By the way, this graphic summary of the three stages of NicoMaki by con2020tran on DeviantArt is absolutely brilliant. Stage 1 they were setting nico up with nozomi, eli with umi, etc. but never in a committed way, and nico and maki were basically tsundere to each other MINUS any and all dere. The fans found their bickering to be UST (hey, it worked for Ron and Hermione). Come the manga they were pretty much dere-dere the whole time. That was the Strawberry Panic era. Come the anime and they retooled Nico and Maki closer to the pre-manga characters. By 2nd season the fans got them to restore some of the Nico-Maki relationship. Interestingly, they never restored Maki's big ego.
Lol :)
Can anyone think of a story where 2 tsundere actually become a couple? There cant be many..
If you haven't you should read "Under the cherry blossoms" NicoMaki fanfic, it is really amazing
Second that recommendation. Normally, she's famous for absolutely brillant short NicoMakis on her tumblr. She does have another long NicoMaki but it's nowhere near as good as UtCB.
This is where image is and it has a link to a Google Doc with the translation of the pre-manga Drama CD which is linked on NicoNico (Japan's YouTube): https://www.deviantart.com/con2020tran/art/History-of-NicoMaki-520000167
Listen to Nico in that one. She is amazingly wordy - she reminds me of the cat in Soseki Natsume's "I am a Cat" - she uses 3 x the words of anyone else.
last edited at Apr 28, 2019 8:12PM