Forum › The Senpai Behind Me discussion

joined Sep 23, 2021

eh, kinda lame tbh. tried so hard to be shocking but was actually just predictable.

joined May 10, 2021

Short, yet amazing.
Thanks for the TL!

joined Jul 29, 2017

eh, kinda lame tbh. tried so hard to be shocking but was actually just predictable.

Without actually agreeing with the “lame” part, I don’t see how, given the way the story was told, the “predictable” part wasn’t inevitable.

Visual storytelling is virtually built on shots where either both participants in a conversation are seen in a single shot or (far more commonly) where the focus shifts back and forth from one to other. As soon as we didn’t see the person the MC was talking to, there had to be one of a small array of explanations:

  • Senpai was in the back seat bound and gagged.
  • Senpai wasn’t there, and the MC is delusional (or rather, a different kind of delusional than they are).
  • Senpai was in the back, dead. (In some form).

The more panels we didn’t switch to the other person, the more the question became “How horrible is the reveal going to be?”

Pretty darned horrible, I’d say.

joined Jun 20, 2015

Damn, thank you for the chapter.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Yandere just wasn't a strong enough warning for this one.

last edited at Dec 23, 2024 11:14PM

joined Feb 7, 2023

Yeah I would’ve liked a stronger tag as a warning too. I was expecting something a bit less grim than ‘Weird fucked up femcel chops up a woman after murdering her.’

Horror or something maybe?

joined Mar 2, 2019

When I saw her hair was a mess I figured it wasn't gonna be anything happy lol

joined Aug 12, 2019

she love her to DEATH

joined Sep 27, 2017

Yandere just wasn't a strong enough warning for this one.


Yeah I would’ve liked a stronger tag as a warning too. I was expecting something a bit less grim than ‘Weird fucked up femcel chops up a woman after murdering her.’

Horror or something maybe?

Yeah this definitely needs more tags in my opinion. Yandere can range from creepy in possessiveness, to murder like this one. Among other things and everything between. So I don't think the tag alone covers the more extreme end being displayed here.

joined Nov 24, 2016

Yeah. First suspicion was tied up in back when I noticed she wasn't in the front seat or responding. This was second most likely possibility.

Looked up mangaka and found they're the one who did that Beautiful Painting thing that had the doll that ate her owner girl. This tracks.

last edited at Dec 24, 2024 1:37AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

Yandere just wasn't a strong enough warning for this one.


joined May 7, 2017

Merry Christmas I guess?

joined May 7, 2017

and by the way, the yuri tag doesn't fit, because it's a one-sided love, yuri implies both parties are in, here we have one into it and the other unaware of it

joined Dec 20, 2018

and by the way, the yuri tag doesn't fit, because it's a one-sided love, yuri implies both parties are in, here we have one into it and the other unaware of it

"Female -> female love" is literally the first part of the yuri tag's definition...

joined Oct 1, 2022

When I saw she come out with the box and talking like that, I knew she had mutilated senpai.

joined Jan 16, 2021

I think its missing a few tags

joined May 28, 2012

Saya no uta flashback....
Very lovely.

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