Forum › Slow Start discussion

joined Dec 20, 2018

Poor Hiroe... Hopefully they'll make some new winter memories with her to drive away the bad ones.

Also, fluffy sheep. ^_^

joined May 28, 2021

I love how Hana's silly brain immediately went to '' she's been attacked by some youkai '' XD

joined Jan 30, 2017

Hiroe really needs some CBT.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

joined Aug 4, 2021

I think tama needs some more personalized attention

last edited at Mar 11, 2024 9:38AM

joined May 28, 2021

We haven't had a good sensei/Eiko moment in a while, that was fun ;) Hana is such a good girl that her not going to school for even just a day would definitely be cause for some worry !

joined Mar 19, 2022

Has this series always had the Yuri tag? I thought for sure it was tagged as Subtext.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Nothing can replace Kamu in Eiko's heart. ^_^

joined Aug 4, 2021

Has this series always had the Yuri tag? I thought for sure it was tagged as Subtext.

kamu gives eiko an engagement? ring at one point

joined Jan 10, 2022

Hiroe-san no baka

joined May 28, 2021

Bad girl Hana isn't something I ever expected to see, although her version of being bad is doing something adorably sweet for a friend, so it's definitely in character :P

joined Dec 20, 2018


joined May 28, 2012

Hana really becomes delinquent lol.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, such a beautiful chapter. ^_^

joined Feb 11, 2018

Has this series always had the Yuri tag? I thought for sure it was tagged as Subtext.

Oh my... Did you think Eiko and Enami-sensei are "subtext" somehow? Not to mention Kamuri's romantic puppy love for Eiko or Tamate being a very wholesome raging lesbian?

Subtext is something that turns out to be real, but that you also have to read between the lines and construct from small pieces of information you collect over the runtime of a fictional story. You know, the "sub" part? :)

joined Jun 25, 2019

Did you think Eiko and Enami-sensei are "subtext" somehow?


joined Nov 23, 2021

Tama is great in this chapter, but can Eiko not help but flirt with everyone? Or maybe I'm reading to much into it.

joined Jun 5, 2023

So in Japanese, how are the words Hijacking and Hitchhiking pronounced so that Tama-chan got it wrong?

joined Oct 15, 2014

So in Japanese, how are the words Hijacking and Hitchhiking pronounced so that Tama-chan got it wrong?

They're both pronounced in English/katakana (ie. haijakku and hicchuhaiku)

joined Jan 30, 2017

I am fully recharged now, thank you little lesbians in my phone.

joined Dec 20, 2018


joined May 22, 2024

Tama is great in this chapter, but can Eiko not help but flirt with everyone? Or maybe I'm reading to much into it.

Well Eiko just has a very high Charisma stat. So she always unconsciously rizz up all of her friends without even trying. It just doesn't work on Enami-sensei.

joined May 28, 2021

They know enough to keep Hana's ego in check, wouldn't want her to get a big head :P

joined Mar 19, 2022

Has this series always had the Yuri tag? I thought for sure it was tagged as Subtext.

Oh my... Did you think Eiko and Enami-sensei are "subtext" somehow? Not to mention Kamuri's romantic puppy love for Eiko or Tamate being a very wholesome raging lesbian?

Subtext is something that turns out to be real, but that you also have to read between the lines and construct from small pieces of information you collect over the runtime of a fictional story. You know, the "sub" part? :)

Neither you nor anyone else has actually managed to answer the question that was asked. The smug condescension is also not appreciated.

joined Dec 20, 2018


joined May 28, 2021

Smooth Eiko is back !

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