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joined Oct 6, 2014

Sayuri is honest and upfront, which is why the whole "You wish it was you" bit didn't feel off coming from her. Honestly, I really liked the story of this and its prequel. I'm still pissed off about the mum, not because she's cheating, but because she's hurting childhood friend-chan with her stoic attitude.

Really rooting for daughter-chan. Somehow it struck me as odd that she doesn't seem all that concerned about the dad.

And hey, maybe the dad would be cool with having a "swinger"-like kind of relationship.

joined Oct 6, 2015

Me: wtf girl, what about your dad?
Also me: yay ! dad is not existing!lol

joined Mar 16, 2018

This feels really gross to me. Probably because it's really well written and seems realistic. It's not the cheating aspect that feels gross it's the palpable sense of predation. It's the fact that she knew her when she was just a child that makes it so wrong. I feel for the parents of Sayuri, trusting their daughter to one whom is actively preying upon her.

last edited at Jun 27, 2018 12:43PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Honestly I didn't see any actual cheating going on. All I saw was a older woman humoring a girl with a childish crush, so she could get an ego boost. Sure there were a few implied kisses, but that's it. I mean Yukiko's mother should be ashamed of herself for leading on a confused child, who obviously has misplaced mommy issues. just so she can feel desired again, but cheating?! I don't actually see it.

Oh and, am I the only one hoping the dog Sayori fought is okay?

last edited at Mar 25, 2020 5:50PM

joined Feb 24, 2019

This was a strange one, but overall I enjoyed the ride. Not gonna chime in on the moral debate or anything like that. I was actually super confused about the love triangle part until almost the end. The whole time I kept wondering how Yukiko, who seemed to be rooting for her friend to succeed at winning over her mother, was actually romantically tied to her. It did come up pretty close to the end and honestly that felt like the weakest part of the story to me. It was nice that she went back to being supportive after clearing up her own feelings, but I would have enjoyed it more without the love triangle at all.

joined Sep 1, 2017

This was a strange one, but overall I enjoyed the ride. Not gonna chime in on the moral debate or anything like that. I was actually super confused about the love triangle part until almost the end. The whole time I kept wondering how Yukiko, who seemed to be rooting for her friend to succeed at winning over her mother, was actually romantically tied to her. It did come up pretty close to the end and honestly that felt like the weakest part of the story to me. It was nice that she went back to being supportive after clearing up her own feelings, but I would have enjoyed it more without the love triangle at all.

I really didn't give the moral issues a thought either, until I read the comments. The only thing I kept thinking while reading this is: "How far are Sayuri and Yukiko's mother actually going"? Sure we saw a few scenes where kissing was implied but nothing that seemed to imply more. I'm not sure some flirting and a few kisses qualifies as cheating.

joined Sep 7, 2021

I won't hold the girl responsible because she's a minor, it's up to the mature adult to act like one, she didn't, all the punishment should be on her, she's the scum in this.

joined Feb 10, 2022

The daughter should escape to another place. The dad is a dck, the mom a slt cheating, and sayuri basically told "I know you wish your mom were you lol"

joined Oct 24, 2023

I feel gross. This was too real. Adultery is the ultimate betrayal.

joined Oct 24, 2018

I think the most interesting detail of this manga is that Kyouko got angry, not for her father's sake or being disappointed with her mother's immoral (and illegal) adultery with Sayuri, but mainly because of her concern and care towards Sayuri. When a child prioritized her crush over her family life, something had been broken and gone wrong within that household, whether they recognized it or not. I'm not sure if this was implied intentionally by the author but it sure is fun to think and speculate about. Gotta love when an underlying issue taking place in character's life appeared through the way the main story was conveyed instead of getting spelled out clearly.

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