Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Oct 22, 2018

fuck bosses in general tbh

Amen, comrade.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Objective falsehood

what,what... your posts are never false!.. just occasionally salty, maybe

I meant they're never adorable, salty is definitely a good description though I'm always salty

I only took the survey to vote for OP and am shocked and appalled she didn't get 100% of the vote wtf is wrong with this place D:<

votes... as English you know very well how those work. I voted for those I know from the forum.

If the person u knew wasn't OP then you're even more dead to me than when you wrote "soccer" D:<

joined Oct 22, 2018

The fact that I couldn't access this site without a VPN has pretty much confirmed my suspicions that the ISP has blocked it.

... My condolences, comrade...

joined Feb 3, 2015

I meant they're never adorable, salty is definitely a good description though I'm always salty

Lovably salty and we have a deal!
There you go:

oh..well, on a more serious note, I'm slowly getting to the conclusion that in the future I should concentrate my efforts on opening a cafe or something because for various reasons I think I'm not cut out for working for someone else, and as usually, it takes me ages to figure out the important stuff that I can't help feeling kinda stupid...

If the person u knew wasn't OP then you're even more dead to me than when you wrote "soccer" D:<

... is it even possible to crush good old kitty's heart into even smaller pieces.... ;_;
well, I know of OP, I tend to fight my never-ending fatigue with several cups of coffee per day, but in the end, nothing beats a good cup of tea, even better with a drop of rum to warm up the cold world outside

Initially, I was thinking of voting for everyone since they deserve recognition for their efforts because I imagine it isn't easy, especially when the Internet isn't always the place where humanity brings out the best of it. But I failed to recognize most of the names in the list. I'm not a very active user, I guess..

last edited at Jun 15, 2019 1:03PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

oh..well, on a more serious note, I'm slowly getting to the conclusion that in the future I should concentrate my efforts on opening a cafe or something because for various reasons I think I'm not cut out for working for someone else, and as usually, it takes me ages to figure out the important stuff that I can't help feeling kinda stupid...

That's way better than my idea of just slowly withering away cos cba

... is it even possible to crush good old kitty's heart into even smaller pieces.... ;_;

idk we could try :o

well, I know of OP, I tend to fight my never-ending fatigue with several cups of coffee per day, but in the end, nothing beats a good cup of tea, even better with a drop of rum to warm up the cold world outside

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

most exotic thing was salt but that's cos I was drunk and curious

joined Oct 22, 2018

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

most exotic thing was salt but that's cos I was drunk and curious

That salt in tea thing is not even as weird as you might think. Tibetans and Kashmiris do it. ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME.

last edited at Jun 15, 2019 3:35PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

most exotic thing was salt but that's cos I was drunk and curious

That salt in tea thing is not even as weird as you might think. Tibetans and Kashmiris do it. ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME.

I mean that just means they're weird

joined Feb 3, 2015

That's way better than my idea of just slowly withering away cos cba

You know how to support others, uhh..

idk we could try :o

Be my guest.. maybe I’m tougher than I think ;_;

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

Sorry, Kitty and wild... you got the wrong feline.. I’m constantly cold and that’s my only sin >_>
but damn... I was trying to earn some points with a perfectly English beverage but now the stigma of my soccer slip up will rest attached as a scarlet letter

most exotic thing was salt but that's cos I was drunk and curious

How was the taste?

joined Feb 4, 2015

You know how to support others, uhh..

I try :D

Be my guest.. maybe I’m tougher than I think ;_;

Good luck !

Sorry, Kitty and wild... you got the wrong feline.. I’m constantly cold and that’s my only sin >_>
but damn... I was trying to earn some points with a perfectly English beverage but now the stigma of my soccer slip up will rest attached as a scarlet letter

yeah the tea is like +3 points, coffee is -2 and the rum is ???? so you're still at like -50 for soccer. But that's not an English thing it's a class thing really so >.>

How was the taste?

Disgusting :D

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

Almost any alcohol would overpower almost any tea, so I don't know if it would taste all that great.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

Almost any alcohol would overpower almost any tea, so I don't know if it would taste all that great.

Yeah that makes sense. I can't see it ever being worth trying for me especially since I often eat rice and pasta plain so they don't just taste of something else >.>

joined Sep 6, 2015

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

Almost any alcohol would overpower almost any tea, so I don't know if it would taste all that great.

Rum, only a single teaspoon in a cup of Earl Grey, and a cube of brown sugar. It is fairly delicious.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Rum, only a single teaspoon in a cup of Earl Grey, and a cube of brown sugar. It is fairly delicious.

Sorry Georgium but for some reason your opinion is the last I'd ever trust >.>

joined Feb 4, 2015

I only have access to this free VPN for a month (since I obviously can't afford a paid service) so I guess I have to read all the manga I can before it runs out. :')

Ganbatte ;_;

joined Oct 22, 2018

I only have access to this free VPN for a month (since I obviously can't afford a paid service) so I guess I have to read all the manga I can before it runs out. :')

Go for it. We'll cheer on you. I hope you can one day get out of your sticky situation (you've described that situation in your previous comment).

last edited at Jun 15, 2019 6:19PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I don't think there's much I can do about sites being blocked since that's something we have to deal with in Australia now. Anime streaming sites have been blocked too, and the only legal one we have access to here is AnimeLab.

