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Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

It's OK if you disagree, I really don't mind. We are watching same thing from two different perspectives, and I explained "the shift" and why I'm observing this way.
I still see Fuuko noble in her "malicious games", which are childlike and harmless for any other proclaimed villain in human history.
She is not acting malicious, but righteous. Righteous act allows punishment of the culprit, not just giving or getting a reward for a good deeds

What you say about her "betrayal" of trust. Did you see that she tried to say to Yuni that she saw Nanase, in chapter 16. They are waiting for a train, and Yuni was completely absorbed in her own thoughts and messages on the phone.
She tried to tell her. Yuni did not listen. And then situation shifted in other direction, and Fuuko just takes that turn.
She is just following circumstances, and as an opportunist, grabs her chances. And it was a time to bring all to the light.

Look, Nanase and Yuni are acting slimy, trying to escape facing the truth. They are cowards. Fuuko is not. She did not do wrong revealing what Nanase denied to accept, that it was Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 3:02PM

joined Aug 12, 2018

Your takes of Fuuko are getting more and more insane, since when is someone who uses all means necessary and absolutely crushes her love rival with such malice noble?

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

Give me facts for this accusation. If I'm wrong, show me
Explain yourself and tell me what problems you have with me?
You started first to attack me from yesterday, you assumed my gender as cishet male, spoke to me from haughtiness and insulted me. And now you are continually harassing me writing shits without facts.
Tell me what do you want? I did not start any fight with you, what is your problem?

But I know who you are. That girl who learns Japanese.
This is your 3rd account which I recognize, after 2 previously banned from here. So, it's not surprising that it's you who make problems here. You were in this section of comments before. Don't try to deny, I have the eyes of a falcon, and I'm very good with details and I can recognize style of writing. And you attacked me before, I remember you.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 5:35PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Addition ^
With this, I'm closing my case with you. Don't ever speak unkind to me again:

Oh, yeah, I figured out now EXACTLY what is your problem. You gave me enough info and I don't need your answers anymore. Don't try to play games with brilliant mind ever again. Now I'll tell what is your problem and why you attacked me.

Someone accused Fuuko for sexual assault, and I said if she truly assaulted Yuni, Yuni would be sexualy repulsed to her. Which was true, now we can see it in chapter 10 and 11 that Yuni NEVER was repulsed sexually to Fuuko

And that's the reason why you call me "peak yandere", even when I made myself clear that I'm strictly speaking about facts in MANGA, not about real life assaults.
I remember very well, you tried to pull me in, in some nonsense, and you started to write about real life sexual assaults, which I denied to comment, making clear border that I won't speak about it, just about this manga.

You are part of moral squad of hypocrites here, harassing people who are speaking objectively about facts, and you are harassing people who don't have triggers.
It's immature and stupid to equate someone who is objectively speaking with facts about acts. Your mind is closed and pitiful.

Thanks for this little mind exercise, it was not too hard for me to resolve this mini riddle. But it was funny.
Never play games with the greatest PI in the world. There was no mystery hidden from me, nor ever will be.

Don't cross my way again, Mas*na. Just walk my way. It's you who are having serious problems, not me, and I an very sorry for it. It was not my doing. I'll be kind to you from now on, not judging.
Take care about yourself. You are lucky that I'm not a person for whom you took me and accused me to be. You can't believe how fast my mind is about picking details and never ask me about all what I know...

I won't claim a prize of the bet, be well

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 6:56PM

joined Dec 28, 2018

It's funny how everyone is blaming nanase and not yuni, "oh but but nanase only cares about her club" why didn't yuni simply talk with her girlfriend it's not that hard but talking is hard cheating is much better why even bother communicating she also could've just suggested breaking up if she was truly tired with nanase if she truly cared for their relationship she could've tried talking and making things work i feel sorry for nanase it's her first relationship and she's a total klutz and can't balance her relationship with her hobbies which could've been worked on if they just communicated

joined Aug 12, 2018

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

Give me facts for this accusation. If I'm wrong, show me
Explain yourself and tell me what problems you have with me?
You started first to attack me from yesterday, you assumed my gender as cishet male, spoke to me from haughtiness and insulted me. And now you are continually harassing me writing shits without facts.

