Just a normal day in the grandmaster's room.
Love this pair
Negom blesses us once more. <3
^ Yeah, it's a wonder how she hasn't just burst into flames already
Get a room you two!
Criminally underrated pair
Gotta make sure you stay hydrated!
Some Goddess of Love she (Kama) is to get so easily embarrassed.
I really hope these two get to have a happy ending when all is said and done.
Ground pound the shark!
^ She pretty much did during the phone call where she more or less had a mental breakdown to Shima.
It really does look like them in the thumbnail.
Oooo has there been any content for these two?
^Gudako is just that powerful. True Beast of Love.
Also this is super cute! I'm very happy to see Yuri with the new summer Kama.
Fricken cute
I... really, really like this! what a galaxy brain ship xD love me some rarepairs~
^ Official content or fan content? There's only one other piece of fan art on this site at the moment, but you can find more out there. As for official content, they're childhood friends.
I almost didn't notice the fourth girl and was like Yo wth is going on there?!
...Were they even alive at the same point in time?
This would be a great ship
Cute and hot
This is silly. They both identify as women. Futanari is a tag, made up by the site its posted. It has no bearing on what the author actually think.
They’re gay and happy, that’s all that matters.
I actually liked Barbie's design a lot
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