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joined Nov 8, 2017

juanelric posted:

Kinda late to ask this, but am I allowed to submit my own art through the upload request page? I already submitted two pieces I think. lol

Yeah, of course. All artist submissions are welcome (though they will be evaluated the same as all other requests). Please just make some specific note that you are the artist of the work in question. Any form of verification is nice too, as it saves us time doing that ourselves, and protects us from any unfortunate accidents.

What would serve as verification? I have a signature but I forget to sign my work most of the time

joined Nov 8, 2017

Does this count as food?

joined Nov 8, 2017

^Wait, don't authors already have tags? Do we already have a working blacklist feature?

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

juanelric posted:

Does this count as food?

To be honest, not sure. The image folks do pretty well with the tag requests, though.

juanelric posted:

What would serve as verification? I have a signature but I forget to sign my work most of the time

Preferably a posting on another public platform, like Twitter, Pixiv, etc. If you don't have those things, it's not a big deal.

Anschlr posted:

I suggest author tags for each manga so we can blacklist the rare author who only uploads content we don't like

Oh, I didn't realise that didn't already work. It's a great suggestion, though I'm not sure of the technical feasibility. I'll pass it on!

joined Nov 8, 2017

Another question: would lineart/manga pages/coloring pages/etc. be allowed on the gallery? (Example)

Also, I want to suggest the tag "Shared scarf" once again.

joined Nov 6, 2018

How about a Third Wheel tag?

joined Nov 8, 2017

How about a Third Wheel tag?

I think I might have suggested that ages ago.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

juanelric posted:

Another question: would lineart/manga pages/coloring pages/etc. be allowed on the gallery? (Example)

Not generally.

Also, I want to suggest the tag "Shared scarf" once again.


Mr. Zilla posted:

How about a Third Wheel tag?

Hmm. Any examples?

Lilpha posted:

The last three posts in this thread are all spam:

Thank you!

joined Nov 6, 2018

Hmm. Any examples?

I thought to suggest it after reading this chapter of My Mom's A Superstar figuring there were most likely many other examples since most of the manga on this site are romance.

last edited at Mar 22, 2022 5:14PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Upload Request page was down today for a few hours today after an update. Has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenience! Nothing else should be amiss, but please do report if any other pages appear less functional than normal.

joined Jan 19, 2020 seems like here's a spam link too :D

joined Sep 1, 2021

eromancer posted:

Question: Are emoji not allowed in posts? When I tried to post a message using them, the system cut off the rest of my post after the first emoji.

Hi. Unfortunately, emoji are not supported. The preview issue you mention is a bit hard to explain, but it's not a sign of abnormality. In lieu of emoji, plaintext and embedded images are totally fine. Sorry for the inconvenience.

S'ok, thanks for the reply!

joined Sep 11, 2020

Got a tag suggestion! Honestly surprised we don't have anything like a foreigner tag yet!

joined Nov 8, 2017

I hope I'm not repeating myself too often, but I really want a Shared scarf tag

joined Aug 29, 2019

May have noticed it already, but there's a spam bot in need of deletion.

Edit: OMG, they're multiplying!

last edited at Mar 29, 2022 8:46AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Thanks for the reports, as always.

Lizstar posted:

Got a tag suggestion! Honestly surprised we don't have anything like a foreigner tag yet!

Hmm, what a unique suggestion. Any examples where this would apply outside of Language gap ?

juanelric posted:

I hope I'm not repeating myself too often, but I really want a Shared scarf tag

Well, they all go on a list and are considered whenever new tags are added. So while I appreciate the enthusiasm, there's no need to suggest more than once!

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

If anyone wants to suggest new tags, including a list of doujins/images that the new tag apply to would be helpful~

joined Mar 30, 2022

Dear Admin,

I am Maria, Marketing Specialist from PubFuture - The Leading Full Stack Advertising Technology Platform for Banner and Video Ads. has a great deal of good traffic from US, PH, FR, AU,... perfectly matching with our premium Banner and Video ad campaigns. We would like to offer a good deal to take your ad yield to the next level.

PubFuture has helped many publishers enjoy an increase in revenue between 15 - 100% via our superior optimization solution Header Bidding across world-class demands such as Pubmatic, Google, Amazon, Sovrn, Adform, RhythmOne, Appnexus, Unruly, FreeWheel, Index Exchange, Criteo...

Our ads are in good quality (no pops, adult or any intrusive ads). I can offer you a higher CPM than your current ad providers to run a test and show our excellent performance.

You can check our ads on some similar websites for references:

Please send my message to the relevant person to discuss further. Hope to build a great partnership with you.

