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joined Feb 4, 2015

Once in one of introduction thread I mentioned making it so I could talk with Nya-chan and bunch of people send me invitation. You were one of them and since I didn't mind I accepted you. We never talked though xP And yes I barely use it, because I made it solely so I could talk with Nya-chan.

Oh, sorry >_> I don't remember sending it so I was probably drunk you should have ignored me xD

@ ChocolateCakeLover

It's not really warm here either but it's so fucking humid...

It was humid yesterday when I was paintballing... Being shot didn't hurt but the heat I swear nearly killed me Dx

chocolate it was 36 here the other day... :(

How are you still alive D:

I just won the drama contest, in case that's still going on.

Actually, that was an insta loss :P

joined Jul 14, 2016

Ghostbusters, am I right?

My friends that have gone to see it pretty much confirmed what I suspected: it ain't gonna be a hit. It will be a mediocre
remake, which is kinda sad. I would have loved to see Ivan Reitman's Ghostbusters 3 instead.

joined Jun 22, 2016

There's this commercial on German TV that says that unsafe sex can lead to unwanted pregnancy...

…! o_O
I mean, did you know that??!?
Who would have guessed...?
… it's just... with life... no matter how old you get... you never stop learning...

It's so good that they told me that! ^^b

@ Old Fart

Hey there, fella! (^_^)/

Did you know that sex without protection can get girls pregnant...?

Sorry, I'm just kidding. Please never mind that... ;)

Regarding Ghostbusters: That's what I feared as well. I liked the idea but stuff like that rarely turns out good.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Girls need condoms because they'll just end up getting other girls pregnant otherwise.

Ghostbusters was bad in the first place :/

joined Jan 31, 2013

Ghostbusters was bad in the first place :/

Uhhhhhhhh, are you talking about the original?

joined Jul 14, 2016

Uhhhhhhhh, are you talking about the original?

Somebody get a rope! (j/k ^_^)

joined Jun 22, 2016

Let's build a pyre! (`∇´)ψ

joined Dec 24, 2014

I'll wait for the film to be out on other sources :p

That aside, whats everyone's song obsession atm? As in, repeated listenings. I am currently playing the full OP for LL Sunshine over and over lol.

I find it better than the original LL S1 OP, kappa

last edited at Jul 17, 2016 10:20PM

joined May 21, 2016

@Goofbar My sense of pride won't allow me to play Overwatch. Meh, Viper's eyebrows are sharp.

@Blackkitty Yeah, I only took a year of French so I definitely cannot help you or myself... I bet you'll ace the next one! Languages are just patterns. Some more annoying than others

@Anon-kun my eyes, Kuchen seems to be more..cookie-ish cakes and Torte are more cake-ish cakes :D ...Right??? Germans help me out.

Tehehe, speaking of all this drinking I'm drinking this hard root beer I found and it's pretty good. I'm such a light weight so I can't drink for shit. I think I'd die if I drank as much as Europeans do. Gah my cheeks are so red and I haven't even finished this one bottle >__>

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm kinda really wanting a couple of albums right now, even though I can't justify buying music. There's a chiptune album by 8 Bit Weapon that's frankly amazing. There's the newest from The Good Ol' Goats. And then the latest release from The Cardboard Crowns. All of them amazing for different reasons.

As to stuff I'm actually listening to, the second album of OverClocked Remix's set for Final Fantasy II came out and it's great, and I've been listening to the soundtrack for the game Thea: The Awakening. That, and going back to Adam WarRock's Oni Press Mixtape which is a joy to listen to.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I've been currently listening to two Albums related to Mobile Suit Gundam: Unicorn: UnChild; and Into the Sky which has some different versions of two tracks from UnChild.

joined Nov 29, 2014

I just won the drama contest, in case that's still going on.

Actually, that was an insta loss :P

You clearly haven't checked around the internet.

joined Mar 6, 2014

Man that really sucks, i'm slowly feeling my drive to draw fading away, first i lost my will to color stuff 'cause it's a boring process compared to drawing, now even linearting feels like a chore since i'm just retracing a sketch, fortunately said sketches are still a lot of fun to do but who knows when i'll get tired of even that

I've been currently listening to two Albums related to Mobile Suit Gundam: Unicorn: UnChild; and Into the Sky which has some different versions of two tracks from UnChild.

Oh FUCK! How the hell did i completely forgot about this release? I was watching that opening song like a damn hawk! Guess it completely slipped away when Thunderbolt's OST released (I suppose now's a good time as any to change poses on the Banshee and Delta Plus, poor guys' been on that position for a few months now)

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 well. I guess that an add like this is directed at some.. younger members of the society. Every single time I hear about a 13 year old being pregnat and the father being even a year younger, I wonder what's sexual education still doing in schools. Not doing its job, that's for certain.

Cannot believe that I'm saying this, but I agree with ChocolateCakeLover. It feels horrible; looks like we'll be hanging zusammen.

