Forum › Nadeshiko Hiyori ch01 discussion

joined May 11, 2012

Sure, when you want them meybe we should talk in other place then.

I don't know how to do that..but yeah ,that'll be best

Well we could talk on facebook, skype, badoo, irc here on Dynasty, email or other ways, it's your choice.

Haha, manga without romance and you go straight to the survival mangas.

Of course! Watching humans trying to survive is one of the most fun things to do, unless I'm the one trying to survive, than you're a sick and horrible person.

Come one come all. Let us bet how long it'll take for her to have sex with her father.

I mystery am betting 10$ on it happening in the 3rd chapter.

I bet 10$ on 2th chapter.

You do recognize that there's a dramatic difference between gays/lesbians/trans folks getting discriminated against by straight/cis folks than the reverse, yes? The effects and severity are heavily one-sided, as are their positions in society in the first place. Even more so for trans folks. So the idea of "it makes you no better" is ridiculous on the face of it because the situations aren't similar despite revolving around the same topic.

I also agree with what you said, and sorry if someone felt offended by what I said before, but when LGBT people starts bash, offend or discriminate agains anything het, even though it's obviously not the same thing as the severity is heavily one-sided as you said, it's frustrating because make them look as if they're no better than homophobes.

Now in the case of media representation which is what's happening here, "I'm sick of there being so little yuri/lesbian stuff" or "I really hate all this het stuff crowding out yuri", you've gotta admit there's a certain amount of justified frustration. We get a little trickle of yuri, not just here but in fiction in general, while there's a lot more gay stuff and het, well, there's an analogy for that.

The frustration is completely justified, not just for yuri but for anything LGBT, but there's the het tag, they could just ignore or blacklist it, but noooo, everytime anything het is uploaded here someone goes out of their way just to complain, and they probably didn't even read the manga, so that's getting frustating after seen that many times.

And about how yuri is treated, most of the time it's in hentai like the ones Maruta made, or series like Index, Date a Live, Cross Ange, or Love Lab that apparently had more subtext normal, where yuri is used for comedy, fanservice, psycho lesbians, threesomes, part of a harem, there's no logic in expecting that something not yuri will treat yuri right, it don't make sense complain about them, especially if it's hentai since lesbian rarely stay lesbians in there, now if it's Nanoha or Kiniro Mosaic, where the characters are obviously lesbian but we don't see their relationship and the serie is not tagged yuri, now that is a reason to complain.

Oh ,I am also wondering who is a guy/girl/lesbian on the forum too, all said I'm also a lesbian too and I must say I didn't mean to be discriminative against straight people, I just don't come to this manga site for het stuff, but we all should chill

Unfortunately I'm a guy, not everyone have a chance to be a lesbian, never did anything with anyone or had any relationship but I'm probably straight, maybe bi/pansexual, or asexual, small chances of being pedophile, okay maybe not so small but let's not talk about that...

last edited at Apr 26, 2015 1:54PM

joined Apr 27, 2014

Sure, when you want them meybe we should talk in other place then.

I don't know how to do that..but yeah ,that'll be best

Well we could talk on facebook, skype, badoo, irc here on Dynasty, email or other ways, it's your choice.

Alright Facebook it is . cos I'm LOVING Mahou Shoujo Site, I just looooooooooove it to bits. So please do tell me how to locate you .

Oh ,I am also wondering who is a guy/girl/lesbian on the forum too, all said I'm also a lesbian too and I must say I didn't mean to be discriminative against straight people, I just don't come to this manga site for het stuff, but we all should chill

Unfortunately I'm a guy, not everyone have a chance to be a lesbian, never did anything with anyone or had any relationship but I'm probably straight, maybe bi/pansexual, or asexual, small chances of being pedophile, okay maybe not so small but let's not talk about that...

Hahahaha,not everyone has a chance to be a lesbian ,such a world we live in u.u

joined May 11, 2012

Alright Facebook it is . cos I'm LOVING Mahou Shoujo Site, I just looooooooooove it to bits. So please do tell me how to locate you .

