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joined Mar 21, 2019

Yeah, the title change is annoying. It's even more annoying cause they made the change after they announced the license, cause the original announcement used the same name as the scanlation. It's just a much better name, honestly.

That said, name change annoyance aside, I'm super excited to get to own it physically when it releases next month.

last edited at Jan 26, 2022 12:02AM

joined Jan 4, 2022

I loved this story the first time I read it and I loved it even more reading it again. It's a really cute story.

I know some people were concerned that the direction of the story was that of "I'll turn you gay", but I hope they stuck around to see Chiyo's growth as she started to question her own sexuality more intensely. This is pretty common IRL in Japan from what I understand because LGBTQ+ topics are still not openly discussed or taught despite marraige legalization being a very recent thing. A lot of Japanese people will often go most of their lives in the closet in some way, for those of us here that are LGBTQ+ we know how that can be. How scary it can be to question everything that society has tried to say you are and aren't. Chiyo was fortunate to be surrounded by people who would love and support her as she explored her growing romantic love for Ritsuka. It's very much a "right time, right place" story, and there is something infinitely wonderful about that seredipity. There are a few other stories like this


These stories will probably continue to be explored going forward because this is the situation of so many people find themselves in and relatable stories and characters help people explore and understand themselves.

joined Feb 6, 2022

I hope we get more in the future, even if they're just OVAs or side character stories. I love this manga <333

joined Apr 25, 2021

Is there any news of translation team picking Miyako's manga adaptation of " Summer, lemon and overlay" ?

joined Aug 20, 2016

How awesome, yet another manga which ends one chapter after the confession.
These mangaka are genuinely slaves to the pre-determined formula of romance writing, disappointing but expected.

I would agree to almost every other series, because that's something I hate too and which I see as a problem in the format "Manga" either they are together from the beginning or coming together in the very end.
BUT! That's not the case in this Manga because they already did everything they could do after official going out, there was no 'need' for that after they got together. Ofc it would've been great to have more chapters but the story was told.

joined Jul 23, 2020

as much as i like this, i just wanna see what happens between the neighbor and the delivery girl.

also, love the ace rep :)

joined Apr 12, 2018

I'll admit, based on the title I always expected this one to be a whole lot more angsty and dramatic, but I'm glad I finally gave it a chance, because holy shit that was sweet ^^

Kinda hoping we can get a continuation or a spinoff with the neighbor, since that never really got resolved, but I really love how the main story wrapped up. As always I'd love to see more, but I definitely feel like this ended on a really good note already :)

joined Jan 10, 2022

I came here after reading the first chapter of the "Summer, Lemon, and Overlay" manga. And I have to say I loved it. My only complaint was that the neighbor lady didn't get a chance to reunite with her delivery girl.

joined Feb 11, 2022

who would have thought ? :


joined Feb 11, 2022

chapter 9.1 on page 11, bottom left , this sound plays :

joined Feb 11, 2022

this manga gets a 50/10

(damn I really need to make a new scale , this one is too small and not designed for yuri but I'm just too lazy to do that so...)

shout out to this scene on chapter 17 , page 7 and 8:
don't give I love kiss scenes in general , but this , this shows genuine attraction plus on top of that the utter realisation , this , this is what I signed up for

joined Nov 19, 2022

I came here after reading the first chapter of the "Summer, Lemon, and Overlay" manga. And I have to say I loved it. My only complaint was that the neighbor lady didn't get a chance to reunite with her delivery girl.
It’s somewhat subtle, but you can see the delivery girl sitting next to her here.

joined Dec 3, 2010

This is my first time seeing handsex in any Yuri manga.
In before, I've never ever seen it depicted in any Yuri manga.
(Though I have seen it in real life how someone playing around with one's finger.. before)
This manga ... O.O

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