@Alvis It's quite horrible here in Europe. My body has no tolerance for beer, takes me 3 beers to be drunk, and with me weight and height there's no way of justifying it. Well, I've learnt how to appear that you've drank more than you actually have, helps when I'm going out with my friends >.>

Music wise, I just got my hands on Dave Bowie's last album (ridiculously late, I know). I just had the entire thing sit and collect dust since the moment it was released... well, I cannot say that I have an opinion ready regarding it.

@Kyonne It sucks while you're half way done with anything, and then it suddenly turns into a choir. Looks promising so far, keep it up!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Ghostbusters was bad in the first place :/

Uhhhhhhhh, are you talking about the original?

I was :D

It was awful...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rina

I'm still listening to Lorde – Pure Heroine (LP).
Great record!

@ Alvis

^^ I think you got the gist of it.
Kuchen usually looks „dryer“ and more simple. (But of course they're not dry if you make 'em right)
And Torte is mostly the fancy stuff with lots of cream and several layers.

@ Galich

Actually, I don't think it is. They're referring to the number of abortions taking place.
I mean, surely, too many abortions are not really a good thing. But I don't think that you have to explain people that they can cause pregnancy while having sex without protection. I'm pretty sure they know that already... It always sounds so stupid.

There was another great commercial a while ago telling people that even your own family can bring germs and bacteria into your house. Well... duh!
And I always thought that only strangers get in contact with germs and bacteria...
My sneezing kids ought to be sterile and abacterial... no...? o_O

It's just funny when they try to sound educational but what they say is just plain stupid...

@ Kyonne

Looks great! Hang in there!

@ ChocolateCakeLover

No way! That one was great! The first movie was iconic.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I'll wait for the film to be out on other sources :p

i've completely given up on going to the movies. i'm convinced major film companies do not want to make good original movies anymore and any original films that are made are only aired on small screens, so it takes forever for them to reach theaters.

That aside, whats everyone's song obsession atm? As in, repeated listenings. I am currently playing the full OP for LL Sunshine over and over lol.

heh! went and grabbed Samurai Champloo OST. it's been making my commute to work very enjoyable. aside from listening to that ST, i haven't really been focused on songs per se. been more or less bouncing around listening to light/easy listening jazz and zydeco music.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Alvis thank you! so what made you give up on French?
I've tried root beer once, but I guess I will need some more to get used to the taste.

@Galich ha, apperance lies? xD well, no one can tell you how much to drink, just ignore them!

@Rina I'm listening to a mix of favorite piano OST, but I do have a song(ironically from a commercial...) that I seem unable to get out of my head..and I don't really watch much of tv, so it's a mystery.

last edited at Jul 18, 2016 9:28AM

joined Jan 31, 2013

@Kyonne, I have my HGUC Unicorn UM stuck in the middle of paiting (been too nasty outside to use the paints) and my HGUC Unicorn DM is in the middle of construction.

The HGUC Unicorns are fun. I would like a Banshee and a Norn in MG but the OVA version's knees were a pain to transform and I bought the Phenex and I am not looking forward to doing the legs on that lol.

Probably will do a CCA kit next. Or maybe IBO. I was going to do the TB Gundam but that's gonna be a big job. I can't even think how long the Ver Ka will take (or the Psyco Zaku Ver Ka lol).

@ChocolateCakeLover, You are awful and should feel bad for being awful. >:(

That movie is nearly perfect and it is fine if you do not like it, but to say it is awful is to be legitamtely wrong. The movie is a perfect example of how things fall together perfectly by accident.

You can all the second one awful, because a lot of people to, but I like it and it has my favorite quotes but it is a retread otherwise. But the first movie is great.

joined Dec 24, 2014

Interesting to see we've such a diverse music genre range here :o from jazz to instrumentals.

I pretty much only listen to anisongs nowadays lol ^ ^"

joined Jul 14, 2016

Stuck on Jens Kiilstofte stuff from MachinamaSound (Leap of Faith, Seize the Day & Sapphire Sky) as well as listening to The Martian soundtrack, specifically Making Water (aka: Mark Watney, Space Pirate!)

joined Mar 6, 2014

@ZuljinRaynor I really like Barbatos' design, but man that tiny waist doesn't inspire confidence at all, we're constantly changing maids around here and they handle the poor gunplas like a damn rino, got a few lost and broken parts around here thanks to them, so yeah i don't think i'm getting the Barbatos
I wanted my next one to be either a HGUC Jegan D-Type or the RG Destiny Gundam (Since the HG is a piece of shit), but the D-Type is kinda hard to come by and the wings effect on the Destiny is as expensive as the gunpla itself, buying those damn robots here in Brazil ain't cheap at all

last edited at Jul 18, 2016 10:34AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ChocolateCakeLover, You are awful and should feel bad for being awful. >:(

That movie is nearly perfect and it is fine if you do not like it, but to say it is awful is to be legitamtely wrong. The movie is a perfect example of how things fall together perfectly by accident.

You can all the second one awful, because a lot of people to, but I like it and it has my favorite quotes but it is a retread otherwise. But the first movie is great.

ur worse and should feel worse =.=

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ChocolateCakeLover

What's your favorite movie from the 80s?

joined Feb 4, 2015

I don't generally like films and I wasn't alive back then, so I don't know many, but Empire Strikes Back or Platoon or something? idk

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