Mostly good, but Elesa's right arm...
Ichigo x Zero Two > Hiro x either of them
Mystic Messenger? On Dynasty?? Is this heaven???
the only reason I played that game and spent money on it. do it for Jaehee! <3
Reminds me of that Skull grunt x Aether employee comic on danbooru. Short hair Aether, medium hair Skull
...They all look like that, so the design similarity's not much of a surprise
Poor Lillith. Not even in the fanars there is respect for her XD
last edited at Oct 25, 2019 11:58PM
At the same time, in another place, Junko is touching her boobs with a sad expression in her face for some reason.
blessed image
I hope she marries them both :3
It’s a very poofy jacket that’s all.
distracted by gay thoughts
There's only one thing to do, get Shamir to bite into an apple and compare the bite to the marks on Catherine. It worked for Fraser on Due South.
That's the male Nobu isn't it? This author has done the Yuri ship too though.
Edit: The image was replaced! I think I was right.
last edited at Oct 26, 2019 1:23AM
I see El got more aggressive as she got older
Witchy business
just do both
this artist makes great okitanobu works
the disrespect lol
Yea, I think this is the male aspect of the Avenger Nobu.
Edit: the pic was changed.
last edited at Oct 26, 2019 2:51AM
"What? You said you wanted a taste."
^Now that is a reference I didn't expect to see here. How do you do fellow Canadian!
Its just a game for Kaguya.
Oh look, it's the girls from totally not another Evangelion rip-off.
This is probably going to be the only time Leonie shows up on this site, and that makes me sad.
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