Point exactly at where I said anything about your gender or sexual orientation? Everything I wrote in response to your comments was 100% gender neutral. You sure you got the right person?

Tell me what do you want? I did not start any fight with you, what is your problem?

You're saying that a woman who goes after someone who is in a relationship, while knowing fully well that she's in a relationship, and pushes her to cheat taking full advantage of her emotional weakness, is "noble" and acting "righteously", and is "not malicious" at all. Is there any other conclusion i could draw from your opinions? I just hope you don't apply the same logic to real people.

But I know who you are. That girl who learns Japanese.
This is your 3rd account which I recognize, after 2 previously banned from here. So, it's not surprising that it's you who make problems here. You were in this section of comments before. Don't try to deny, I have the eyes of a falcon, and I'm very good with details and I can recognize style of writing. And you attacked me before, I remember you.

Fam you're paranoid. This is the only account i've had since i discovered this site in 2018 LMFAO

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 7:19PM

joined Aug 12, 2018

Addition ^
With this, I'm closing my case with you. Don't ever speak unkind to me again:

Oh, yeah, I figured out now EXACTLY what is your problem. You gave me enough info and I don't need your answers anymore. Don't try to play games with brilliant mind ever again. Now I'll tell what is your problem and why you attacked me.

Someone accused Fuuko for sexual assault, and I said if she truly assaulted Yuni, Yuni would be sexualy repulsed to her. Which was true, now we can see it in chapter 10 and 11 that Yuni NEVER was repulsed sexually to Fuuko

And that's the reason why you call me "peak yandere", even when I made myself clear that I'm strictly speaking about facts in MANGA, not about real life assaults.
I remember very well, you tried to pull me in, in some nonsense, and you started to write about real life sexual assaults, which I denied to comment, making clear border that I won't speak about it, just about this manga.

You are part of moral squad of hypocrites here, harassing people who are speaking objectively about facts, and you are harassing people who don't have triggers.
It's immature and stupid to equate someone who is objectively speaking with facts about acts. Your mind is closed and pitiful.

Thanks for this little mind exercise, it was not too hard for me to resolve this mini riddle. But it was funny.
Never play games with the greatest PI in the world. There was no mystery hidden from me, nor ever will be.

Don't cross my way again, Mas*na. Just walk my way. It's you who are having serious problems, not me, and I an very sorry for it. It was not my doing. I'll be kind to you from now on, not judging.
Take care about yourself. You are lucky that I'm not a person for whom you took me and accused me to be. You can't believe how fast my mind is about picking details and never ask me about all what I know...

I won't claim a prize of the bet, be well

Alright you go your way I'll go mine, but for real you're seriously mistaken about me lol. You can see how old my account is, it's way older than yours.
Plus it would probably help you to look into you ego a bit. Never before met anyone who thought so highly of their own intelligence in a random ass manga website. Just friendly advice, you come off as a very arrogant person, even if it's not your intention

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 7:31PM

joined Jan 18, 2016


MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Your takes of Fuuko are getting more and more insane, since when is someone who uses all means necessary and absolutely crushes her love rival with such malice noble?

As i said before, this user is showing peak yandere behaviour and i sure hope they dont ever get a partner, for that person's sake

@FuzzFactory: Please do not perform personal attacks on other people.

@Finding Jessica Lambert: Please cease the rants. They are not helping your arguments the way they are and have swerved to being off-topic.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Dear Admin, I was personally attacked playing "the devil's advocate" defending unjustly accused Fuuko (a character from manga) for sexual assault, blackmail, etc.

Some people can't make the difference between art and reality, and it's not my fault
Only one of my comments in this thread is off-topic, when I asked my attacker what a problems they have with me? Personal attack was attempted on me for constantly being in topic, just talking about heavy and sensitive situations from manga

I just wish people to stop making false conclusions equaling me and my personality with sensitive cases from this manga, which I'm talking about and I will continue to speak freely being in-topic, as before, avoiding personal-level conflicts. But I ask from the stuff to take care of me and protect me from now on from personal-level attackers, seriously

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 2:40AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I wish to tell something about Yuni. She is potentially suicidal character ("You'll be lonely to the point of death")-

-It's what Fuuko said because she understands (gay) loneliness and need to be loved and accepted.

