Forum › Vampire and Maid Yuri discussion

joined Jul 21, 2017

maybe drama tag?

joined Jan 4, 2021

Well at least there's one possible good thing about immortality: you don't have to worry about dying while you're doing something dangerous like skydiving.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

elevown posted:

So if they are truly immortal, what happens if humanity goes extinct? Or the Earth is destroyed by natural or man made disaster? Will they live past the heat death of the universe and be condemned to purgatory, floating in eternal nothingness? Just some food for thought.

Exactly- there's a touhou of kaguya and moku on the earth in the distant future amongst the lava streams, watching the last moments as the sun grows to envelope the earth.. imagine having to live BILLIONS of years? would you even remember anything from 99% of your life? wouldnt you have gone insane really long before that? What happened to them after they are swallowed by the sun if they cant die? what about once the sun slowly cools and fades over billions of years? did they spend those billions of years dying instantly and coming back to life over and over or did the heat stop them reforming?? would they end up stuck in vaccum endlessly suffocating and being reborn?

Yes. You're correct about all that. Most people clearly do not take into account or even think/know about it.

Immortality being depicted as something that'll make you miserable and lonely is old way of people copying with death. Most tales about immortality were written as a way to show people that dying isn't all bad. That living forever would be much worse and you shouldn't wish for it. It was a way to convince ourselves that our life matter more, because it'll eventually end. So when it's finally time to die people can accept it and move on instead of clutching to life.

And few centuries ago or so I could indeed imagine, living forever might not seem like the best idea. But now? When we're in the biggest technological boom ever? Like first of all about being bored. Right now, new movies, games, comics are releases everyday. I couldn't catch up with everything already created and there's still new stuff constantly being made. And if you want to say you'll get sick of it eventually? Well I already had that existential crisis not too long ago. Everything we do already is repetitive and meaningless. You work so you can go home and watch/read stuff, talk to people, meet them, go to places. But what's the difference? You only do it to experience positive feelings. If you're satisfied, you'll want to experience more of it, if you are not satisfied you'll want to find something that makes you satisfied. At some point mangas, movies, games, they become interchangeable. All that matters is your experience, the feelings that it gives you. Only way to give it meaning is to share it with others, talk about it, but after some point, won't even that become interchangeable? Just going through the motions? The emotional highs and lows? And then you realize nothing matters and everything is pointless. In the end it won't really lead to anything. So once you get through that, you'll realize there's no point overthinking it. I still want to read new stuff and look for new stories that'll resonate with me and give me joy. And how much of stories we read are rehash and repeat of stories we already read anyway? The point is, you don't need to be immortal to get bored of stuff, but also if you have proper mindset you'll never get bored of new things.

Another thing is feeling lonely and all people you know dying. Isn't that what already happens? We meet and part ways with people all the time. Some people who we were really close with. People in our lives die all the time. It can take less or more time, but we are capable of copying with that. How becoming immortal would change that? Again, it's more of individual thing and how strong your mentality is rather than being immortal itself. Some people get over stuff like that fast, other dwells on it for years, decades. But when being immortal you have as much time as you need to grief and accept death. In fact I read very interesting argument that at some point you'll become so detached from normal people, it would stop bothering you at all. You'd start to interact with families, generations, humanity as a whole instead of individuals. I saw ideas for stories about vampire/immortal that's more like family friend than friend of 1 particular person. It's hard for us to wrap our head around it, because 1. nobody really experienced it, so we don't know from practice and 2. our monkey brains weren't made for this. But that's true for everything. Our technology become so advanced, yet we're still stuck in our animalistic, primate mindset. We still follow emotions and desires instead of logic. Despite all the advances, we are still following and sticking to ways our ancestors lived. We could have world peace long ago, but we are just too greedy and selfish and put personal gains over well-being of our kind as a whole. So yes, our brain isn't made to remember so much information, but it never stopped us. And with our current technological advances, who knows maybe we'd find a way to enhance our memory or find a way to store information, so we can easily access them when needed.

