First, i don't think anyone here was talking about someone specifically, so there is no need to feel's just an generall observation. On the other hand, i've been seen all of this "hate" Citrus has been receiving, and personally i felt the need to beg to differ, because i disagree with all this hate and i (still) like Citrus quite lot (it's my fav but can't let you know ;P). But, i will have to insist that maybe there are comlains because people want them to just f'...Ok...
I understand that there are people who like drama and angst, and there others who will get frustrated and won't be able to handle it. But drama is the point of this manga, and it's been 13 chapters already, so i don't think author plans on magically changing it 180. Reading something is optional, so if someone really dislikes it and can't handle it, author won't come to your house at night and punish them if they decide to drop it :P
(Plus there is hentai too)
But again, the characters aren't emotionally mature. You guys are asking for bad writing that ignores their characterization just to have cuddling. This was never a story of cute love is a story of two broken people overcomijg their issues together.
I agree with you! This is not a cute love story, but an angsty and roller coster one. Well, that's why i like it. It's not just the art (which is great) but the extra depth of the characters too. I'm so bored of the classic yuri scenario where the protagonists always kiss or f' , calling each other 'cute' 'cute' and 'cute' again and again all the freaking time! Those scenarios feel so childish...