On the current topic: I think Khyle is not trying to be edgy for the sake of begin edgy, but just has an genuinely transgressive humour. I enjoyed some of his works, but many are just groan-worthy blue comedy.
I'm a strong proponent of the Death of the Author, under which every work must be critiqued agnostic to the creator. I won't have my emotions about a piece of art invalidated by some corporate hack going "well ackshually, they are just close friends", and if a romance resonates with me, it does that no matter whether or not the author is a dude.
Outside of content mills I only found that thread too, but since I don't speak Filipino, and the veracity of reddit on anything but crayon flavours is minimal, I think it might just be rumour. The image in question didn't drop the Wolfenstein clanger of displaying NS emblems (=illegal), and for everything else, the state has no real means to control or censor art (like, say, calling something "entartet"). So I go with rumour on this one.