Cliched as it might be, I was really expecting it to be a matter of her family refusing to go along with the Gensokyo plan or work with Youkai and thereby be killed so they don't get in the way of it. Instead it's "Hey, we were already saluting our youkai overlords, why didn't we get a piece of the pie?" Which as far as motives for revenge go... it is one, I guess. But any claim to moral high ground or righteousness becomes kinda laughable at that point. "How dare you do a thing I would happily do in your place if I hadn't been murdered!" So yes, I am also Disappointed by the Motive.
Admittedly, I'm still not 100% sure why she (and presumably her whole family) got offed. My best guess is that the Hakurei went along for philosophical or spiritual reasons, while the Miyadeguchis went along out of self interest; and that wasn't good enough to be trusted.
last edited at Feb 25, 2025 3:45PM