As for being lonely, again idea that after losing/outliving few people, immortal person would stop trying is stupid. Sure there's trauma, but most people start to try finding friends again eventually. And for immortal person they have all the time to move on and find someone else. And as I mentioned above maybe at some point their idea of attachment would change and they'd start to see people more like groups and collective rather than individuals. We don't know, because nobody has ever done that. But for me personally, when I'm thinking of being immortal, I assume it's after we find a way to be immortal and everyone is immortal. Then the issue of being alone/alienated disappears. And yes there are other issues then, like overpopulation, though I heard apparently even now we're nowhere near exhausting all the available space on earth. But it's not like there aren't many issues rn we need to deal with and how no idea how or our attempts went poorly so far. I think rather than just saying "it's not possible, because of x" it's way more interesting and productive to think "how we'll deal with x". And for example, i assume in the future we'll become advanced enough we'll be able to build floating cities that can float over oceans and such, and then we got a lot of space before we need to go to space or something.

And speaking of space. When I'm thinking of immortality, it's true I'm not really thinking about "can't be killed no matter what" kind, but rather the eternal youth and immunity to diseases. Of course being fully immortal would be better as you can't get killed by accidents or murdered, but of course that doesn't take into account the "what if you outlast the universe", which is clearly a very new concept not many people consider when thinking about immortality, cos most still sees it in those old ways. I think the perfect consensus would be for being fully immortal, but also have ability to turn it off whenever you want. This way if you think like you had enough or happen to be caught up in our sun exploding, then you won't be stuck in those nightmare-ish scenarios. Then again, most people think they had enough or are ready to die, because they're old and weak. I really wonder how many people would actually decided they lived enough if they were stuck in perfectly healthy, young body. I was also considering option that you need to do something special, like taking a serum or go through some procedures to remove immortality, but it has issue of what if you happen to fall into the ocean or something. On the other hand advantage of permanent immortality is that if someone want to commit suicide, but weren't too far gone yet, maybe if committing it wasn't easy they'd actually try to go find help or something instead. Also there's a issue of serial killers, murderers etc. that we'd also be stuck with which is another thing to consider, i was mostly focusing on positives, but again, not like we don't struggle with problems like that already.

Which brings me to last argument, that death is what gives life meaning and that fear of death give people drive to accomplish things. Well, I call that bs. First of all, I spend last 15 years in state of constant depression, unable to do anything. Fear of death didn't do anything to motivate me to change that. In fact I'm even more terrified than ever that I'll die before accomplishing anything and/or finishing what I want to do and yet I'm still not doing anything. So gj with that fear of death, you had 1 job. I'd gladly become immortal, just because I have so many ideas I'll probably need few life-times to draw them all and I'm coming with new ideas constantly. Also how exactly death is giving meaning to life again? So before someone dies everything they did is meaningless? No. What gives meaning to life is, well, living. Being able to do and experience stuff. If someone is death, that's the end. They're dead. They can't do anything else. You might say everyone will die, but their memories or deeds will live forever. That's also kinda full of bull. First, in order to truly live forever in memories, you'd need to make something people would keep talking in the future. So unless you're great inventor or politician or did something amazing, tough luck. Sure, you'll be remembered in your family and between friends, but how long? Few generations? You'll be forgotten eventually. And even if you'd do something amazing, your legacy can still be distorted and manipulated. Like Thomas Edison is know for being great inventor who created light bubble, but not many people know that he was actually a asshole that made people work like slaves, while paying them as little as he could get away with, while going around stealing ideas from other people, suing them and making patents just to gain monopoly. But history removed all that and people only remember what they want to remember. And I'm sure there's opposite where someone good was made to be bad person. History is written by the winners after all. In fact if anything, death gives people reason to do things they'd normally not do. How many antagonists in stories are motivated by their fear of death and wanting to gain immortality to escape it and not caring about means and consequences of their actions? People often commit crimes when they're terminally ill or close to death, feeling they don't need to fear consequences, because they'll be soon dead anyway. Death more often than not is liberating and allowing people to stop caring about little things, rather than giving them motivation to do good. If they'd be immortal/nobody could die, there'd be no escape in death. They'd actually need to rethink their actions, because when caught, they couldn't just kill themselves.