Tell me your facebook and I contact you there.

Hahahaha,not everyone has a chance to be a lesbian ,such a world we live in u.u

Such horrible world where not everyone can be a lesbian! although if I could choose I would be a loli futanari, best of both sides, because we all know that penis is the only worth part in a man, and let's be honest, penises are useful.... when I say this kind of thing I don't know if I should run from my gay thoughts or not...

last edited at Apr 26, 2015 3:17PM

joined Apr 27, 2014

Alright Facebook it is . cos I'm LOVING Mahou Shoujo Site, I just looooooooooove it to bits. So please do tell me how to locate you .

Tell me your facebook and I contact you there.

Hahahaha,not everyone has a chance to be a lesbian ,such a world we live in u.u

Such horrible world where not everyone can be a lesbian! although if I could choose I would be a loli futanari, best of both sides, because we all know that penis is the only worth part in a man, and let's be honest, penises are useful.... when I say this kind of thing I don't know if I should run from my gay thoughts or not...

I don't know how to feel about that statement xD

I'll let it slide.

yay mom I made a friend kinda on the net xD

joined Dec 16, 2013

when straight guys realize how much they like the D...

joined Sep 14, 2014

Running away screaming "nooooooooo" is one of the funniest things.


Lol you're never going back.

joined May 11, 2012

when straight guys realize how much they like the D...

I never said I was straight...

joined Dec 16, 2013

not particularly talking about you.
just to those people who said "can't get into yuri coz no D"...
sounds really weird..

joined May 11, 2012

not particularly talking about you.
just to those people who said "can't get into yuri coz no D"...
sounds really weird..

Yeah, reeeeally weird, I don't understand why they can't like yuri just because there's no D, that make me think about some of my friends, they think it's gay to use female character in videogames, I find it more gay that they prefer to keep looking at the butt of their male character than use a female character...

last edited at Apr 26, 2015 5:59PM

joined Feb 23, 2014

Oh, and I don't get all the het bashing...Assuming everyone here is accepting of gays, it's quite appalling to see people discriminating against straights. It makes you no better than homophobes. What I'm saying might be a bit serious for a manga forum, but, even as a lesbian, I find straight bashing immature and offensive.

You do recognize that there's a dramatic difference between gays/lesbians/trans folks getting discriminated against by straight/cis folks than the reverse, yes? The effects and severity are heavily one-sided, as are their positions in society in the first place. Even more so for trans folks. So the idea of "it makes you no better" is ridiculous on the face of it because the situations aren't similar despite revolving around the same topic.

Now in the case of media representation which is what's happening here, "I'm sick of there being so little yuri/lesbian stuff" or "I really hate all this het stuff crowding out yuri", you've gotta admit there's a certain amount of justified frustration. We get a little trickle of yuri, not just here but in fiction in general, while there's a lot more gay stuff and het, well, there's an analogy for that.

Let's not conflate harmful discrimination with a cry of frustration.

Pretty much this, i explained why i call the particular brand of het i complain about "hetshit" so i wont go over that but its just so disappointing, either it eventually becomes hetshit or we get a case of dead lesbians trope by the end, or it just stays eternal subtext (unless its nanoha where its not subtext, its in plain sight its just never addressed.)
Also @ Thiaguinho-sama: having any kind of expectations for cross ange to do anything right? lol

And @ the lesbians question, im one too :P

last edited at Apr 26, 2015 6:34PM

joined May 11, 2012

Pretty much this, i explained why i call the particular brand of het i complain about "hetshit" so i wont go over that but its just so disappointing, either it eventually becomes hetshit or we get a case of dead lesbians trope by the end, or it just stays eternal subtext (unless its nanoha where its not subtext, its in plain sight its just never addressed.)

In case of Nanoha it's pretty obvious they're a couple, but it's still annoyng that they don't show anything.

