@Anon99 well. I guess that an add like this is directed at some.. younger members of the society. Every single time I hear about a 13 year old being pregnat and the father being even a year younger, I wonder what's sexual education still doing in schools. Not doing its job, that's for certain.
Cannot believe that I'm saying this, but I agree with ChocolateCakeLover. It feels horrible; looks like we'll be hanging zusammen.
@Alvis It's quite horrible here in Europe. My body has no tolerance for beer, takes me 3 beers to be drunk, and with me weight and height there's no way of justifying it. Well, I've learnt how to appear that you've drank more than you actually have, helps when I'm going out with my friends >.>
Music wise, I just got my hands on Dave Bowie's last album (ridiculously late, I know). I just had the entire thing sit and collect dust since the moment it was released... well, I cannot say that I have an opinion ready regarding it.
@Kyonne It sucks while you're half way done with anything, and then it suddenly turns into a choir. Looks promising so far, keep it up!