So here. I didn't really wanted to focus on existential crises, but since you insist. So I'd say only focusing on "you'll outlive universe" is thinking too superficially on it.

I spend way too much time on it, so it is a bit of rumbly and I can't be bothered to try making it more well thought out and written, so you'll have to forgive me.

Also here are 2 very good videos discussing the immortality and death issue. They're short so I recommend giving them a watch:

last edited at Mar 20, 2021 11:19AM

joined Jul 22, 2017

to be fair, most vampire fiction exists before therapy was invented lol

maybe being immortal would be okay if you had a support system and material security, but I can imagine the toll of living being too much over too much time. That said I have depression so I do think this has to do with outlook

joined Jul 22, 2015

Submitted Aaaangst Drama Violence

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

What a crazy story dude. Thanks Nyarumi and author person!!

joined Sep 27, 2017

to be fair, most vampire fiction exists before therapy was invented lol

maybe being immortal would be okay if you had a support system and material security, but I can imagine the toll of living being too much over too much time. That said I have depression so I do think this has to do with outlook

Yeah it's interesting to think that actually trying to address mental health, and positively work through our problems, is honestly pretty modern. Even admitting to ourselves that we have problems, and accepting that there are things we need to work through, is still hard for most people even to this day though.

joined Feb 21, 2019

Never really understood the whole "being immortal is terrible" as if you couldn't find things to do and people to love being immortal for thousands of years.

lol- are you kidding? Im sure you could find things to do.. for so long.. then the same things over and over and over endlessly.. Till how f$%king sick of them would you be? Immortality WOULD obviously be the worst possible curse imaginable. Not seeing that is thinking too superficially on it.

BUT- I will give you, that most of the time, there is no reason to see most types of immortality that way. Vampirism certainly isnt normally seen in that way. Because most types of immortality are NOT real imortality (like what kaguya and mokou in touhou seem to have) most types are just no longer aging or dying of disease etc and being strong/immune to lots of stuff- but NOT unkillable.

Any type of 'imortality' where you could actually end it once you got sick of living - yeah- most people can see the appeal of being able to live as long as you wanted.

But in this story she did seem to be saying she couldnt die.. who knows if thats true? I doubt she has tried many methods.

TRUE immortality you had NO way out of- id not wish on my worst enemy.

If you lived long enough you could make peace when any situation, immortality would rule tbh

joined Mar 19, 2021

So if they are truly immortal, what happens if humanity goes extinct? Or the Earth is destroyed by natural or man made disaster? Will they live past the heat death of the universe and be condemned to purgatory, floating in eternal nothingness? Just some food for thought.

Wow remind me the ending of fire punch. It all goes tumbling down to nothingness Yeah having immortality suck

joined Mar 20, 2021

Is this an upload from somewhere else or original? Does it have another name? I tried to look up more about it but I can’t find anything

joined Feb 24, 2015

Simple, but really nice! Need more xD

joined Sep 27, 2017

Is this an upload from somewhere else or original? Does it have another name? I tried to look up more about it but I can’t find anything

It's a translated work from the author's Pixiv, when you're reading something on here you can click on the name next to the title, so in this case the by "Paderapollo", and that'll show you some of their urls like Twitter and Pixiv. Just for future reference and helping you find more information. Also here is a direct link to the raw work on their Pixiv.

last edited at Mar 20, 2021 2:30PM

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

I loved this story, thanks for uploading it

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

FluffyCow posted:

Is this an upload from somewhere else or original? Does it have another name? I tried to look up more about it but I can’t find anything

It's a translated work from the author's Pixiv, when you're reading something on here you can click on the name next to the title, so in this case the by "Paderapollo", and that'll show you some of their urls like Twitter and Pixiv. Just for future reference and helping you find more information. Also here is a direct link to the raw work on their Pixiv.

