^ And easy to wear?
She's called fryes for a reason. :p
Hey, I sat in that exact same location. I was by myself though.
@Omega Deuse Looking at wiki and screenshots, surprisingly, Yes.
I don't get it. What's with the shorts?
^Must be the fabric softener scent, the stuffs addictive. Anything else then Evelyn is entitled to a 'reward', and Astra is now more than ready to pay up!
last edited at Feb 26, 2025 10:29AM
^Homosexual fucking
You just ruined my week.... or even my month.... but yeah, I've had this fear for a while that it will be over soon, but now I'm sure... =o(
They're so cute!
As he should... Yuri domination
I was preparing myself for heartbreak and was very pleasantly surprised to see the wholesome ending, 11/10
Somehow, an adult who is presumably older than me casually admitting to both parties in the relationship still having cuddly toys is oddly reassuring.
^stuffed animals are the best
the world needs more HBR.
I'm surprised this is the only Ruby x Sapphire post on the site. I even had to request for the tag to be created.
i like how theyre slightly disheveled
@tam_fortress I assume they're halfway changed before or after gym classes?
last edited at Feb 27, 2025 5:31AM
Obviously Aether knows about the beauty of blooming Lilies
^^I'm curious how many yuri works that would apply to.
Again, I can't really see Juri ever get flustered. It seems more like she would continue cuddling the pillow while maintaining eye contact.
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