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joined Jan 9, 2017

I believe that Gacha is technically regulated by Japanese law, where there has to be a definite rate for each rarity, which must be disclosed to the player.
But I agree, don't play for yuri. You can probably just look up any yuri suggesting scenes on Youtube if you really want.

joined Oct 3, 2021

the pain in this picture

joined Dec 18, 2016

Noelle is geo archon

joined Dec 12, 2021


joined Aug 1, 2011

I played Genshin, briefly, on launch and I can say the gacha definitely hurts it, whether or not you can progress without it. Good weapons are locked behind the gacha, but the game needs to give you loot, so you get piles of worthless garbage and duplicates. Characters are locked behind the Gacha, so there's a good chance you won't be able to play with the characters you want to, but so are character abilities, which makes everything feel very static and repetitive, even as you're levelling up.

If it was a full priced game, with properly paced unlocks, I'd definitely recommend it. As is, I'd recommend staying away.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^constellations are not the same as abilities. Which as it happens do unlock with leveling.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Yeah... The gacha elements definitely conflict with the BotW elements that you're here for. The game design requires plenty of loot, but you need something to roll for, so most of what you get for exploring is crap. The main draw is exploration, but the live service model requires you to always have something to do, so there's plenty of tedious grinding if you want to get strong. Then there's the whole world level thing...

The game is impressive, but I can't really say it's good. And if you're here for the characters there's not really much point in playing, since the writing is honestly pretty bad

joined Jul 26, 2016

^tedious farming for junk needed for progressing in whatever isn't exactly limited to GI though, or even online games in general. Plenty of purely offline singleplayer games go for it bigtime too. (Coincidentially or not Asian devs seem to be really fond of it.) Certainly just about industry standard for MMOs though already for progression pacing reasons - players, or at least the tryhard types who speedrun new content within three days of release tops, tend to whine enough about lack of ye ever-nebulous "endgame content" and "things to do" as is.

Whether that's good design principle in general is really a question of deeper game design philosophy and strategy that's way the fuck outside the scope of this discussion and thread.

joined Jan 13, 2015

A lot of you commenting here are so freaking adorable. You think Genshin Impact is a bad gacha. So cuuuuute. You're even more adorable than this comic. I've been playing gacha games for years now and I don't think Genshin Impact is even a true gacha. First off, you can finish every single content in the game using only the first 4 characters given to you while using only crafted weapons. Even if you don't touch the gacha I'm pretty sure you can easily breeze through every single content the game has to offer aside from content which you need more than 4 people. About 90% of all hate and salt that the people have against Genshin Impact comes from only 1 thing, and that's people not being used to a gacha game. If you played an actual gacha game, where you actually need characters that you can only get on the gacha system to have a hope in progressing, you'd appreciate the fact that ALL characters in GI are ALL viable and ALL usable despite what those content creators and tier list says. GI has no characters below 4*. How many 1* characters do other gacha games have that are literally just pack fillers? The main problem with GI is that it reached so many people in such a small amount of time that even though it's such an easier game than any other gacha game out there, people are still being so pissy about it.

As an example, take F/GO which I also play and enjoy. The game currently has 280+ servants, and only 118 of which are 5*, with some of them not even being that good despite being 5*. F/GO's banner system doesn't have the generous pity system GI has. F/GO banners are also not character or weapon specific, you get both in the same banners and you get 1* to 5* servants and weapons in their banners. The probability of getting what you want is abysmally low compared to when rolling for GI characters or weapons. And there are even worse gachas than that. GxB2 necessitates players to use another copy of the character to upgrade your character. So imagine Eula needing another copy of eula to get to level 70, then 2 copies of any other 5* to get to 80, then needing 2 Eulas plus 3 more 5*s to get to 90. That's how other gachas work. Genshin Impact is so casual that comparing it to other gachas is like comparing playing solitaire to competitive MTG. I find it so idiotic how people and even the toxic "fandom" complain how unfair GI is and how it "locks" characters behind "paywalls" when there are tons and tons and tons of gacha games out there that you will literally not be able to play without the latest limited character. And if you're complaining how "grindy" GI is, that's just how rpgs work. That's how they get you to keep playing the game. Maybe stick to playing mobas or battleground type games coz any rpg or rpg like games will need you to grind a bit. (Also note that you don't even need to grind that much for GI. Try playing the game yourself and you'll realize you don't need to hit 5m damage like those youtubers you like so much to kill an enemy you can easily defeat with 2k~3k dps)

And I know people will probably spam "copium" and "whiteknight" even after all of the valid facts i sited, but it's just so freaking annoying how even this yuri site isn't safe from GI bashing. GI is a free game you don't have to pay for and doesn't restrict you in anyway even if you don't spend a single cent on it. Blaming the game for being bad when you're mad you can't get a character you want or can't control yourself from spending says a lot more about you than the game or devs.

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

Whataboutisms don't cure Genshin of its flaws.

joined Apr 27, 2013

How many 1* characters do other gacha games have that are literally just pack fillers?

...So? Genshin's filler not being characters doesn't really change anything

And if you're complaining how "grindy" GI is, that's just how rpgs work.

You're either terrible at RPGs or exclusively play gacha games. Mandatory grinding hasn't really been a common design choice since, like, the 16 bit era

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The forums already have a topic for Genshin discussion found here: https://dynasty-scans.com/forum/topics/17518-genshin-impact

Please do not continue discussing whatever your takes are on Genshin in the image comments. Thank you.

joined Jan 19, 2018

Im trying to get more of them posted here but I can only request stuff as much as I like.
I hope they get uploaded too
I love these comics from this author

joined May 1, 2019

^To each their own, but I love this show, yuri or no yuri.

joined Jun 23, 2021

One of my favorite ships of all time

joined Jun 23, 2021



Shiny nipple

joined Jan 9, 2017

I didn't know Sylveon can learn nuzzle, or that Eevee has limber to avoid being paralyzed!

joined Sep 23, 2017

I miss them so much.. ;-;

joined Jun 25, 2019

A rare Sana pairing.

joined Apr 1, 2015

I can't stop laughing looking at this

joined Jul 16, 2013

Merry Christmas

joined Apr 1, 2015

Unwrappin' mah present

joined Jul 16, 2013

Look what Santa left

joined Jul 16, 2013

Oh, no. Look what happened by accident

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