Forum › Touhou Chireikiden - Cheating Detective Satori discussion

joined Sep 12, 2024

Hmm, what just happened? It feels like the artist is so eager to draw fight scenes that he kinda threw logic away.

I mean Aya just basically answered that in the last panel

joined Nov 14, 2016

It's a warzone! Run away!

joined Mar 20, 2012

Hmm, what just happened? It feels like the artist is so eager to draw fight scenes that he kinda threw logic away.

I mean Aya just basically answered that in the last panel

It feels out of left field.

joined Sep 12, 2024

Hmm, what just happened? It feels like the artist is so eager to draw fight scenes that he kinda threw logic away.

I mean Aya just basically answered that in the last panel

It feels out of left field.

I feel like this whole Subterranean Animism part has been building up to this, since the sealing of the underground and discontent of its residents.

last edited at Oct 30, 2024 3:04PM

joined Sep 27, 2023

I gotta admit, i definitely like the tonal shift to combat centric it definitely plays to the artists strengths. That said MARISA DO SOMETHINGGGG because why is the girl who canonically dreams about fighting people not actually fighting. Like at all

last edited at Oct 30, 2024 4:14PM

joined Apr 29, 2019

This manga became so good recently. Zun realised the murder-mystery wasn't working so he gave us the canon shonen battles we needed.

joined Sep 12, 2024

This manga became so good recently. Zun realised the murder-mystery wasn't working so he gave us the canon shonen battles we needed.

As much as I love shounen battles they're at the expense of Satori and her own struggles. I don't dislike current CDS but I very much miss the character-driven murder mystery that Ginmokusei was drawing. Satori needs to be the protagonist of her own manga again.

last edited at Oct 31, 2024 3:27PM

joined Sep 14, 2015

Zun: "so...this is the new official murder mystery doujin, but we decided to go a full on total incident involving everyone who appeared in the series...anyway now its apocalypse, have fun!"

joined May 6, 2018

I gotta admit, i definitely like the tonal shift to combat centric it definitely plays to the artists strengths. That said MARISA DO SOMETHINGGGG because why is the girl who canonically dreams about fighting people not actually fighting. Like at all

Seriously. The games make her out to be almost Reimu's equal, but in manga she's a helpless little fangirl. Sad.

joined Jun 25, 2024

Another chapter where we must suffer Mizuchi to live

Come on Reimu, put her out of her misery

joined May 15, 2024

Oku could have won bruh. That self destruct was so unnecessary. But it was dope af

joined Mar 20, 2012

This is just straight up battle shounen now.

joined Sep 27, 2023

considering the explanation for vengeful reimu is legit just she's getting cheered on, doesn't this mean that literally anybody can get this power-up type of effect, even yokai?

joined Jun 8, 2022

It could be, or it could be something Reimu as a miko (if a less than stellar one at actual miko-ing) is more suited to pull off. Channeling of gods, channeling of spirits, I'm sure there's some degree of metaphysical similarity there.

joined Jul 21, 2021

I don't log on very often but for touhou's manga this chapter is weird. I'm pretty sure this is the first actual mention of the Hakurei in recent Touhou canon outside of Reimu herself, and the fact that their collaboration with yokai is not only confirmed, but has consequences and surviving victims is interesting. I'm also a huge fan of mizuchi's past design, it's adorable.

I hope that this isn't the only exploration of Mizuchi's backstory though because this... just doesn't justify the plot of the manga. this is a distractingly good lore drop but completely lacking as an explanation of the plot thus far.

joined Jun 25, 2024

It was obvious that this chapter would be a (lame attempt of) sobbing backstory, and even that was disappointing.

Poor ol' soothsayer got killed for much less than this.

joined May 6, 2018

Wait, that's it? The Hakurei are maintainers of Gensokyo and the place clearly doesn't exist for the benefit of the humans in it. Hell, it's literally the one place where humans haven't already won. They're just here because their faith and fear are what mythology needs to survive.

I guess this would've been a sick twist if I knew less about Touhou, but it honestly took me a while to figure out what part of it I was supposed to be surprised by. After seeing Yuugi immediately take Mizuki's side and Mizuki declare nobody would side with Reimu after hearing this, I really expected more.

joined Jun 8, 2022

Cliched as it might be, I was really expecting it to be a matter of her family refusing to go along with the Gensokyo plan or work with Youkai and thereby be killed so they don't get in the way of it. Instead it's "Hey, we were already saluting our youkai overlords, why didn't we get a piece of the pie?" Which as far as motives for revenge go... it is one, I guess. But any claim to moral high ground or righteousness becomes kinda laughable at that point. "How dare you do a thing I would happily do in your place if I hadn't been murdered!" So yes, I am also Disappointed by the Motive.

Admittedly, I'm still not 100% sure why she (and presumably her whole family) got offed. My best guess is that the Hakurei went along for philosophical or spiritual reasons, while the Miyadeguchis went along out of self interest; and that wasn't good enough to be trusted.

last edited at Feb 25, 2025 3:45PM

joined Apr 24, 2020

Popping in to note that I made a couple embarrassing mistranslations on pages 8 and 18 of chapter 42. They've been fixed now.

Most notably, the part about how the Miyadeguchi were scapegoated as traitors against humanity and the Hakurei, not accomplices of the Hakurei in betraying humanity. Basically a very tunnel-visioned misreading of "betrayed humanity with the Hakurei" when it should've been "betrayed humanity and the Hakurei", which led to a couple further misinterpretations.

joined May 6, 2018

Popping in to note that I made a couple embarrassing mistranslations on pages 8 and 18 of chapter 42. They've been fixed now.

Most notably, the part about how the Miyadeguchi were scapegoated as traitors against humanity and the Hakurei, not accomplices of the Hakurei in betraying humanity. Basically a very tunnel-visioned misreading of "betrayed humanity with the Hakurei" when it should've been "betrayed humanity and the Hakurei", which led to a couple further misinterpretations.

Ooooh, got it. Thanks for the fix.
So then Suika was working with the Hakurei and they used Mizuchi to frame the Miyadeguchi family? Or, at least that's how Mizuchi understands it.

joined Jul 18, 2020

I am still kind of unclear as to why Mizuchi was abandoned by Suika, sure she became a youkai and said I am going to to be your buddy, which could make it out to be uncoperating, but from what I could tell Suika just left her because she was out member, (note I do not read this all of the trough.

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