Also @ Thiaguinho-sama: having any kind of expectations for cross ange to do anything right? lol

Normally I don't play attention to a yuri anime or manga until I know it will really be yuri, because a lot of times I hoped it would become yuri I got disappointed, but for some reason I made the stupid choice of exepect real yuri on Cross Ange, and got dissapointed again... so after Cross Ange no more hope! only despair! like Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku for example, Eruna is pretty much lesbian, in the light novel she don't have any het romance but a lot of subtext with that other girl, but who knows if they will not fuck up with the anime? It's because of that kind of thing that I read spoilers about anything that I want to read/watch/play.

About Cross Ange, anyone know anything about the Vita game? I read in some places that supposedly you could go yuri route...

last edited at Apr 26, 2015 6:49PM

joined Oct 12, 2013

Normally I don't play attention to a yuri anime or manga until I know it will really be yuri, because a lot of times I hoped it would become yuri I got disappointed, but for some reason I made the stupid choice of exepect real yuri on Cross Ange, and got dissapointed again... so after Cross Ange no more hope! only despair! like Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku for example, Eruna is pretty much lesbian, in the light novel she don't have any het romance but a lot of subtext with that other girl, but who knows if they will not fuck up with the anime? It's because of that kind of thing that I read spoilers about anything that I want to read/watch/play.

About Cross Ange, anyone know anything about the Vita game? I read in some places that supposedly you could go yuri route...

Cross Ange was full of real yuri. But it also had the yuri baitshit thing with Sala that bothered me enough to drop the show.

joined May 11, 2012

Cross Ange was full of real yuri. But it also had the yuri baitshit thing with Sala that bothered me enough to drop the show.

Well I have to admit that I didn't watch it yet... the real yuri isn't only some scenes between Rosalie and Chris? and the rest heavy fanservice?

joined Dec 16, 2013

real yuri? lol....

joined Dec 18, 2013

Great story, just hope is a yuri story for once and not bait.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Normally I don't play attention to a yuri anime or manga until I know it will really be yuri, because a lot of times I hoped it would become yuri I got disappointed, but for some reason I made the stupid choice of exepect real yuri on Cross Ange, and got dissapointed again... so after Cross Ange no more hope! only despair! like Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku for example, Eruna is pretty much lesbian, in the light novel she don't have any het romance but a lot of subtext with that other girl, but who knows if they will not fuck up with the anime? It's because of that kind of thing that I read spoilers about anything that I want to read/watch/play.

Your problem is you respect the author too much. I can safely go in with hope to anything as I know and accept my head cannon is inherently superior to anything the author does that I don't like.

Another thing, this thread has been far too pro-het.

'Het blood for the yuri God. Het skulls for the yuri throne.'

So it is written. Het delenda est. The het unbelievers will be converted to yuri by the sword or the... We need a cross like symbol. Only then can we have a Christopher Lee song about our awesome slaying of het heresies.

Het delenda est! Het delenda est! Het delenda est! Het delenda est!

edit: 100 hundred posts and not banned.

I lost a bet.

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 5:57AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Your problem is you respect the author too much. I can safely go in with hope to anything as I know and accept my head cannon is inherently superior to anything the author does that I don't like.

Another thing, this thread has been far too pro-het.

'Het blood for the yuri God. Het skulls for the yuri throne.'

So it is written. Het delenda est. The het unbelievers will be converted to yuri by the sword or the... We need a cross like symbol. Only then can we have a Christopher Lee song about our awesome slaying of het heresies.

Het delenda est! Het delenda est! Het delenda est! Het delenda est!

edit: 100 hundred posts and not banned.

I lost a bet.

Seriously, if you wanna get banned, posting stuff like this that the mods agree with (Het delenda est!) is really kinda going the opposite direction.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Seriously, if you wanna get banned, posting stuff like this that the mods agree with (Het delenda est!) is really kinda going the opposite direction.

I'm 99% sure that was sarcasm and 100% what I posted was too. Sorry if you thought I was serious.

The bets already lost now anyway.

