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joined Mar 3, 2017

‘Tis the peculiar phenomenon known as “da big gae.” They say those who are touched by it are blessed with good fortune and cute girls.

joined Mar 14, 2016

Oh hey I remember stumbling across some more of this artist's work on another site. One of the few times I thought the "hentai = art" was more than just a meme.

joined Dec 28, 2018

It would definitely be painful. She's 6'3" and fit as hell.

So sayeth the masochist.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I've heard at one point in Magia Record Homura mistakes Rika for Madoka and hugs her (making Ren jealous). Also in Magia Record she forms a friendship with a minor member of the Wings of Magius- Kuro.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Well at least they're the same age unlike with the (somewhat minor) Iroha/Ui ship... or the more popular Mami/Nagisa ship- although in this case it's more an age gap than incest.

joined Jun 23, 2015

Skullgirls is underappreciated. I know Ms. Fortune/Cerebella is problematic because of Cerebella's story mode (it was the first story mode I ever did), but I've always shipped it. I was thinking about this pairing a lot during Eliza's route (R.I.P. everyone in that run). I have a feeling that, in an alternate reality (of which there are many in Skullgirls), Cerebella could overcome her pompous attitude and mobster brainwashing. She's shown to have a more cooperative attitude in some of the other routes. I think she's a lot like Juri, in that regard. In Juri's SFIV arcade route, she gets what she "wants" and punishes those she holds in contempt and comes out on top. But she recieves character development and even a change of heart going into SFV where she dedicates herself to defending Cammy and the Dolls. Granted a similar opportunity, I think Cerebella could have become a more heroic figure. But instead we get a brainwashed simpleton in her route and dead in Eliza's.

Sorry, I have a lot of feelings about Skullgirls.

joined Jun 23, 2015

Stockings are expensive, but they are also sexy to tear. i assume Nio knows what she's getting into with this situation and wears stockings knowing that this is a possible outcome. A calculated expense, if you will.

joined Jan 15, 2020

^ The first one doesn't happen in MagiReco proper, it happens in MagiReco's gag manga series Magia Report(MagiRepo), what happens is that Homura tried to go full Coolmura mode but forgot to fix her eyesight with magic, which means she only saw a blur that roughly matched Madoka's color scheme, and she realized her mistake when she got close, the same strip also shows that this was Rika telling a very visibly jealous Ren what happened.

The later is correct, it happens in the first Valentine's event and the two meet while Homura was looking for a specific store to buy ingredients to make her chocolate gift to Madoka, unfortunately, Kuro was a victim of bullying at school, and it got so bad that she snapped and used her powers to murder her bullies, when she calmed down and realized what she had done, it caused her to Witch out, she was actually able to call Homura and meet with her before turning into a Witch(she Witches out in front of Homura), and when Homura finds her she notes she is covered in blood, which Kuro responds it is not her own blood, that part of the event closes up with Homura having been very heavily impacted by this(do remember that this is Homura much earlier in the loops than she was in the original series), and Madoka comforting her, as harsh a sequence it is, it has a mildly positive context of Homura's facade breaking just long enough for Madoka to start to understand her a little better, and drive them closer as a result.

I apologize for the long-ish wall of text, I just wanted to give full context to both situations, both of them have a very strong sense of Homura's romantic feelings being targeted purely at Madoka, the later of which might be the key point to drive them getting together in this timeline, which might have already happened off-screen, a CG from part 2 of the story shows Madoka and Homura holding hands, as well as standing a fair bit away from the rest of their quintent.

last edited at Mar 12, 2020 1:27AM

joined Mar 14, 2016

I see where the confusion comes from, but my comment wasn't about regional differences in date notation.

If 03/01 is Luka/Miku day, then would 01/03 be Miku/Luka day?

Also, this image was posted in March, I took the safe bet that the artist lived in a place with mm/dd notation.

joined Aug 23, 2015

found this on pixiv, and looks like i wasnt the only one

joined May 4, 2013

^it's not far-fetched at all if you consider the human body to be art. People only meme it because cute things make them embarrassed.

joined Mar 11, 2020


joined Mar 11, 2020

I think I've seen the right Marisa in the grip and breakdown music video judging by the gloves.

joined Mar 11, 2020

Humping ensues

joined Mar 11, 2020

Bugdevil. Alice has a creepy smirk, the reins are set to choke Marisa, and she doesn't what so ever look like she's having fun.

joined Mar 11, 2020


joined Aug 20, 2018

Gee, finally. I'm surprised there hasn't been any image of them here since this pairing is actually pretty popular

joined Mar 11, 2020

I know that look from anywhere, I should know I have it on a daily basis.

joined Mar 11, 2020

^"Where should I punch you?"

joined Mar 11, 2020

I immediately heard heavy metal playing when Alice got mad.

joined Mar 11, 2020

The baby is like "how da hell did I end up here?"

joined Mar 11, 2020

I can imagine her teleporting by going into that hat.

joined Mar 11, 2020

Pass out the brain bleach people.

joined Feb 12, 2016

^^It works well. Just sayin

joined Sep 20, 2019

I love tgis pairing

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