Oh... oh, bother. And you say you're from Australia?! What the everlasting fuck is yer government doin'?

joined Oct 22, 2018

When you spend 1€30 for the taxi, but then your parents and grandma give you a total of 5€

joined Oct 22, 2018
joined Jun 5, 2016

I only have access to this free VPN for a month (since I obviously can't afford a paid service) so I guess I have to read all the manga I can before it runs out. :')

I don't know if this is helpful at all, but I'm on a very fixed income and the VPN I sub to is called Private Internet Access (PIA). It's $6.95/mo (US), cheaper than most. I have Comcast as a provider so between PIA and using TOR I'd like to think I can manage some small amount of privacy...

joined Oct 22, 2018

Behind almost every crappy meme, there's a person who tried to make you smile...
Please enjoy this playlistworth of wholesome memes.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Wholy fucking shit!
In my rewatching of the entire CBR Mk.2, I've just finished the amazing part 109. It was great for several reasons, but I'm only gonna share one with y'all, the one I think has the greatest chances of being liked by you guys.
Dawkinzz singing "Doing da Bossa Nova" (a parody of Ricky Martin's "Living la Vida Loca")

Here's the closest thing to the lyrics that my ears could render:

He loves manipulation
Black flags and buffalo
Faced with annihilation
Boers say he gotta go
But has ??? just spicing
Two armies have embarked
Who's next to join the fighting?
Crowfoot or Henry Parkes?
You open up your borders,
but he has you on the zerg.
You close your borders,
but then he takes Johannesburg!
That's how he's finding work!
Tear Boerg inside out!
Doing da Bossa Nova!
The Balkan lion fell down!
Doing da Bossa Nova!
The Inuit will break!
For they couldn't stop the XCOM sironna!
And now the southern states
Are doing da Bossa Nova!
Doing da Bossa Nova!
Doing da Bossa Nova!
Doing da Bossa fucking Nova bitch! Fuck you!

last edited at Jun 22, 2019 6:05PM

joined Aug 26, 2018


Oh please, opening your post with that? You should have done that in the first place and saved us some time even bothering to discuss this if you're going to act like some exasperated teacher trying to correct a student. I would have just left your post be for the sake of ending this, but now I feel compelled to say something!

I'm exasperated alright. Don't take it too personally.

It's incest. Something whose negative effects we can perceive with relative ease and basic observation.

Says the person who literally just said they can't get realistic figures on consensual incestuous relationships a few posts before...? Now you're telling me that measuring the psychological aspects of consensual incestuous relationships can be done with relative ease?


Of course the genetics side of it is measurable, but if you're going to harp on that point further I'd have to assume you uh, didn't read anything I've been saying in regards to that. It can be mitigated, just as much as those with genetic disorders have their conditions mitigated. And even those with little to no risk at all like cousins don't exactly get a free pass, even in states where it's legal, it's still looked up on with a great deal of stigma. Nor does it address the stigmatization of homosexual incest, etc.

The rest of your post is mostly irrelevant to the main discussion so I'm not going to argue about the fallibility of modern science for the sake of brevity.

Cultural issues aren't scientific issues. Science can tell you that something is harmless as much as it wants with all the data you want, but if the culture is against it, then it doesn't matter. That's your cousins and homosexual siblings issue.
The rest is objectively harmful. Mitigation or not. That's all there is to it. I already said I'm for equality here, both sides should be stopped. I have the exact opposite idea of equality from you it seems. That doesn't make your solution the more sensible one though.

You... you brought up the failability of modern science... Why do you think I was exasperated in the first place? Are you perhaps tired? 'cause I sure start to feel it.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 12:52PM

joined Aug 13, 2018

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

Almost any alcohol would overpower almost any tea, so I don't know if it would taste all that great.

Rum, only a single teaspoon in a cup of Earl Grey, and a cube of brown sugar. It is fairly delicious.

I cant even drink tea with any sugar added, it just overpowers the delicate flavors, even with the smallest amount. Honey is ok in some herbal teas, and milk/cream in some black teas, like Assam, can be good.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I've never had alcohol in my tea before sounds wild o.o

Almost any alcohol would overpower almost any tea, so I don't know if it would taste all that great.

Rum, only a single teaspoon in a cup of Earl Grey, and a cube of brown sugar. It is fairly delicious.

I cant even drink tea with any sugar added, it just overpowers the delicate flavors, even with the smallest amount. Honey is ok in some herbal teas, and milk/cream in some black teas, like Assam, can be good.

Most of the time I drink tea, I add lemon juice for vitamin C, and either sugar or honey for sweetness.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Delicate flavors? In black tea? Okay then.

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