*Of course my tired and paranoid brain assumed you were being passive aggressive after rereading the DID I FUCKING STUTTER post. Now it's paranoid that I've insulted you by implying you didn't realise this. In which case, I think I'll sign of all my comments as such now. (even when not appropriate.)

-Het delenda est

It's a nice catch phrase.

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 9:09AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm not quite sure what I was saying there...

*For the record, I assumed I would be banned for a combination of being annoying, an idiot, unknowingly offensive (I really am, I don't get it. I swear I act like the plebeians I observe for the most, yet I offend people without meaning to i daily.) or for the Nezchan x OrangePekoe Fanfic I wrote. I'm not sure how I expected anyone to find out about that last one, but well, I assumed there would be a way.

-Het delenda est (got that part though.)

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 11:19AM

joined Aug 24, 2014

You do recognize that there's a dramatic difference between gays/lesbians/trans folks getting discriminated against by straight/cis folks than the reverse, yes? The effects and severity are heavily one-sided, as are their positions in society in the first place. Even more so for trans folks. So the idea of "it makes you no better" is ridiculous on the face of it because the situations aren't similar despite revolving around the same topic.

Let's not conflate harmful discrimination with a cry of frustration.

Hm. Perhaps I should elaborate? Hate is hate, no matter who it is directed towards. Did straights go through the same thing gays did? Are they presently facing hate-crimes? No, of course not. However, hating someone back, especially as a whole, doesn't make you the bigger person. For example, if I may, Though many races faced discrimination from whites throughout history, people associated with these discriminated groups should not treat whites, as a group, the way any other racists does. Racist is racist. Homo/Heterophobic is Homo/Heterophobic. I'm preeeeeetty sure the majority of people here don't "hate" straights, but I have seen a few comments in the past along the lines of it. And I'm not talking about the people that don't want to be mislead by the good old-fashion "Yuri tag but Het" I'm talking about people that outright say Het is gross. Even when there is a het tag. Repeatedly. Really? I think we all know who we're talking about... Being someone who has faced these kinds of things by both society and my own family, I try my best to not put people in the situation I've been through. Gay or straight. But Nez, I completely understand where you're coming from-- it's just something I personally try my best to avoid doing. Not saying you're Het-phobic or anything, of course. Again, might be a bit serious for this forum, I just wanted to clear that up, if I wasn't understood before. Sorry for the dissertation, Nez :).

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

or for the Nezchan x OrangePekoe Fanfic I wrote.


last edited at Apr 27, 2015 6:19PM

joined May 11, 2012

or for the Nezchan x OrangePekoe Fanfic I wrote.


Someone need to make a manga about that fanfic like they made for Husky and Medley, so that everyone here on Dynasty can read it!

By real love you mean your love for Nezchan? Nezchan x OrangePekoe are my otp on Dynasty!

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 6:23PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

or for the Nezchan x OrangePekoe Fanfic I wrote.


Someone need to make a manga about that fanfic like they made for Husky and Medley, so that everyone here on Dynasty can read it!

By real love you mean your love for Nezchan? Nezchan x OrangePekoe are my otp on Dynasty!

Actually RPS (Real People Slash) is kinda creepy. Husky and Medley is kind of an exception because they knew about it and have been cool about the whole thing.

joined May 11, 2012

Actually RPS (Real People Slash) is kinda creepy. Husky and Medley is kind of an exception because they knew about it and have been cool about the whole thing.

I don't mind been creepy, normal is too mainstream, I'll continue this ship or sink with it!

And about Husky and Medley, someone have a picture of them? I've always been curious on how they really look...

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 7:02PM

joined Jan 2, 2014

'Het blood for the yuri God. Het skulls for the yuri throne.'

this is the last place I'd expect to see WH40K reference but whateves and are we seriously gonna start this heterophobia crap again lets just chill and accept that certain romance stories that grab hetero readers won't grab gay readers and gay romance stories won't always grab hetero readers now can it happen obviously will it always happen and excuse my language but FUCK NO

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 9:32PM

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