@Missigno I'm quite sadge that there was less conversations and closure than I expected. I'm happy that shes alive and all, but that second part where the patrons and lycoreco are missing her.. was more confusing than sad tbh, because they literally showed Mika getting the heart before that. True, this could mean that they were too late,but they didnt show any indication or tension that that was the case. Sure, her heart was seemingly reaching its limit during the fight, but they could have shown in again when shes talking to Takina. Also, the both of them didnt even talk during that whole sequence! Not even a hello! AND THEN IT TURNS OUT SHE ESCAPED FROM THE HOSPITAL? GIRL, WHY?! NOT EVEN TALKING TO THE PEOPLE WHO BROKE THEIR BACKS FOR YOU?! Seriously.. Imagine how takina mustve felt when she heard she was missing.. poor girl.. I really think they couldve used more of the last half for more conversations and closure on the girl's. Like Chisato's smarter than thinking 'oh im still dying' when she looks like she literally got a new transplant. They couldve made her be shocked in horror that the gang mightve killed Shinji for the heart, and they couldve made Takina just slap her selfless ass to reality because her selflessness is breaking their hearts! Anyways.. theres probably more I want to say but I'd rather make a proper long post than a comment, rant over. TLDR; Salty
last edited at Sep 27, 2022 1:32AM