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joined Oct 21, 2015

Man this series does better in 4 chapters and an epilogue than many do in 20 + 2-3 specials. Not particularly fair in all aspects since the longer series have more plot and work to handle, but still this one gets 'er dun.

Still waiting for the day when I find a good and healthy yandere relationship. Good ole' infamous Yuno was pretty close but not quite there.

if you seek some healthy yandere relationship, try koharu no hibi. but not a yuri tho

joined Mar 6, 2014

Hah, re-reading through the end of chapter 3 while listening to the Winter Soldier's theme was pretty amusing

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

omaigod the cutest girl is dark, why is it always the cute ones? ('''-_-)

joined Sep 21, 2015

The editor is 100% to blame for the drama and dark side of this story xD

joined Sep 8, 2016

God damn it, the fact that the possessive abusive girl is exactly my type is probably why I'm always getting my heart broken. XD

Overall, amazing manga, would love to see more of this authors yuri work on here, its so dark but so sweet, and the self pity hits so close to home, but I'm glad i was able to read this.

joined Jul 7, 2017

This was a nice short story, I really recommend it!
(I liked the art style, does anyone else?)

joined Apr 29, 2018

i really loved how little imari stand out of the "fragile little woman" thing! when she rises angainst rika to say "i'm not afraid of you" there're lots of thing about her that are kind of original but i won't say anymore! this would be spoil. and i loved the fact that big imari was kind of girlish despite her appearence instead of the tomboyish prince whe're so used to see.

last edited at May 11, 2018 2:51PM

joined Apr 29, 2018

This was a nice short story, I really recommend it!
(I liked the art style, does anyone else?)

yeah me too! (years later! lol)

last edited at May 11, 2018 2:50PM

joined Nov 8, 2017

This was a short but nice series.

joined Aug 23, 2018

This was a great little read, my only complaint really would be why couldn't they have got more chapter's out of this. Maybe some on going more into the past of the two Imari's and one on how Rika got her claws into big Imari. With two loveable central characters, it could have been done. But that's a nitpick as I was greedy to see more.

I did love the dark turn the story took with Rika's arrival. Someone who clearly isn't comfortable with her sexuality, but is clearly in love with Big Imari but doesn't want to lose her. Instead of admitting her feelings of love, she mentally and physically broke down Imari, making her feel ashamed of her sexuality and herself. What a great villain, and cause you fall in love with the two Imari's anytime she get's violent with them, you want to see her get her just deserts. Little Imari get's her moment, and totally destroy's her and win's the day.

Sure the Yuri is tame (not even a kiss), but that doesn't matter when you get a great little Manga like this.

joined Apr 16, 2018

I had my own, albeit smaller, version of this. I was taking my college placement testing, yet when I tried to turn my scores in, the lady at the desk was convinced I had nothing scheduled for that day. She confirmed my name, my birthday, it was only when we checked address when we realized she had the wrong file. Turned out, some time before me since I got a late start at college, someone with the same exact name, born the same exact month, on the same exact day, exactly one year before me, went to the same college. I really should ask if I could get their email so I can just drop them a line an maybe make their day.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I come back to this one and read it again every so often. Love how even though the set up is totally out there (but not quite 0%, right?), the story and characters are so based in reality. For how short this is, it feels like such a bigger story takes place, and that's mostly because of how clear and concise everything plays out. Each character gets enough of their background/story revealed so that you understand why they are the way they are, even that crazy ass Rika.
Don't let the tags deter you from reading this one. It does have a happy ending. :3

last edited at Jan 29, 2019 3:48AM

joined Nov 5, 2017

Woww,, I’m sure Rika would at least have some sort of chance with big Imari if she actually confessed... but no, she had to make up an unecesarrily convoluted evil plan instead.
Still, I find her to be really interesting and I feel kinda bad for her too

joined Dec 21, 2015

Rereading after a few months and it still hits hard. Love love.

joined Feb 10, 2016

Such a nice read

joined Mar 5, 2019

Ahh, the story that let me figure out I was gay.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Artwork of this was on a creditspage of Between philia and eros, had to revisit this classic when I saw that.

joined Dec 9, 2019

Red string of fate and total drama and a satisfying end. Bravo. :)

joined Nov 26, 2019

Well I'm glad someone revisited it, I'd never seen it before and it's quite good. For once, I look at a love triangle and I don't want it to end in polyamory, imagine that.

joined May 10, 2018

One of the first yuri series I read, really helped me get into the genre. Honestly. what a lovely story, a really adorable couple :D

joined Dec 7, 2019

Who is thrown down the stairs by a random person and does not make a lawsuit? Just wtf?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Who is thrown down the stairs by a random person and does not make a lawsuit? Just wtf?

But she took the girl from her. What could she possibly have that's more valuable?

joined Jan 24, 2018

Ooo that was a nice read! Some pain but more gain, lovely story (that OL needs to get her shot together)

joined May 3, 2020

This manga definitely needs more love

joined Sep 17, 2020

I loved this! A new favourite for sure.

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