^Here have a BaeRys kiss hot out of the oven, the stream is inspiring artists to make some great art, hopefully we see more of it and at least some of the various kiss art uploaded to Dynasty
The real question is, does this mean Suletta has an adult older sister Eri who's in her twenties? Or does she have a posessed car that has her sister's soul in it that mom lets her drive
This post feels so nostalgic to me, not because of the art, but because of @SF’s comments. I remember reading @SF comment in class and laughing so hard that the teacher noticed, saw what was on my screen, and made me stand outside for the rest of the class. :P
^ in many places, including my place, no. In much MORE places in the world, yes - either due to the developmental level / infrastructure not being there, or due to it certainly being there, but people not trusting other things than cash (Germany, for example)
I LOVE YOU AUTHOR!! Thank you for blessing us a heartwarming yuri manga, my kokoro is healed. I'm looking forward for more mangas from you, Author-san!