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joined Aug 24, 2014

Um. Just um. That is all. Whole lotta drama for just a few pages

last edited at Feb 23, 2015 7:39PM

joined Apr 14, 2013

Poor eli :/

joined Sep 6, 2013

facepalm alala

joined Oct 16, 2013

Hmmm I wonder who does Nico like in this?

joined Jan 8, 2014

^_^ I liked it, the art and story were good, a nice doujin all around..

joined Feb 22, 2015

Seems like no one got what they wanted,though with a title like unrequited I guess happiness was never on the cards

last edited at Feb 23, 2015 8:27PM

joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Sep 28, 2014

Hmmm I wonder who does Nico like in this?

i think it's rin i viewed the artists' works, and i saw a few pictures with nico x rin

joined Feb 23, 2015

Well that was shot but hey I was all omg Nico stay strong while reading lol Eli can't have Nozomi all for herself bc Nozomi is thinking about Nico being alone... So... Is anyone happy?

joined Mar 9, 2014

Yeah It look like Niko like either Rin or Hanayo and is jealous of nozomi bd cause she can't have the one she love. It must be Rin then... That's also a weird pairing

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 2:56AM

joined Aug 16, 2014

Remember, Polygamy can solve anything.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Huh. Never was a fan of the non-'canon' pairings in LL animeverse but I don't know much of the game or manga. I've seen a decent amount - not much but enough for pondering - of Nico x Nozomi scattered around, so is that a thing in those other universes?

Not that there's any inherent problem with shipping characters without any significant evidence.

joined Mar 9, 2014

Personally I think Nozomi would be the most plausible choice for Niko after Maki of course. Nozomi is the only one who can deal with Nico selfish side and make her powerless x)

Anime point of view!.600.1492198
joined Sep 4, 2014

Weirdooo, honestly.
Nico, pls, go look for Maki and don't interrupt. :v

joined Oct 3, 2014

Huh. Never was a fan of the non-'canon' pairings in LL animeverse but I don't know much of the game or manga. I've seen a decent amount - not much but enough for pondering - of Nico x Nozomi scattered around, so is that a thing in those other universes?

Not that there's any inherent problem with shipping characters without any significant evidence.

I think Love Live is the only series where I don't have problem for crack/less probable pairings pairings, funny enough. The second season ending probably helped. I'm a NicoMaki shipper at heart but I actually don't mind seeing other Nico couples. I kind of really start like Nico X Eli or Nico x Honoka... so is weird to me as I usually like one couple when shipping in other franchises. Maybe this is the strengh of this characters as everyone in Muse is loveable in their own way.

I liked the story even if it was sad, maybe because is different to the usual NozomiEli or NicoMaki (or Nozomi being dominant to Nico).

I love it weird. And unrequited.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Nico is in love with Hanayo in this one. This short comic is part of the "Kataomoi Muse" (片想いミューズ) project-thingy in which everybody is in love with somebody who loves another. Yay. The cycle (lol) could be seen here:

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

In that chart the main person getting laid is Mak(i) Daddy Nishikino - as usual. She is ex-LOVER of Nico. So she moved on from a sexual relationship. Now she is "Friends with Benefits" (sex-friends, abbreviated Se-Fre) with Rin, the girl Hanayo wants. Hanayo, who wants Rin, is even made aware of the sex friends status of Rin and Maki. Her nose is also rubbed in Nico's status as Maki's ex-lover. What Eli and Nozomi are doing is labeled "Broken Heart Club" but what it is is 片想い交際 "Kataomoi kōsai" or "Unrequited love-dating." and Nico is made aware of it by Nozomi, after they both already knew Nico knew. In any universe, even Unrequited ones, Maki wins. She's the Hisa Takei of Love Live, but moreso. I would predict she'll have Umi in bed before she can say Ko-to- ....

last edited at Jun 27, 2016 3:24AM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Also, this particular story is a wonderful set-up to Joi's "Look at Me" = read it right after this and see if you agree.

Had to add on edit:

Nico is there contemplating her ex, Maki, and Rin, the crush of Hanayo, the girl she wants, being together. Hence Nico's mature, cynical attitude. Maki and Rin are hiding their sex-friends status (poorly) till Hanayo is made aware of it and crushed. Nico decides to imitate Eli and talk Hanayo into unrequited love-dating like Eli did with Nozomi. Nico can't just turn around and say okay Nozomi you get your chance, because Nozomi gave in and started dating Eli. In the end, Hanayo doesn't want to be in the Broken Hearts Club with Nico that badly, but she's grateful for Nico's unselfish love and support. Honestly, making it part of Look At Me in my mind makes it a way better segment of the Unrequited Project.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 12:43AM

joined Jul 4, 2016


last edited at Dec 17, 2016 12:23PM by Nezchan

joined Oct 1, 2018

Wait, that's it? ┐(´A`)┌

joined May 9, 2019

Huh. Never was a fan of the non-'canon' pairings in LL animeverse but I don't know much of the game or manga. I've seen a decent amount - not much but enough for pondering - of Nico x Nozomi scattered around, so is that a thing in those other universes?

Not that there's any inherent problem with shipping characters without any significant evidence.

None of the pairings in Love Live is canon though xd (probs except for NozoEli cuz obvious reasons)

joined Jan 9, 2017

Huh. Never was a fan of the non-'canon' pairings in LL animeverse but I don't know much of the game or manga. I've seen a decent amount - not much but enough for pondering - of Nico x Nozomi scattered around, so is that a thing in those other universes?

Not that there's any inherent problem with shipping characters without any significant evidence.

Without significant evidence? Nico and Nozomi have actual history from before the love life formation, they have more evidence than their 'cannon' pairings

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