Best Regards,

last edited at Apr 1, 2022 12:39PM by OrangePekoe

joined Jun 5, 2018

Nice Bo(a)t

last edited at Mar 30, 2022 4:22AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Got a tag suggestion! Honestly surprised we don't have anything like a foreigner tag yet!

Hmm, what a unique suggestion. Any examples where this would apply outside of Language gap ?

The Fakku definition for the tag would be "Character in a foreign country. Common example being the exchange student trope. Note that the tag is not "non-Japanese," meaning it's not applicable if a chapter is set in (for example) America with everyone being American. Fictional nations (isekai) doesn't count."

joined Sep 11, 2020

Got a tag suggestion! Honestly surprised we don't have anything like a foreigner tag yet!

Hmm, what a unique suggestion. Any examples where this would apply outside of Language gap ?

The Fakku definition for the tag would be "Character in a foreign country. Common example being the exchange student trope. Note that the tag is not "non-Japanese," meaning it's not applicable if a chapter is set in (for example) America with everyone being American. Fictional nations (isekai) doesn't count."

A good basis for the tag description, thank you! I found a couple of non-language gap examples. Most language gap stories would fit in this tag, but not all foreigner stories would be language gap stories.

"Sentimental Beach Side"

"The Foreigner and the Insensitive Tomboy"

"Mismatch Girls"

"the_sheep_princess_in_wolfs_clothing" maybe, if we don't want to add the "fictional nations don't count" rule, because it's about someone working in a foreign country to them.

"Beloved Painting Ch. 7"

"Elena" maybe??? I dunno it's hard for me to follow this one but the Elena at the end is probably not Japanese.

"Yuri Manga for Studying Japanese"

"Girls of Sun and Sea" and its sequel, "Midsummer Lovers"

"Summer Vacation"

"A San Fransisco Story"

"Christmas Eve Agape"

"Cirque Arachne"

"The Sea, You, and the Sun"

"Butterfly 69" and its sequels - This one doesn't really say it anywhere in the text, but Maria Steinhardt is not the most Japanese name I've ever heard of, so it's probable.

"Vacation Maou to Pet" - The Demon King is probably not native to Japan.

"My Food Seems To Be Very Cute" - Maria is a foreigner


There's definitely more, but I'm struggling to find 'em right now. If anyone else has good suggestions, let me know! I love the language barrier tag a lot, but it's not all encompassing for stories like that =w=

EDIT: Adding more as I come across them to help with the list!

last edited at Nov 11, 2022 2:53AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

MariaGarcia_Pub posted:

Dear Admin,

I am Maria, Marketing Specialist from PubFuture - The Leading Full Stack Advertising Technology Platform for Banner and Video Ads. has a great deal of good traffic from US, PH, FR, AU,... perfectly matching with our premium Banner and Video ad campaigns. We would like to offer a good deal to take your ad yield to the next level.

PubFuture has helped many publishers enjoy an increase in revenue between 15 - 100% via our superior optimization solution Header Bidding across world-class demands such as Pubmatic, Google, Amazon, Sovrn, Adform, RhythmOne, Appnexus, Unruly, FreeWheel, Index Exchange, Criteo...

Our ads are in good quality (no pops, adult or any intrusive ads). I can offer you a higher CPM than your current ad providers to run a test and show our excellent performance.

You can check our ads on some similar websites for references:

Please send my message to the relevant person to discuss further. Hope to build a great partnership with you.

Best Regards,

Hi Maria. I'm the relevant person. We're not interested in monetizing the site in any way. Best of luck to you in your endeavours, take care.

last edited at Apr 1, 2022 12:39PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Lizstar posted:

"Sentimental Beach Side"

"The Foreigner and the Insensitive Tomboy"

"Mismatch Girls"

"the_sheep_princess_in_wolfs_clothing" maybe, if we don't want to add the "fictional nations don't count" rule, because it's about someone working in a foreign country to them.

There's definitely more, but I'm struggling to find 'em right now. If anyone else has good suggestions, let me know! I love the language barrier tag a lot, but it's not all encompassing for stories like that =w=

Virgins' Empire would fit, at least all the chapters tagged Elisha x Honoka. Maybe VAMPEERZ? I'm not following it but I recall something like that. This is indeed the beginning of a list.

last edited at Mar 30, 2022 1:08PM

joined Sep 11, 2020

Virgins' Empire would fit, at least all the chapters tagged Elisha x Honoka. Maybe VAMPEERZ? I'm not following it but I recall something like that. This is indeed the beginning of a list.

Oh you're absolutely right with VAMPEERZ! Multiple characters in that are from foreign countries.

I just know there's a bunch of instances hidden back in one-offs, but even after reading almost everything on this darn site I can't think of any others =w= And I know nothing of the doujin that have foreign characters, but I'm sure there's a bunch

Glad we're able to get the start of a list going at least.

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