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joined Feb 15, 2016

Knowing Chocolate someone might have spiked it with some alcohol V:

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Alvis it was in French, so I guess you can't help(I've heard you are into Kuchen and Torten), but it's nice of you asking :) Thanks!^^

joined Feb 4, 2015

Eaten too much cake why? D:

Actually I'm stuffed from yesterdays pub meal, but there was no chocolate cake for pudding so it can't be that D:

joined Feb 15, 2016

I have bad experiences with pub meals >.>

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty agreed on the Russian cases being spawn of the devil. So Bulgarian is semi mutually intelligible with Russian?
How about the Cyrillic? I know Russian ones well and Ukrainian, but some southern Slav languages do funny things do them, like Serbian. How is your language related to the rest of Balkan Slavic?

We have similat words like tsch etc.

So Bulgarian feels like it's easier than Russian? Polish goes the opposite way, with even harder cases, and verbs being changed by person, like Russian.

This part also goes to @oliver

The main difference is that we usually sont bother saying я or ты. For instance, we would just say люблю (I love for all non_ Slavs out here), instead of я люблю. Same goes for the past tense: we just say "not bought (I) this car". Things are a bit different in the future, as we use "być" (like in Russian буду) or simply put a future tense.
An example:
Kupiłem samochód - I bought a car.
Kupuję samochód - I'm buying a card.
Kupują samochód - They're buying a car.
Będzie kupować samochód - He'll be buying a car.
Kupimy samochód - We'll buy a car.

We sometimes do say "me", "she" etc., but it's mostly when we're trying to be either really polite, really impolite or try to emphasize something. Doesn't apply always tho:

Using Russian instead of Polish at times so it looks less dumber.

last edited at Jul 17, 2016 6:33AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Quick, someone hire me to be lazy on the internet D:

If I were rich I would totally hire you after that remark! ^^
Loved it!

@ Alvis

If you go into detail it's not always that easy to really differentiate because no matter which explanation you choose you can always find at least one exception ^^
You have to eat them all to know the difference ;) Just kidding.
Okay, I'll try.
So Kuchen is mostly baked while Torte consists of ingredients that were added after the base has been baked like cream for instance and it has several layers most of the time.

I'll show you a few examples, maybe that'll help.
Those are your average Kuchen:

And that's what Torte looks like typically:

I hope that helps you at least a little to understand the difference... (^_^“)

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich well, naturally, all slavic languages share the many lexical similarities(even if some languages use Latin alphabet).Grammatically speaking, we are not the typical slavic language.As I said, Bulgarian is the only slavic language to lose its case declension(the proper use of prepositions/word order is very important). Then, we have the articles we affix to the nouns depending on their gender and number, which is also not slavic, and it actually makes the language closer to Albanian and Romanian. Another difference - we form the future tense with a specific particle "ще" before the verb, in opposition to the auxiliary verb + inf(like in Russian) - another similarity with Romanian or Greek. We also have 9 tenses, more than for example in Russian. Then, we don't have the infinitive as it is usually, we have the analytical forms for the different tenses, using the particle "да" before the verb form like "to" in English, and so on... but I'm not an expert really, skipped some classes in comparative linguistics xD . Bulgarian is very very similar to Macedonian(and it's a touchy subject to ask a Bulgarian about it xD), and for Serbian - when I lived with Serbians, they understood everything I spoke in Bulgarian, but I could understand far less from their Serbian xD. I don't know which language is more difficult to learn, probably Russian? they all can be a challenge. Mine is just a queer language (if you wonder why I'm queer xD)
anyway,similarities in languages just show that people are not that much different from each other.. so more peace, love, and cake xD

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty.. that's really allien for a Slavic language.. 9 tenses, articles affixed to the nouns.. yea, let's just have some cake.. a CHOCOLATE one!

@ZuljinRaynor I will outpost you, already overtook Anon.

last edited at Jul 17, 2016 11:43AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

You really pay attention to the strangest things...

Now, try to outpost Gengar! ^^

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 What can I say, I enjoy posting in here, therefore every small achievement is something to be happy about.

I'm just looking forward to outposting ChocolateCakeLover. Gonna take a while tho.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Too busy with LL SIF KotoUmi event to post.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich hahaahah, Galich, don't be so vile... that will break their heart xD

joined Jun 22, 2016

Well... I'm trying a different approach here:
I think posting is like most things in life: It's quality rather than quantity ;P

And with that said, let's continue ^^

Don't we all love Alanis Morissette:


last edited at Jul 17, 2016 4:33PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

I agree with you, but some people ignore that and go for a whole chocolate cake, when they can have a slice of delicious cheesecake!!!

that's funny, 2 hours ago I had to wash the car.. which is rather difficult when it's hot outside. There were clouds on the sky, and I was like: please rain.. save me some manual work... but as it was revealed later, I'm the luckiest person these days.. it started raining after I had finished the job xD

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty That's unlucky :( If it makes you feel any better, it's rained on me. Again. I should start taking umbrellas with me.

I dunno.. I mean, surely ChocolateCakeLover would give all of his cake to us, right? Right?

@Anon99 Last time I've tried to post a quality post, it's ended in a religion and Polish politics discussion.. Someone needs to lower quality of an average post in this thread, and I'm up for the job. I was planning on putting a long agument on why quantity is better than quality, but honestly, it would turn this post into a quality one, so yea.

joined Feb 4, 2015

@Galich hahaahah, Galich, don't be so vile... that will break their heart xD

Who's heart, why D:

@Anon99 What can I say, I enjoy posting in here, therefore every small achievement is something to be happy about.

I'm just looking forward to outposting ChocolateCakeLover. Gonna take a while tho.

Nevaaaaarrrrrr D:<

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Quick, someone hire me to be lazy on the internet D:

If I were rich I would totally hire you after that remark! ^^
Loved it!

Awww, thanks for the hypothetical money ;_; Maybe you'll win the lottery one day and it can happen ;_;

joined Feb 15, 2016

You are being slowly defeated Chocolate. Give up your cake and the post count, and you will be saved.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Come at meh Trebizond D:<

joined Feb 15, 2016

You'll be deader than Sytria once done. 1v1 me.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Jokes on you, Styria usually break free and stay free in my games >:D

joined Feb 15, 2016

It doesn't exist to begin with :E Someone will need to release you, and I'll be convertin' all dem cultures to non-Germanic one V:

joined Feb 4, 2015

I know it doesn't that's what I meant by breaks free, because the rebels or peace deal usually sets them free and then they ally France or something.

joined Feb 15, 2016

I know that you know, I was trying to say that I'm taking you over and culture converting, thus stopping it from formation - cannot release such nation if their culture's switched, like Finland cannot be released from Sweden once they culture convert their territory.

This thread is officially about gaming now.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Even though we have another thread about gaming. :P

joined Feb 15, 2016

@ZuljinRaynor Well, I can start spamming about this LL game, but that's not the place for it V:

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