Yuni truly needs someone like Fuuko to keep her going and help her balance, pulling her out from a hole of her current relationship disaster.
That's why I approve her cheating on Nanase.
If situation is not serious as it is, I would never justify her cheating
But this is a case of life and death.
She is caught in mismatched relationship with Nanase, who is always surrounded by people.
Nanase can't understand depths of loneliness.

Nanase started their relationship from very shallow reasons, just because Yuni heartwarmingly and sincerely complimented her new haircut. (exceptional cuteness of Yuni's character, she is most adorable girl when not in problems)

Nanase is a narcist, who gets adoration from her surrounding (girls from the club, Yuni, best frend...)
But Nanase never gives compliments and adoration in return, she is selfishly taking and taking, more and more. And Yuni has her needs too, to be loved and adored.
Nanase is killing her.
That's why I will always take side of Fuuko. She is a lifesaver. And that's why I will never judge Yuni for cheating. She is simply too weak and too empty to get out alone from her current relationship with Nanase who is constantly sucking her vitals.

If someone needs facts, basis and explanations for my conclusions above, be free to ask without bringing unnecessary conflicts.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 5:15AM

joined Feb 11, 2018

Just remember that any post you make is a potential conflict.

Why are you posting, if you are worried about that? Wouldn't it be more moral and wholesome to just not post anything and read the stuff? Don't you think this way too? It makes sense, right?

Also, wanna go for crepes? You like strawberry, right? I saw it in your social media feed few days ago. Let's go, it'll be my treat. Come now, don't make me drag you. You know, you actually dislike this manga, right? It's true that Nanase sucks, but so do both of the other girls. They're all gross, I must be on the same wavelength as you on that, m'kay?

That's how Fuuko is. Gaslighter and question-begger extraordinaire. Leading you by the nose who knows where.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 5:40AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

This manga should be most popular manga in the world, and deserves movie.
One day I hope

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I didn't think just translating and posting a chapter here would raise such a storm.

Well, if I translated it, it's because I think it's really good at what it does.

And the reactions are proof of it. Better hate than indifference.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I didn't think just translating and posting a chapter here would raise such a storm.

Well, if I translated it, it's because I think it's really good at what it does.

And the reactions are proof of it. Better hate than indifference.

I have some questions about your translation to make something clear about very important key details.
I did read both, and your translation somehow presents Fuuko in very negative way. Other translation is not.

First, scene at the train station. There's a moment when Fuuko tried to speak with Yuni and text is covered with Yuni's thoughts.
Fuuko says: "I saw her", but in your translation it's: "Can you hear me"

I think it's too much difference between those translations, and it's very important key detail for the whole story.
"I saw her" has a weight, but "can you hear me" has no importance at all for whole scene setting and further development.
I don't think that Author made an unimportant scene with words covered with thoughts. It's actually a sign for attention of the readers. That Yuni missed very important info.
And trust me, I'm on the same wavelength with Iwami Kiyoko that I can see her thoughts through every little detail she sets in her artwork.

Other, you say "She is cheating on you with me" (which is accusatory toward Yuni and somehow not in spirit of Fuuko's true feelings to Yuni)
Other translation is more neutral: "We are cheating on you"
Can you explain why the difference? And why you decided to accusatory expression?

If you can make it clear, because I see how it negatively influenced the whole story. It's somehow out of character of Fuuko.
Is it possible that you missed completely the spirit of whole artwork, misleading readers to wrong conclusion and got the hate as result?
Just don't be unprofessional in your work.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 7:40AM

joined Nov 23, 2014

@Finding Jessica Lambert

It was not my intention to "mark you" or personally attack you in any way. I also did not factor in a language issue since I did not remember it from before anymore. English is not not my first language either, though more than that I know I can be very direct and often argumentative in online discourse. If you felt attacked I apologize.

Now then I did read everything you typed since, and I guess I can see why you feel the way about the story and characters as you do, from your established pov. Even if don't agree, it's as valid an interpretation as any interpretation is I suppose, regardless of the author's original intent. Suddenly pulling in suicidal tendencies is kind of strange though, you never mentioned it before, nor did you express the need to justify cheating in that way until now.