And to follow-up, Secret Society Blanket uploads directly to the site, and to my knowledge they do not permit uploads to other sites.

Nyarumi Uploader
Secret Society Blanket
joined Feb 3, 2019

FluffyCow posted:

Is this an upload from somewhere else or original? Does it have another name? I tried to look up more about it but I can’t find anything

It's a translated work from the author's Pixiv, when you're reading something on here you can click on the name next to the title, so in this case the by "Paderapollo", and that'll show you some of their urls like Twitter and Pixiv. Just for future reference and helping you find more information. Also here is a direct link to the raw work on their Pixiv.

And to follow-up, Secret Society Blanket uploads directly to the site, and to my knowledge they do not permit uploads to other sites.

We upload all of our work here, and only parts of it to MangaDex on a delay. Pretty much all yuri we work on is exclusive to Dynasty though, for various reasons.

joined Nov 6, 2018

This was a surprisingly good read. I wasn't expecting it to be bad or anything, but damn.

joined Nov 6, 2018

I'm the only one here to find the death of the other maid stupid ? I mean, she got her neck impaled by her own cross necklace so not only the thing had to go behind her neck when she fall but had to be perfectly aligned with her neck and also be sharp enough to pierce though it. I know we talking about vampire so in term of realism, we're already out but come on.

I've seen even more absurd deaths in even more dark and serious works of fiction. That was nothing.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Nyarumi posted:

And to follow-up, Secret Society Blanket uploads directly to the site, and to my knowledge they do not permit uploads to other sites.

We upload all of our work here, and only parts of it to MangaDex on a delay. Pretty much all yuri we work on is exclusive to Dynasty though, for various reasons.

Thank you for the correction!

Nyarumi Uploader
Secret Society Blanket
joined Feb 3, 2019

Nyarumi posted:

And to follow-up, Secret Society Blanket uploads directly to the site, and to my knowledge they do not permit uploads to other sites.

We upload all of our work here, and only parts of it to MangaDex on a delay. Pretty much all yuri we work on is exclusive to Dynasty though, for various reasons.

Thank you for the correction!

Thank you for always helping me out! :)

joined Jan 27, 2016

My memory is so shitty that a lot of the baggage of immortality doesn't really make sense to me personally. I can barely remember what happened 5 years ago never mind 500.

last edited at Mar 20, 2021 9:05PM

joined Aug 5, 2018

Just to add my few cents to the "stuck until heat death and byond" immortality issue.
There is a solution: Just jump into a Black Hole. It may take an eternity but u would be part of a Singularity and all information is lost. Even after the Black hole collapses.
So u just cease to exist.(if there is no respwan of course^^)

@Nevri Really enjoyed ur text. Is see some vague paralleles to my own thoughtprocess about this topic. And its nice to see another fellow kurzgesagt viewer here

I personally still hope "The egg" from Kurzgesagt is real and I/we will and have read/written/expierenced all Yuri ever existed and afterwards creating my/our own Universe full of it.(among other things like an Icecream world)

To the actual Manga: A bit cliché but nonetheless a cute little Story.

last edited at Mar 20, 2021 10:59PM

joined Mar 13, 2020

So the whole way through the hearwarming "biting and bringing the maid back to life", I'm thinking that right after that moment one of them will have to go:

"Soooo...who cleans up the body? The other person can get the super strength cleaner before the blood sets in the carpet"

joined May 10, 2015

I think that both maids were equally insane.
Both were desperate to be with the one they loved and tried to force the vampire to turn them.
One through violence and the other through deception.

joined Nov 27, 2017

But in this story she did seem to be saying she couldnt die.. who knows if thats true? I doubt she has tried many methods.

There's a reasonable implication that she's tried both fasting and shooting herself with a silver bullet to end it. So...

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