@You cant hear image they say: Maybe I'm stating the obvious or something you already know, but if you're talking about the very original Fate Arthur, the prototype design, he's an entirely different character. Or maybe you're talking about the myths & stories of king Arthur that all of this is based on. Either way, Artoria herself wasn't originally a man within the context of her character and the story. She looks good in suits I think in part because she's got handsome qualities to her. Some of her handsomeness might stem from her having to assume the role of a male figure to be the king. For this she has to pass as a man so people don't find out that the king is a woman, and the king is a "man" with charisma.
Edit: Also I mean a lot of women just look great in suits, at least I think so anyways haha
last edited at Aug 8, 2020 6:35AM