To be honest I should probably not even read stories such as this because I know they are bound to irritate me to no end, but I think I have found my zen through chatting about it here and now just anticipate how much dumber things can get, heh.

Having said that, I can appreciate you felt personally attacked earlier but you seem to be getting increasingly hostile yourself. First you essentially call everyone else stupid for not reading the story the same way you do, and then you accuse the translator because their work does not align with your preconceived notions. Perhaps you should consider taking a step back?

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I have some questions about your translation to make something clear about very important key details.
I did read both, and your translation somehow presents Fuuko in very negative way. Other translation is not.

First, scene at the train station. There's a moment when Fuuko tried to speak with Yuni and text is covered with Yuni's thoughts.
Fuuko says: "I saw her", but in your translation it's: "Can you hear me"

I think it's too much difference between those translations, and it's very important key detail for the whole story.
"I saw her" has a weight, but "can you hear me" has no importance at all for whole scene setting and further development.
I don't think that Author made an unimportant scene with words covered with thoughts. It's actually a sign for attention of the readers. That Yuni missed very important info.

Heh. I checked and you misread their translation. Even in the MTL, she doesn't say "I saw her". It's written "I said hey". Probably the typesetting wasn't done well if it led you to read it that way.

In the original text, it's ねぇてば, which is a call for attention. Both translation are valid (and mine is more readable) so there's no real difference in interpretation there.

It's really unimportant, or rather, it's just showing that Yuni is preoccupied about Nanase, even though Fuuko is just besides her. In no way is Fuuko warning Yuni about seeing Nanase.

Other, you say "She is cheating on you with me" (which is accusatory toward Yuni and somehow not in spirit of Fuuko's true feelings to Yuni)
Other translation is more neutral: "We are cheating on you"
Can you explain why the difference? And why you decided to accusatory expression?

The original is わたしたち浮気してるよ which literally mean "we are having an extramarital affair" or "We're being unfaithful". Which obviously sounds cringe in English. "We're cheating on you" would be somewhat valid, but I don't like it. In English it makes it sound like they were BOTH dating Nanase and they're BOTH cheating on her. But Fuuko isn't cheating on anyone so I don't think it fits.

My way of putting it (She's cheating on you) may sound accusatory, but it's still the truth: the only one cheating here is Yuni.

Just don't be unprofessional in your work.

lol. I'm not a professional, for one. And for two, I think this way of putting it is completely in character. Fuuko says the things as they are. She's the least deluded character of the story.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 7:56AM

joined Nov 23, 2014

Fuuko says the things as they are. She's the least deluded character of the story.

Now there's something I think we can all happily agree on!

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 8:03AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

And the reactions are proof of it. Better hate than indifference.

nobody hates the manga we just hate evil bitches so keep doing gods work. Human TLs are greatly appreciated
that said this comment section is hurting my brain

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 8:23AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020


My questions about differently translated key moments are valid, not hostile to translator, or accusatory. I just wish to know pov of the translator on that subject.

My remarks are also valid, because in extra 15.5 Fuuko finally shows the depths of her feelings for Yuni but at the end of new translation of 16th chapter, she reacts like throwing Yuni to the wolves.

It's very different to say: "WE are cheating on you" than: "SHE is cheating on you (with me)", like "me" is not important

In first case, "WE" is compact, they are together in it as one.
In second case, it's clear separation, and accent is on SHE (...with me)
It's weaker expression. Plus, it changes Fuuko's flow of character completely, she never was a bitch to Yuni, before.

That's why I asked translator to explain to me why she is such a bitch now, when we know she loves Yuni.

Or we will wait for next chapter to see who was right

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

That's just like, your opinion man.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Heh. I checked and you misread their translation. Even in the MTL, she doesn't say "I saw her". It's written "I said hey". Probably the typesetting wasn't done well if it led you to read it that way.

Yeah, you are right. It's covered, and I did not see well. My mistake then, and thanks for making clear. Really, "I saw her" and "I said hey" you see only a part "I sa....he.." and it can be interpreted both ways. Now I know why your translation was different from my (mis)interpretation.

In the original text, it's ねぇてば, which is a call for attention. Both translation are valid (and mine is more readable) so there's no real difference in interpretation there.

