two mass shootings in less than 24 hours. It makes me sick. What is wrong with this country.


Dayton, Ohio mass shooting: 9 dead

El Paso, Texas mass shooting: 20 dead

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