Chika looks way too proud for some who sinks their family's savings into mikans impulsively.
The Flame of Life, and the Chill of Death.
KiaraxMori is truly an amazing ship.
oh wow i like this picture ( ͡°з ͡°)
Sht I wanna see the action
I'm waiting for Yagakimi LN vol 3. LN focus on Sayaka's story
I imagine Satori is getting her forehead thoroughly licked.
@nio_neka I’ve got $10 on pink
Since I'm expecting it to end in a stalemate, I'm placing 5 € on each girl.
That's art.
chuckles I'm in danger!
Audibly gasped when I saw this. Old married couple forever.
I love this soo much, and im too deep down the hololive rabbit hole
Even Byleth likes to play bot every now and then.
Cutest thing ever
Ooh, I hope more of this artist gets posted here; they're a big Kaga/Zuikaku fan, and apparently, this admiral is a pervert who likes to watch them. She even once deliberately botched Zuikaku's remodeling so she'd end up with a penis.
Only time i have had my ear licked was by my Cat, that certainly was an experiance, very sensual (in a non lewd way)
Ears are advanced stuff
Get along with the voices inside of my head
Maki: "What!? Are you gonna use med to make your GF jeaous? *Mentally prepares a smacking"
Doesnt matter if Edie is an ineffecient one, Byleth is Effecient enough for the two of them
Kaisen Chuui should write a proper comic about these two buxom dorks.
Not that I don't like the art snippets, of course, but I want story!
^b-but there's already ample amounts of P L O T isn't there? o3o
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