Funny we got this upload after we argue about who is the bottom and who is the top in the thread.Glad it got trad, i've seen it last week and was hoping for it to be trad.
I never thought the day would come when Yagakimi would get an NSFW doujin. That day has come and far sooner than I thought.
There's another one coming by a pretty good artist for CC Fukuoka 49. Hopefully, we can get access to it somehow along with all the other YagaKimi doujins that'll be on sale at C96.
I honestly have mixed feelings about this. On one side, glad to see them be so madly in love they'd do this, but on the other, why the sports day in storage room setting? Also, I know we agree they're both switches, but I really would've preferred if it was Yuu who was top...