Forum › Useless Ponko discussion

joined Aug 12, 2019

to runrin, thnx for the warning note for those who are very sensitive to that imagery. and I get the joke which was dark humor but still, it was in place for this purpose. and I'm with Lizbo, how did Ponko didn't lose her head this time around??

and dammit, Akane's dad is allowing her to get with Fuji Jr. which Junior boy is still obvious and more into Ponko. something tells me, it's canon with Akane and Fuji Jr.

joined Nov 8, 2017

to runrin, thnx for the warning note for those who are very sensitive to that imagery. and I get the joke which was dark humor but still, it was in place for this purpose. and I'm with Lizbo, how did Ponko didn't lose her head this time around??

and dammit, Akane's dad is allowing her to get with Fuji Jr. which Junior boy is still obvious and more into Ponko. something tells me, it's canon with Akane and Fuji Jr.

I don't know what cursed thing you're saying but please don't say it again

joined Feb 16, 2016

This is in the top 2% most wholesome manga on the planet and I wish I wasn't caught up because I want to read 5 chapters every day forever.

Anyway I can see why the joke was necessary because rain, teru teru bozus, of course, the author almost had to do it. It is a pretty big plot hole that her head didn't fall off though. :P

Just because Junior boy is the only male under 40 in the the village (or at least in this manga) who isn't still in elementary school is no excuse for Akane having such poor taste.

joined Jan 22, 2017

When you walk through a beautiful garden of wholesomeness and then step on a thorny Fuji Jr. . He is probably less dangerous and bad than I want him to be, but I still hate him every time he shows up.

runrin Staff
joined Feb 9, 2019

When you walk through a beautiful garden of wholesomeness and then step on a thorny Fuji Jr. . He is probably less dangerous and bad than I want him to be, but I still hate him every time he shows up.

same... ponko is so precious that i put up with it tho. there has yet to be a chapter that really bothers me, and I hope it never happens.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Glad to see a return to form without a certain shithead. I laughed out loud seeing Ponko’s disembodied head with the wires connected to Akane’s forehead, I’d like to think that her running fast and leaving Fuji behind is representative of her getting over her crush on him. I get it, kids get crushes on adults and its a small town but I really hope she does actually move on from this now.

runrin Staff
joined Feb 9, 2019

Glad to see a return to form without a certain shithead. I laughed out loud seeing Ponko’s disembodied head with the wires connected to Akane’s forehead, I’d like to think that her running fast and leaving Fuji behind is representative of her getting over her crush on him. I get it, kids get crushes on adults and its a small town but I really hope she does actually move on from this now.

i'm hoping the same thing.

joined Jan 31, 2021

No more fuji :)

joined Nov 21, 2018

I choose to believe that Akane's favorite thing is specifically running away from Fuji Jr.

joined Jun 19, 2020

lil chick chapter made me sad but then i cheered up a bit : )

joined Sep 13, 2020

Anyone remember about Yuna?

joined Apr 30, 2020

I had also thought that Akane got over her crush and realized she loves running more. And wow Ponko wasn't that useless this chapter. She actually helped this time.

joined May 18, 2021

Robot girl tiny,.,.

joined May 18, 2021

Robot girl happy, i happy too, if something happens to her i'm killing someone.

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

It's a bit of an odd thing, I think the warnings are the right idea due to some people having history with the subject, but since basically nothing else gets a warning I end up being spoiled by the warning. The only solution I can think of would be an opt out warning (though obviously that would have issues with being carried over to aggregators).

my personal suggestion would be a separate system of content warning tags similar to ao3. then you could turn them off to avoid being spoiled, or blacklist them if you want to avoid certain content. think like red tags listed after the main ones which could be toggled on and off. i would move things like rape, violence, abuse, etc into the CW tag category as well.

maybe there should be a thread about this specifically where people discuss different ideas? I've brought it up in a few threads before but there wasn't much traction. until a system like this is added i will continue to put warnings on chapters that i edit.

"This is a work of fiction and may disturb you at any time. Approach with caution."

Then put that before every chapter of every work out there. After all, anything can trigger anyone, so better remind them reading stuff can cause that.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Title should be changed to Useful Ponko

runrin Staff
joined Feb 9, 2019

[54] i'm just glad that fuji jr did not appear in this chapter.

joined Jul 6, 2020

[54] i'm just glad that fuji jr did not appear in this chapter.

He would have been a total creep about it, but instead we get to enjoy potato powered fart rocket ponko? Idk. But I laughed my ass off when she started lifting off.

joined May 18, 2021


joined Nov 8, 2017

[54] i'm just glad that fuji jr did not appear in this chapter.



Glad to see a return to form without a certain shithead. I laughed out loud seeing Ponko’s disembodied head with the wires connected to Akane’s forehead, I’d like to think that her running fast and leaving Fuji behind is representative of her getting over her crush on him. I get it, kids get crushes on adults and its a small town but I really hope she does actually move on from this now.

i'm hoping the same thing.

I agree.

The author seems to be aware of how much of a creep Fuji jr. is, but at the same time seem to somehow think he's a likeable character.

last edited at Jun 6, 2021 2:11AM

joined Aug 12, 2019

how ironic. I just ate some sweet potatoes and just now reading this latest chapter. lol

joined Jul 6, 2020

Can’t wait for the culture festival battle tournament arc, and tbh I was really shocked by the revelation that Ponko was actually a robot, totally changes the story here.

Also shout out to the “spot the hidden image” panel with Ponko and Grandpa in the train station

joined Aug 12, 2019

Can’t wait for the culture festival battle tournament arc, and tbh I was really shocked by the revelation that Ponko was actually a robot, totally changes the story here.

Also shout out to the “spot the hidden image” panel with Ponko and Grandpa in the train station

OMG! like, I thought Ponko was a weird special human. now it all makes sense!

I saw at least 5 of the punk dude wearing a "blast" shirt with the piercings. lol

joined Feb 9, 2019

[55] i felt feisty and decided to redraw the chapter title by hand this time.

joined Jan 17, 2017

Ponko takes place in the universe of Akira

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