Yes, now it does not matter how you will say. I was just asking because I misinterpreted meaning

It's really unimportant, or rather, it's just showing that Yuni is preoccupied about Nanase, even though Fuuko is just besides her. In no way is Fuuko warning Yuni about seeing Nanase.

Yeah, again, I did not know what was hidden behind Yuni's thoughts

Other, you say "She is cheating on you with me" (which is accusatory toward Yuni and somehow not in spirit of Fuuko's true feelings to Yuni)
Other translation is more neutral: "We are cheating on you"
Can you explain why the difference? And why you decided to accusatory expression?

The original is わたしたち浮気してるよ which literally mean "we are having an extramarital affair" or "We're being unfaithful". Which obviously sounds cringe in English. "We're cheating on you" would be somewhat valid, but I don't like it. In English it makes it sound like they were BOTH dating Nanase and they're BOTH cheating on her. But Fuuko isn't cheating on anyone so I don't think it fits.

My way of putting it (She's cheating on you) may sound accusatory, but it's still the truth: the only one cheating here is Yuni.

OK, I understand. It was your personal preference to say that way.
I can only say that it's a bit harsh and sounds very bitchy from Fuuko according to her true feelings to Yuni.
But, anyway we will see in next chapters which interpretation of Fuuko's character is more "correct" (toward Yuni)

Just don't be unprofessional in your work.

lol. I'm not a professional, for one. And for two, I think this way of putting it is completely in character. Fuuko says the things as they are. She's the least deluded character of the story.

Yes, I agree with you in this, about Fuuko. No delusions, and speaking as it is. Ok, I accept and understand your reasons.
Thanks for your answers and for making it clear to me and showing me where I did not see clearly what is written.

joined Nov 23, 2014

My questions about differently translated key moments are valid, not hostile to translator, or accusatory. I just wish to know pov of the translator on that subject.

I mean you did pull the "unprofessional" card among other things, not many would call your post very cordial I would imagine. But fine, let's leave that part at that since it is between you two anyway.

Plus, it changes Fuuko's flow of character completely, she never was a bitch to Yuni, before.

She did call her selfish and stupid just the chapter before to be fair. Like our translator-san said, Fuuko is not one to mince words even if she comes out as bitchy.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 8:53AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

My questions about differently translated key moments are valid, not hostile to translator, or accusatory. I just wish to know pov of the translator on that subject.

I mean you did pull the "unprofessional" card among other things, not many would call your post very cordial I would imagine. But fine, let's leave that part at that since it is between you two anyway.

Yeah, you are right, I apologize for pulling the word "unprofessional" to translator. Take it as a consequence of my defensive mechanisms. I was under personal attacks before, and probably still in some kind of defensive mode. Sorry.
I am not hostile person, but in a states of subconscious defense mode I may sound harsh.

Plus, it changes Fuuko's flow of character completely, she never was a bitch to Yuni, before.

She did call her selfish and stupid just the chapter before to be fair. Like our translator-san said, Fuuko is not one to mince words even if she comes out as bitchy.

Yeah, I said to translator that I understand now their pov and I accept it.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Now then I did read everything you typed since, and I guess I can see why you feel the way about the story and characters as you do, from your established pov. Even if don't agree, it's as valid an interpretation as any interpretation is I suppose, regardless of the author's original intent. Suddenly pulling in suicidal tendencies is kind of strange though, you never mentioned it before, nor did you express the need to justify cheating in that way until now.

That's because I did not talk about Yuni before, in wider context.
I was weighing my opinion about her character and her cheating.
It was impossible to talk about Yuni without mentioning sensitive topic of cheating, before I came to clear conclusions.

Do you really think that Yuni was capable to break up with Nanase without Fuuko's interference?

And, yes, Yuni is potentially suicidal character. You can see her often surrounded with darkness and dark thoughts, on the edge of panic attacks. She is constantly crying out for a savior
Fuuko comes in as her charger, to balance her and keep her alive.
Without her, Yuni would break apart and become suicidal

Sometimes break ups and clear cuts can't come fast and at once. It's a process and needs time, to mature.
Some people (like Fuuko) can bear all of it alone, but not Yuni.
Yuni is most sensible character here, the most needy (not in the negative way)
She needs love to keep her moving, and a lot attention and appreciations from her GF

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 9:50AM

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