Forum › Not Black, Not White discussion

joined Aug 24, 2020

Good stuff

joined Jun 11, 2021

as much i have a very positive view about poly stuff, this is not right.
is something that needs to be certain with both sides, otherwise is not heathy for anyone. one of them will have to give up on something eventually.

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

You skipped over Nari's posts, that's fine. Several others chose to respond to Nari. As discussion is presumably one of the goals of having a forum, Nari's posts have "added" plenty.

I don't know if you'll find this useful, but quoting Wikipedia:

Massive wall of text

The massive wall of text (MWOT) often appears in disputes and bombards you with so much information and underhanded hostility that it's almost impossible to keep up without replying with one of your own. MWOTs are a good indication that people are talking past each other. Common features include:

# New arguments unrelated to the matter at hand
# Already-discussed arguments
# Giant paragraphs that never really come to a point
# Thinly-veiled personal attacks

Some walls of text are intentionally disruptive, such as when a poster attempts to overwhelm a discussion with a mass of irrelevant kilobytes. Other walls are due to lack of awareness of good practices, such as when a poster tries to cram every one of their cogent points into a single comprehensive response that is roughly the length of a short novel. Not all long posts are walls of text; just remember: the longer it is, the less of it people will read.

Mwots here take bi-poly ways irl, judge them then use them to condemn this story. Not cool.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

E. Vigée Le Brun posted:

You skipped over Nari's posts, that's fine. Several others chose to respond to Nari. As discussion is presumably one of the goals of having a forum, Nari's posts have "added" plenty.

I don't know if you'll find this useful, but quoting Wikipedia:

Sure. I'll condense your post to only the parts which concern me.

The massive wall of text (MWOT) often appears in disputes and bombards you with so much information and underhanded hostility that it's almost impossible to keep up without replying with one of your own.

I believe the onus of a reply is always on the one replying. While some folks find it very difficult to do so and I sympathise with that to a degree, the act and contents of any given post ultimately lie with the one making it. To the contrary too, I found several of the replies perfectly respectful, constructive and succinct.

underhanded hostility

Thinly-veiled personal attacks

If you're able to point out either of these things happening in Nari's posts, I am here.

Mwots here take bi-poly ways irl, judge them then use them to condemn this story. Not cool.

If you're able to point out specific examples of Nari - or anyone else - using this story or its actors to judge real people for their romantic or sexual orientations, I am here.

Thank you.

last edited at Dec 20, 2021 1:20AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Well, I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today.

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

If you're able to point out specific examples of Nari - or anyone else - using this story or its actors to judge real people for their romantic or sexual orientations, I am here.

Me, do your job for you?
Trop la flemme.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

E. Vigée Le Brun posted:

If you're able to point out specific examples of Nari - or anyone else - using this story or its actors to judge real people for their romantic or sexual orientations, I am here.

Me, do your job for you?
Trop la flemme.

Rule 11 reads thus:

Homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia are grounds for immediate removal from the site.

You've come into this thread and made a very serious insinuation that could see other users removed from the site entirely. You are the third person to do so - which means I have now reviewed each post in this thread at least three times. Unlike the previous two, who left without bothering to further justify their statements, you chose to make a meaningless and disrespectful reply. I am left wondering if there was a point to any of this besides wasting even more of my time. You've been banned for a day.

The next insinuation of a specific rule violation in this thread that fails to provide any evidence will see the insinuator removed from the forums. Please stop wasting my time. Thank you.

last edited at Dec 21, 2021 1:14AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

I enjoyed this a lot more than its prequel, but go figure; between falling in love stories and stories about people in love trying to figure out how, or even what, to get out of the relationship that they want, I almost always prefer the latter.

joined May 15, 2014

ugh. i hate yoshioka. just gtfo out of her life lmao.

joined Jul 23, 2020

as a polyam, it hurts to see that a lot of comments say that their relationship was weird. yes, it was quite unhealthy, but Yoshioka let Matsuno know that she's into other people whom she thought actually agrees in the first place. Matsuno's clearly monogamous, so either of them should decide wether to leave or stay.

joined May 15, 2014

kinda shitty. why are all works with the bisexual tag always like this. it's like a warning now

joined Dec 16, 2014

Yuka deserves better

joined Jan 3, 2019

Reading this back over, I'm kind of wondering if Yoshioka was experiencing comphet to a degree. That's not to undermine her potential bisexuality (I am bi) and it's not to undermine her potential for being poly (I'm dating someone who's poly), those are valid readings of the story. This is just a potential alternative way of reading it.

Yoshioka was seemingly never satisfied with men, and she never had a romantic relationship with any she had previously been with that we know of. It looks as though those relationships were purely sexual. We don't know how she engaged with men either, but we do know how she engaged with Yuka. Yoshioka was the instigator, the "top," I guess you could say, and Yuka always goes along with it and in doing so, took on the more traditionally "feminine" role. Yoshioka had moments where she'd mention that Yuka - in being stereotypically "feminine" - was making her horny, and for her to not sleep with anyone else since moving in with Yuka, she's clearly being satisfied by Yuka sexually, and possibly romantically too.

It's something that none of the men Yoshioka saw ever managed to achieve, which makes me wonder, was Yoshioka mostly seeking male attention out because the attention made her feel good, but because she is actually a lesbian, the sex was never fulfilling in the way that it is with Yuka. Kind of like, if anyone is familiar with the lesbian YouTuber Alayna Joy and her story. She mistook enjoying attention for sexual attraction toward the opposite sex, so sought that out, but now that Yoshioka has experienced a lesbian relationship, she is only just now coming to realise her own feelings and her own capacity for romantic and sexual attractions that are more in line with her "true" sexuality. Lesbianism likely wasn't even on her radar as an option until Yuka, after all.

Yuka had her "a-ha" moment in the first chapter, but maybe this "I haven't seen anyone else since moving in with you," thing is the beginning of Yoshioka's "a-ha" moment. The relationship is still early days, it would be nice to have another chapter from Yoshioka's perspective as she realises her feelings for Yuka more and more.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

....this relationship is very unhealthy and I'm a bit uncomfortable with the fact that some of you think it's okay

One of them is poly and the other is clearly uncomfortable with that fact (and yes, it's okay to be uncomfortable with that because it's a personal preference), in what world would this end up nicely for Yuka?
Yeah, the point of the story was to show that love is not black and white, which is true, but Yuka has to keep hurting herself just to realize that?

I'm just going to imagine that Yuka broke up with her amicably and found herself someone that matches her needs, right now it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth

joined May 11, 2023

Honestly, this is not very complicated. They should not be a couple.

Risa and her actions, despite her being open about it, would be by most people seen in a negative light. Decent people care about the feelings of other people, especially those who care about you. Sure, her actions would be seen as acceptable by this extremely small minority group, but that’s not the norm in society and it never will be.

What little we learn about Risa I would say that she should probably reflect on why she acts as she does, maybe with a psychologist.

The people arguing that Yuka is fine with this relationship must be reading a different story. It is made very clear that she is stuck by her feelings, and this is causing her pain.

last edited at Jul 6, 2023 4:36AM

joined Jun 16, 2022

2 years late to the club, but isn't this part of I Don't Love Her, but I Love Her, the anthology with I know everyone's upset that it's an unhealthy relationship, but isn't that kind of the point of the anthology that it's kind of fucked up relationships?

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